^^ if you gonna do that why wont you just ride bmx...

BMX ALL DAY !!!!!!..

i dont mess with fix gears.... aint my style!!!!
I just got my kilo tt from bikesdirect today. Pretty happy with it since it's my first fixie.
Originally Posted by rafsjays

Save your money and get a mercier kilo tt from Its a great starter frame and its only $350 complete.

If your trying to decide between phils and chubs, you have to decide whether you want strength and durability or something lightweight and stylish. Personally I think they are both great hubs, and they both look great, its a tough choice.

Thanks, that's really all I needed to confirm. I know plenty of ppl swear by phils, just haven't heard as much about the chubs. they look good forsure. just wanted to make sure there's some function and not all form
Chubs used to have problems back when they first came out, but since they were bought by a bigger company they've been fine.
cant go wrong either way.
Originally Posted by dream5hift

I just got my kilo tt from bikesdirect today. Pretty happy with it since it's my first fixie.
how is the bike? im thinking of picking up one from them shortly. i had a few bikes stolen and my moms sold one of them. so this time around iwant to buy a complete bike instead of building one up.

how was shipping?

Just got my frame today and I'm so excited! The fork is the wrong size though

Already got my crankset, it's so close
The kilo is a great starter bike. Most of the parts it comes with sucks so I'm going to replace some later.
I rode the Bike MS Bay to Bay Tour this past weekend, and there were a couple of dudes with fixed gears that rode the century challenge (108 miles), one ofthem finished in just over 6 hours, hills and all. Pretty intense.

For those wondering, the Bay to Bay tour is a ride from Irvine, CA to San Diego, CA over the course of two days. There was an option of 150 miles, 100 miles,50 miles, or 30 miles. I rode 100 miles total, 58 on day 1, 42 on day 2. I broke a spoke on my rear wheel 45 miles in on Day 1 coming out of Camp Pendleton,got it fixed, and then broke another spoke on my rear wheel 17 miles in on Day 2. The wheel wasn't so out of true that I couldn't keep riding, but itwas annoying.

I talked to the dude riding the fixed gear at one of the rest stops and he got me interested in it, but I'm not sure if I'd want a free coasting hub ornot. He pedaled for all 108 miles, it just seems like a lot of work, especially to average 18 MPH the entire time. I love to coast down hills...
Good %#$* man, sounds like a fun ride.

The most I've done is 75mi in a day. It was hard but a lot of fun and rewarding.
Man, I need to start putting more miles in. Work sucks.

this my fixie:
-velocity rimes
-bridgestone frame
-everything else just random parts i got from my boy.

i needa new crank that one is helllla wack.

n e one paint there bike? i wanna baint the frame black, but idk wat type of paint, spray paint?
Heres my contribution. Looks pretty much the same still just swapped my stem for a new shorter 45mm as opposed to the 90 thats on there now.
I recommend getting it, I got mine at a bike swapmeet for $50 brand new.
The wingflex + bikeshorts is perfect for long rides
Originally Posted by afura13

Bunch of emo hipsters ride those things around here. Get a GT.
worst thing is they ride in posse's. Almost ran over a gang of them the other day. haha
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