FCC to Propose New 'Net Neutrality' Rules (Vol. Pay for play internet) ++SIGN THE PETITION++

Corporations and governments only get away with **** because WE the public are either too scared to do anything, don't know what we can do or are simply asleep and believe in a fairy tale land where the government and corporations give a **** about us.

Simply cancel your comcast subscription.

Americans can't fathom the idea of not watching tv. We love our bubble too much. We depend on the bubble. We are not sovereign and frankly, I don't think the average person even knows what that means in America.

Just take a look at other countries protesting in the thousands when their liberties are taken from them.

What do we do when our liberties are taken away? Continue to have our face down in our lap and we continue to live our mindless drone life.

Feel any type of way you'd like about that, but the truth is the truth.

I would if I could, but the sad reality is that I can't. I work in IT and I literally need the best connection possible for my work...the only company that offers broadband? Comcast. I don't even watch cable. Literally just my 50-100mb connection.

If you expect me to tell my job "oops, sorry, my morals won't let me" they'll get someone whose morality is more accepting. I'm not in a position to quit (recent grad), so I'm stuck.

That whole "we need to unite, fight the power!" stuff sounds good in theory... But in practice, things are much more complex than you make them out to be. What about the hospitals, schools, agencies, and businesses that need and depend on broadband services? Comcast is sometimes *literally* the only option outside of satellite (which I and others can't use, ping issues) or dialup. For people like me, it comes down to my livelihood or my morality.

I will be switching ISPs as soon as I can, but until then, :\

Glad I have Clear
Pretty sure Clear leases their network, which means you would be subject to whatever changes their network is subject to.
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man, this is horrible.

Disgusting how this is happening.

I appreciate all of the more tech savy people breaking this down for me and others. Thank you.

Signing the petition posted above me as we speak.
If you guys can post any other ways to fight this, please do so and I'll spread the word as well.
Would definitely be down to join a protest.
Corporations and governments only get away with **** because WE the public are either too scared to do anything, don't know what we can do or are simply asleep and believe in a fairy tale land where the government and corporations give a **** about us.

Simply cancel your comcast subscription.

Americans can't fathom the idea of not watching tv. We love our bubble too much. We depend on the bubble. We are not sovereign and frankly, I don't think the average person even knows what that means in America.

Just take a look at other countries protesting in the thousands when their liberties are taken from them.

What do we do when our liberties are taken away? Continue to have our face down in our lap and we continue to live our mindless drone life.

Feel any type of way you'd like about that, but the truth is the truth.

Great post! I think people forget we still have the power and it's a bit frustrating at times. I would love to see an uprising happen in this country against these big banks and corporations, but I've given up hope and now I'm just trying to make sure I don't go down with the rest of the lower class.
Nothing like ruining the best resource of the past 15 years. Greed is gonna destroy this planet.

This. Land of the fee, home of the corporations.

I can't cancel Comcast, they're my only internet provider in my area. :smh:
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I can't cancel Comcast, they're my only internet provider in my area.
And this is the krux of the problem. We've given municipal monopolies to service providers so it's not like we can just switch to the provider who doesn't throttle service.
I would have signed, but I didn't understand the form, nor could I do it easily, I had to sign up for a website? Nah. They need a better provider...yes I understand, this is am important topic and I should take the time to figure it out and sign, hell, if I took ten seconds to look around the site I'm sure I could figure it out...buuutttt I don't want to.

Lesson: if you think something is so important that everyone should do it 1) make it super easy 2) if they don't understand, don't lash out at them for being stupid, look at yourself and ask how you can make it simpler.

Find me a one click, one sentence petition and I'll sign, I'm not signing up for anymore websites.
I would have signed, but I didn't understand the form, nor could I do it easily, I had to sign up for a website? Nah. They need a better provider...yes I understand, this is am important topic and I should take the time to figure it out and sign, hell, if I took ten seconds to look around the site I'm sure I could figure it out...buuutttt I don't want to.

