Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

At that point I just mute or unfollow someone like that. Let em say whatever he wants, it's his twitter. And move on
Glad you got your pair bro.
 back to bed 
A cart will have the frags in them so he can checkout with whatever uk address he has access to
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What am i still doing up. Oh yeah that's right. In the middle of the hanon release, I get a call from my boy saying he got in an argument with our other friend at the bar. 

These two grown *** men ready to cry over each other 
I never understand how ATC services don't just keep kicks for themselves and just refund $50 or so they charge for these limited releases.
I never understand how ATC services don't just keep kicks for themselves and just refund $50 or so they charge for these limited releases.

I think it's just easier for them to not have to waste energy trying to resell. I'm sure they have dedicated slots for reseller friends but why even get involved when you can just get that deposit every release and be done. No eBay no "need gone asap" no hassle
I think it's just easier for them to not have to waste energy trying to resell. I'm sure they have dedicated slots for reseller friends but why even get involved when you can just get that deposit every release and be done. No eBay no "need gone asap" no hassle
They could run a site like JsforDays etc too. Doesn't have to be ebay or open a resale shop in NY or LA. They could cook all day. Maybe they are just limited on how many credit cards they can use due to the limit of 1 per card.
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