FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
What content would you want to see if it was rated r? The gorey killing that's in deadpool would be cool. I can't think of what else.
Kinda sounds like you are describing the average actor.

So if above average is 'just ok' to you, then what's average?

Lol his opinion has 10 levels. And above average is apparently at the bottom.......

Zik I love you man, but you're like the most over saturated opinionated confusing person on this board sometimes. (see that line didn't even make sense, that's how much you always have me like :\ )
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X-Men Filmmakers Explain Apocalypse and His Powers

With X-Men: Apocalypse hitting this May, fans have been curious about just how the iconic titular villain will be translated to film. Magneto is essentially Malcolm X for mutants with the power to control metal. Easy, right? Apocalypse, on the other hand, is an ancient Egyptian obsessed with Darwinism who modified his body with alien technology and can do, well, just about everything. Seriously, he can grow to the size of a giant and turn his hands into buzzsaws, plus he has all manner of energy-manipulation and psionic abilities. And you don't even want to know about the time he lived inside Cyclops’s mind.

For some answers to what the big bad can do, a small group of press and I talked to producer/writer Simon Kinberg and director/writer Bryan Singer on the set of the upcoming X-flick.

“He's the most powerful mutant we've ever had in one of these movies and that he would be an unbeatable foe for any individual mutant in these X-Men movies,” Kinberg said. “One of the things they do in the comic and the cartoon is you notice he has multiple powers. It's not just one, he has a power suite. We do that in the film. He has various abilities and powers, one of them, like [Apocalypse actor Oscar Isaac said during the Comic-Con panel], is the power of persuasion, and part of why that's necessary is he needs other followers to be his Horsemen, and some of them would be hard to persuade - Magneto, Erik being the hardest. It's interesting, what's a little bit, hopefully, complex in the movie, or even ambiguous, is how much he's persuading his followers with a superhuman ability or just he's like any cult leader who is really good at convincing people to follow him, so we don't really ever make that explicit. It's not like he's putting people under a spell, but he is superhumanly persuasive.”

In a separate interview, Singer reiterated the importance of that attribute and revealed a few more things that the movie version of Apocalypse can do.

“He has a number of different powers he's acquired over the years, as he moved from body to body, accumulating these various abilities,” Singer said. “One of them is to imbue other mutants and to heighten their powers and abilities beyond anything imaginable. Secondly, he can shield from psychic power. He can form shields so that it makes it harder for a psychic like Xavier to tap in and get to him. He's not a psychic himself though. He can't manipulate -- he can amplify your power, but his ability to physically damage or destroy or build is in the non-biological world. That's in the physical world. He can change the inorganic molecules of things. So these are some of the powers that we're exploring in this one, and the epic things that he does towards the end of the picture. But I have to say, in the end, his greatest power is the power of persuasion, is the ability to know what he needs and who he needs it out of and to get it from them, as he does with the Horsemen, and as he has through civilization after civilization for tens of thousands of years.”]
With so many Apocalypse stories published over the years, not to mention a couple iterations in cartoon form, there was a lot of material to pull from. But for a character with such an ambiguous, Swiss-Army-knife power set and a fairly convoluted history, it was on the filmmakers to distill him into what would be the most interesting for a cinematic villain.

“This Apocalypse of our film is an amalgam of a lot of different versions of Apocalypse from the comics and the cartoons,” Kinberg said. “I think the thing that interested us the most, and there are touches of some of the more controversial things like his origin, but one of the things that interested us the most was the notion of his being the first mutant and coming from a time where mutants were treated as gods and what it would be like for someone who experienced a world in which he was treated as a god, go from that to a world where he was treated at best as an equal and at worse than less than, and how radical that would make that character in our modern world, so that was something that we talked a lot about thematically and emotionally for this character, this actor.”

Singer expounded on that concept, explaining that being a new flavor was a large part of what made Apocalypse the right choice for the next X-Men movie.

“It's just so different,” Singer said. “We always tread this theme of ‘mutants vs. humans,’ and Apocalypse has two aspects that make him such a different character than I've traditionally explored in the universe. One is that he makes no distinction between humans and mutants. He's interested in the Earth as a whole, in the purity of civilization and the strongest. Secondly, it deals with ancient mutantism, or the origin of mutants, or the origins of gods and religion. The X-Men universe has never touched upon any of those things, and that stuff I loved when I was a kid. I read Chariots of the Gods when I was a kid, and I was fascinated with religion as a kid, and cults and things like that. So that stuff made this so appealing to do.”

Singer also spoke about how creating this movie version of Apocalypse led to a new spin on the idea of the Four Horsemen. Yes, it seems they won’t be War, Pestilence, Famine and Death in the movie.

