Tried those reeses cups with the chips in it yesterday. Thought they were the regular kind, didnt read the package. Wasnt bad tho, was ok.
Tried those reeses cups with the chips in it yesterday. Thought they were the regular kind, didnt read the package. Wasnt bad tho, was ok.
I’ve tried all the special ones that have stuff in them. Every time I’m left wishing I had just bought the regular cups. I do like the thins, still not as satisfying as the OG tho.
Hit the gym this AM and came back and dug the car out of the snow. My reward….

I saw this on Reddit. Seems controversial. I understand taste vary amongst different cultures, so to each their own. Some ignorant comments as well as some insightful ones. Thought it would be a interesting discussion in this thread.
Personally wouldnt put all those spices on my steak but the well done is where he lost me :lol:
I saw this on Reddit. Seems controversial. I understand taste vary amongst different cultures, so to each their own. Some ignorant comments as well as some insightful ones. Thought it would be a interesting discussion in this thread.

Only issue I really see that others would have a problem with is him cooking it well done but that's his choice and a steak can still be juicy and flavorful cooked well done.

Other than that I know some like to keep it simple with seasoning.

Don't see the big deal overall.
What’s worst, under seasoned or over seasoned?
Under seasoned.
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What’s worst, under seasoned or over seasoned?
Hard to say, you can always add more seasoning but you can’t really subtract it.

Also depends on your taste and cooking style. Are you trying to highlight the natural taste of your ingredients? Are you trying to take someone on a trip to flavour town?

I think the main thing with over seasoning is over salting your food.
Crushed red pepper > black pepper

Do y'all mess with Mike's hot? Sometimes it be too sweet for Pizza.

yep :pimp:

Do y’all have Greek style pizza or is that a New England thing? Around here the “____ House of pizza” places always have it
The dough is different and it’s cooked in a shallow pan
Not my pics, can’t really find any good ones that show the crust

hell yeah...always get this when im back in MA :pimp:
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