Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

who cares. if somebody is willing to pay 1.2k for a pair of shoes, great for them. If you're unwilling to pay 1.2k for a pair of shoes, great for you. How long is this going to be dragged on?

Yeah im with you.. Im in the im never willing to pay 1.2k for a pair of shoes group... Just because I cant justify paying more on a pair of shoes then my car that actually gets me around but for those who do I say go for it... Im no hater, everybody has their thing.... To be honest I didn't know people actually shell out that much for kicks till I got on niketalk... I seen eBay's sky high prices on some auctions but I didn't think people actually pull the trigger.. All the facebook groups im in sell heat for waaaay cheaper.. Craigslist too.. Just have to be patient.
in what world are 145$ sneakers worth 1200? i don't care the leather isn't HIGH QUALITY all you people have no idea what high quality leather is, go buy a pair of ferragamo, gucci or LV shoes, they have high quality leather and are retailed at 1000+ for that reason. All you newbie's and resellers with this stupid logic is what is killing this game right now. 

this was discussed a ton couple of months ago. Its why some laugh at those who now claim frags are just aiiight. I love the shoe, but at a $1000+ price tag, they become aiiight to me.

I'd hate myself if I paid $800+ for some 2015 shoes. And money isn't a problem. Just doesn't make any sense.
this was discussed a ton couple of months ago. Its why some laugh at those who now claim frags are just aiiight. I love the shoe, but at a $1000+ price tag, they become aiiight to me.

I'd hate myself if I paid $800+ for some 2015 shoes. And money isn't a problem. Just doesn't make any sense.
exactly its getting out of hand. i have no interest in them but *** sock darts are going for 500
Picturing Nerdy white kids......walking thru the mall reading this and busting out laughing while ppl stare.....theres comedians in this thread my god
Frag $1200 price:



Car Payment=$390

Phone Bill=$120



Pocket Money=$230
You forgot the people that after you add all that up they still have like 4k+ a month in extra cash, to do what they please with.
who cares. if somebody is willing to pay 1.2k for a pair of shoes, great for them. If you're unwilling to pay 1.2k for a pair of shoes, great for you. How long is this going to be dragged on?
This ^, what does it matter what other people do with their money? I don't think I would ever pay $1.2k for 1 pair of shoes, but if people do , who gives a **** doesn't affect me one bit. If you really love the shoe and you have the bread, then by all means have at it. If you have the bread but you think it's ridiculous, then by all means think its stupid, but in the end who really cares?
i want them i like them but i refuse to pay 1200. I've offered 600 which is retail times 5 and thats not good enough

So you're willing to pay high resale, just not really high resale. Ok.

in what world are 145$ sneakers worth 1200? i don't care the leather isn't HIGH QUALITY all you people have no idea what high quality leather is, go buy a pair of ferragamo, gucci or LV shoes, they have high quality leather and are retailed at 1000+ for that reason. All you newbie's and resellers with this stupid logic is what is killing this game right now. 

No. Simple might THINK that's what they're getting with designer sneakers, but many are glue jobs with basic material. Most buy those shoes for the same reason sneakerheads buy these.

and i hate when people call me cheap or broke bc if you want to compare bank accounts i bet i got more than these guys do

That's a pretty large assumption. Unless you've officially been declared the richest person on earth (and even that is questionable because many have revenue off the books) then maybe we can leave the money talk out of it
So you're willing to pay high resale, just not really high resale. Ok.
No. Simple might THINK that's what they're getting with designer sneakers, but many are glue jobs with basic material. Most buy those shoes for the same reason sneakerheads buy these.
That's a pretty large assumption. Unless you've officially been declared the richest person on earth (and even that is questionable because many have revenue off the books) then maybe we can leave the money talk out of it
i understand there is a resale market to make money thats why I'm willing to pay that, on the contrary the market is crazy if you can't see that then you are blind 
i understand there is a resale market to make money thats why I'm willing to pay that, on the contrary the market is crazy if you can't see that then you are blind 
you're not in line with the current market. the market IS crazy, but that's what it is. 500 is a great offer and still a come up for someone who paid retail, but if the market is double that, then your price is laughable. if you feel confident that your price for frags can be successful, then simply sit things out and wait for prices to lower. i suspect you know they wont and are just settling for crapping on the market.
legit check please?
I am leaning towards fake. Where the stitching meets the swoosh is incorrect (IMO although i've seen SOME legit pairs like this one) The fragment logo on the heel looks odd to me. However I am far from 100% positive so wait on others opinions please.
legit check please?
The toe boxes on these look too boxy compared to mine, these are an 8 and mine are a 12, so that may just be a difference between sizes though.  The black leather also looks a little too shiny compared to mine.
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