“The way I describe him the most, the best, is he to me is the God of the Old Testament and all that comes with that. If there isn't the order and the worship, then he'll open up the Earth and swallow you whole. That was kind of the Old Testament. I started from there. Then, when Oscar and I met, we began discussing -- since he isn't really God. He's the first mutant, perhaps, but he's not God necessarily. He's imbued with certain unique powers. Some of them may or may not be from this Earth. We don't know. So then we started looking at cults and the nature of cults, because true cult leaders develop god complexes. Then he always traditionally had Four Horsemen, so I thought, ‘Well, you know, a cult traditionally has four factions to it.’ That interested me. As a political faction, I always thought that Magneto could fill those shoes. He has a military faction, so Archangel could fill those shoes as the Guardian. There's also a youth faction, those that you try to seduce and grow into your cult, the young, whose minds are malleable. And then lastly the sexual component, because cult leaders tend to sexualize their position and have sex with the half the people in their cult. So the Psylocke character, who's a very bright character in the comic but always looking for guidance and leadership, always trying to find the right guy. So she starts with one, and then she ends up with Apocalypse in this one. So I always thought there was a mixture of ancient religion and cultism combined in the character of Apocalypse.”

Even though Apocalypse embodies all of that, Singer promises that he will earn his name.

“It's a global situation. He wants to make a massive global change. I don't want to tell you what he's going to do, but it's visually unique. He's going to do something really bad to the Earth that's going to cause a lot of people to not live. [Laughs] And those that survive will be the strongest.”
Above average is definitely not awesome to me :lol: For me that's a just okay actor. I might also use the word solid to describe them.

Cuz for me an average actor is just passable in a role. They're not horrible but they don't bring anything to it worth mentioning even if they're the main character.

Kinda sounds like you are describing the average actor.

So if above average is 'just ok' to you, then what's average?
It's right there in the post. I say what I feel above average is and then what I feel average is.

When I see an above average actor in a lead role I'm like "Eh, I can **** with this"

When I see an average actor in a lead role I'm like "*Sigh*, meh, I hope the story and other actors are really good.

It's like most of Reynolds performances have landed somewhere in between that. I think of him in Safe House as interchangeable. Chris Pine and several other white guys could've gave that performance but then I think of him in Buried and I'm like oh that was pretty good. If anything dude has established his own style and niche in movies like Van Wilder, Waiting, etc. for comedies and romances/drama. Then he's a fan of comics and action so you can see him as semi-serious and as the comic relief in the action flicks he's been in. Of course sometimes you can get R.I.P.D. out of that.

To compare it to an NBA label, I'd say he's serviceable.

Kinda sounds like you are describing the average actor.

So if above average is 'just ok' to you, then what's average?

Lol his opinion has 10 levels. And above average is apparently at the bottom.......

Zik I love you man, but you're like the most over saturated opinionated confusing person on this board sometimes. (see that line didn't even make sense, that's how much you always have me like :\ )
:lol: I think you just confusing yourself man.

It's right there in the post. Read it more than once if you have to.
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change your words lol. Above Average is a B,
Average a C.

so if you say something is Above average, the rest of us think it's pretty good.

I had some above average pasta last night.
I had some above average sex
I had an above average movie experience.

lol so yes it's confusing when you come and explain above average means barely passable to you.

It's right there in the post. Read it more than once if you have to.
Above average isn't good enough.

Is saying this is okay and solid interchangeable with saying this is passable and not horrible? :lol:

I see a distinction there.
lol so yes it's confusing when you come and explain above average means barely passable to you.
This is how I know you're not reading and comprehending my posts :lol:

I did not say above average is barely passable. You're confusing yourself and adding adjectives that change the meaning of the words/phrases.
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I say eh I can ____ with this when im not impressed and don't really care.
i guess just different interpretations.
but im not the only one it confused.

When I see an above average actor in a lead role I'm like "Eh, I can **** with this".
Lol, I guess you probably just think most of Hollywood is horrible, Zik
No. There's the group of actors I enjoy and then there's the crop that suck but still manage to get jobs. From the movies and tv shows I watch I rarely have to deal with the latter.

Yall dudes just rate Reynolds too highly :lol: That's all I've been seeing. If brought up in other threads I highly doubt I'd get this many replies for my view on dude. You would've thought I actually trashed a good actor the way some of yall reacting :lol: :smh:
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lol but you're like the only one on here who is so critical / opinionated about every actor/actress

or the rest of us must be simpletons with no taste.
lol but you're like the only one on here who is so critical / opinionated about every actor/actress
This is not true at all.

Exactly how many other examples could you bring up of me being critical about other actors and actresses? Usually I just say I like them or not unless you're having a discussion with me in the movie/tv thread or a specific movie/tv show thread.

