Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I can't believe I almost took these guys seriously.

Wow. All terrible.

I listened to a podcast where they introduced Gary Johnson as the libertarian presidential candidate. I thought it would be interesting to hear a different viewpoint but he was hopeless - couldn't give a coherent response to anything - even when they were lobbing him soft questions.



Wow. All terrible.

I listened to a podcast where they introduced Gary Johnson as the libertarian presidential candidate. I thought it would be interesting to hear a different viewpoint but he was hopeless - couldn't give a coherent response to anything - even when they were lobbing him soft questions.

The issue with the Libertarian Party is that the moderates are at the fringes of the party. The lack of party discipline has allowed political radicals like Anarcho-Capitalists and just all out social rejects, outcasts, and basement dwellers to achieve mainstream status within their ranks. I like moderate versions of the philosophy, basically Classical Liberalism, but allowing BHM strip teases and booing NOT selling heroin to children is just plain absurd to me.

The second fall is what killed it for me. She is cold knocked out. Props to homie for those summersaults tho.

Ol' girl was damn near knocked out cold. Props to her if she recovered enough to participate at the wedding.

Smh at the groomsman for trying to do too much though. Should've at least kept her in the loop about what he was going to do as she had her back turned. :smh:
Ewww he ate more than one popeyes biscuit...nasty.
I can only stomach one of those things. And even recently if I have more than two bites they just taste like fake butter bricks.

Actually eww at this whole video. Im impressed but disgusted.
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