Lesson: if you think something is so important that everyone should do it 1) make it super easy 2) if they don't understand, don't lash out at them for being stupid, look at yourself and ask how you can make it simpler.

Find me a one click, one sentence petition and I'll sign, I'm not signing up for anymore websites.

If you even looked at where it was hosted it's the white house website. They're not going to allow you to sign a petition without basic info. Was super easy to sign up too btw
I would have signed, but I didn't understand the form, nor could I do it easily, I had to sign up for a website? Nah. They need a better provider...yes I understand, this is am important topic and I should take the time to figure it out and sign, hell, if I took ten seconds to look around the site I'm sure I could figure it out...buuutttt I don't want to.

Lesson: if you think something is so important that everyone should do it 1) make it super easy 2) if they don't understand, don't lash out at them for being stupid, look at yourself and ask how you can make it simpler.

Find me a one click, one sentence petition and I'll sign, I'm not signing up for anymore websites.
You are the perfect example of why this country has the reputation it does. You should be ashamed to want everything dumbed down so your lazy *** can be spoon fed everything. As soon as I saw who typed the response I wasn't surprised one bit though; at least your consistent with your replies.
So is this more a problem for customers or small start up companys?
Both. Most of the large companies wouldn't have even gotten off the ground with these types of rules. As a result, we wouldn't be enjoying sites like Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, or Instagram because they would be forced to pay for "premium" access to end users and end users could theoretically be forced to pay a premium for access to them as well. i.e. tiered cable packages.
Who keeps getting this pushed? These people have be stopped, permanently. Every time it gets squashed they wait till talk dies down and go right back at it.
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You are the perfect example of why this country has the reputation it does. You should be ashamed to want everything dumbed down so your lazy *** can be spoon fed everything. As soon as I saw who typed the response I wasn't surprised one bit though; at least your consistent with your replies.

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do" or some **** like that. His response is the majority. You have to realize what website you are on. A site dedicated to irrational consumerism. That's 90% of Americans. Don't make me quote Morpheus lol.
I would have signed, but I didn't understand the form, nor could I do it easily, I had to sign up for a website? Nah. They need a better provider...yes I understand, this is am important topic and I should take the time to figure it out and sign, hell, if I took ten seconds to look around the site I'm sure I could figure it out...buuutttt I don't want to.

Lesson: if you think something is so important that everyone should do it 1) make it super easy 2) if they don't understand, don't lash out at them for being stupid, look at yourself and ask how you can make it simpler.

Find me a one click, one sentence petition and I'll sign, I'm not signing up for anymore websites.
Yikes @ this post.

It takes 20 seconds to sign up for the site and sign the petition. Which is probably less time than it took you to type up that garbage.

Whoever said spoon-fed was right.
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I think the people that get offended at my post  don't truly understand what it means to conduct a social movement or business in general.

As I stated in my post, I know I could easily have signed up and searched...hell I said ten seconds...but why? I don't fully understand what I'm signing; I've read multiple articles on the subject and no one has been able to put it in a context that I truly understood the law. Couple lack of understanding x  effort ...nah that's to much. Why would you put something out to the masses that isn't presented in as simple a way as possible?

One Click, no sign up, huge button on the front, a one sentence synopsis on why I should care, hell maybe a catchy phrase...these are all things that could make it simpler and attract more people.

I'm all for the petition (although I don't think anything will come from it, but it should be done) but, as a person who understand the human condition, Simplicity is key to getting something like that moving.

Then again, people only think about the way the world should be, and how other people should behave, which is not a bad thought to philosophize about, hell not even a poor goal to strive for...however...if you are going to start a movement you can't think about the way man should be, but rather the way man is, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

...but of course..I'm stupid I'm an idiot, I'm lazy...I'm a whole bunch of character x value judgments...instead of me being a human and providing a solid argument and possible solutions.

Huge difference between "The world is to stupid to understand" and "I will make the world understand"

"I dumb down for my audience to double my dollars, they criticize me for it but they all yell holla" - Jay.
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