I'm drawing a blank myself. I mean there's my praise for Nicolas Cage, my high placing for DDL (I'm not the only one who shares this opinion), my disdain for Nick Cannon and Terrance Howard (which I never bother to really get in to cuz it needs no explanation) so I dunno where you're getting I've been so critical/opinionated about every actor/actress.

I state what I think of someone just like everybody else. Aint like I'm the one going out of my way to bring them up and praise or trash them but really though who else have I've been so critical/opinionated about as actors? :nerd: Feel like yall been having convos with me I'm not even aware of.

or the rest of us must be simpletons with no taste.
Sorry I made you feel that way but my opinion is just my opinion. I state it and if engaged I'll explain my reasoning. I don't come to those conclusions by chance and it's not like I'm trying to convince you to think the way I do about any given opinionated topic.

Plus there's no problem in agreeing to disagree.

Aint like yall been giving me a long list of reasons why Ryan Reynolds is a great actor and I've just been ignoring them. Instead yall been confusing yourselves with the words I used to describe dude cuz yall got different meanings and interpretations or bringing up one or two movies he was good in and running away with their being a bandwagon :lol: If you don't want to actually discuss it then don't but don't feel some type of way cuz I posted my opinion then switch the convo to me having an opinion. **** aint that serious.
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Lucas Siegel from was part of the fan screening for Deadpool and he provides a quick review of the film, no spoilers:

There are some slight alterations to Deadpool’s origin here, but it serves the film well. It gives him a streamlined story that will be easier to digest for the general movie-going crowd. The essentials, after all are there: mercenary, cancer, experiment, superpowers. Anything else is just window-dressing.

The humor, while aptly shown in the trailers, was still somehow surprising. I was expecting this movie to be funny, but I wasn’t really expecting to laugh that much, that hard, and that often. The movie is hilarious – it’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in the last couple of years, and that helps you digest the violence, too.

The violence is definitely crazy, definitely over-the-top, and definitely gory. But it’s also well-choreographed, and some of these action sequences are so quick and stunning, you can’t blink for minutes at a time, for fear of missing the next unbelievable stunt. It’s a blast to watch, and impressive – it ramps up nicely, as well, from a familiar opening sequence to the explosive finale.

This is a fun movie, and it just feels oh so Deadpool. Rarely have I seen a comic book movie not just capture a character so well, but add to it, as well. Deadpool is simply what fans have been dying for, and it’s clear in every moment that it was made by hardcore fans, too.

Certainly doesn't sound like just a honeymoon phase type of review you usually get from twitter reactions but he also held back any negative things about the film so take it with a grain of salt but so far its sounding like the movie won't be on F4s level.
Don't think no one here expected F4 level trash after seeing the trailer.

So what's worse, GL or F4?
Don't think no one here expected F4 level trash after seeing the trailer.

So what's worse, GL or F4?

I'd say GL is worse. Fantastic 4 started off with promise. Second half is where it crashed and burned.

Yall don't know how bad I want to see Dr. Doom in the MCU. They'd do him the justice he deserves. Since Thanos is already set to appear in Infinity, I think Doom would be the perfect follow up. Grounding the film a little bit after all the cosmic threats they'll be dealing with in Thor 2, Guardians and Infinity. Someone who craves the power he sees from the infinity stones/gauntlet. He has the intelligence of Stark (no Mr. Fantastic so he is the smartest) and the will of Captain America. With the Accords in place and him being the ruler of Latveria, it would be a sticky situation for the Avengers.

But since that ain't happening... I think the only other option is Kang. Some say he belongs to Fantastic 4, some say (including myself) he's either Marvel or maybe belongs with both. Kang did first appear in Avengers. I think it's a bad move to go bigger than Thanos with the next Avengers film. Kang would be the next logical baddy IMO. He's different than what they've faced.
Someone made this comment:

"wait a minute, if FOX is saying they own the rights to Kang because he first appeared in FF, then why doesn't the same apply to Wolverine with his first appearance in Hulk? Ridiculous."
It's probably different for every character. fox wouldn't want xmen if they couldn't get wolverine.
let wolverine play in both like in the comics. hwo cool would that be if he was like spiderman and that contract.
Someone made this comment:

"wait a minute, if FOX is saying they own the rights to Kang because he first appeared in FF, then why doesn't the same apply to Wolverine with his first appearance in Hulk? Ridiculous."
Black Panther first appeared in Fantastic Four as well, so did the Inhumans...
I'm guessing there's different rules for different properties back in the 90s for the contracts and negotiations.

The Inhumans also first showed up in FF as well.

It's weird for Kang especially cuz he showed up first as Rama Tut, not Kang but I guess they somehow own all versions as well.

Marvel probably won't explain it any time soon cuz Feige wasn't the guy that made this deal. Ike wasn't either. Old regime was just trying to keep Marvel comics afloat.
Dude probably just wants to raid all of those teams' refrigerators for their beer.
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