For My Brothas On NT.....How Y'all Feel About Non-Blacks Sayin' Ninja?

Oct 16, 2009
Just a question you know. I'm Latino and I gots some African ancestry but I don't look particularly black, and I use ninja around my black friends thatdon't care if I say it. But I was just wondering how y'all feel 'bout it's usage amongst non-blacks? Cause some brothas I know don't careand a few get real heated when they hear it from a person that ain't black.
if its a chill white/hispanic/etc person that i'm cool with, then i don't care.

but if its just some lame who's just either mocking black culture or is trying too hard to look cool, i'm gonna check them.
ninja please...
I could care less, let somebody I don't know say that to me though. If blacks use the word, or flinch at the sound of a non-black using it, it onlyempowers the word, not blacks.
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