..:: Girls Drug Parents To Use The Internet ::..

Complete reversal going on in these times man. Kids used to do anything to stay out of their houses past 10pm, now they're sending parents into comas just to stay in??!!
Would'nt it have been easier to sneak out and use the wifi at a local spot? Or did they need the privacy of their room to do something naughty?
i remember sneaking downstairs on a school night to finish watching wrestling or getting on AOL to chat, but i would have never in my life done something that stupid :smh:
I know a couple of members here who would do much worse to get on NT so their reps don't fall behind.........


Speaking of....

whatever happened to what's his name?

i am pretty sure there are some NT'ers here who have slipped family members those special brownies for the lulz.  Lets hear the stories?
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Man i remember my mom would make me come inside when the street lights would come one. If i wasn't home she would walk out and yell my name across the whole neighborhood.

But to be fair....when i was 8 i tried to knock out some street lights around my house thinking that my mom wouldn't see them go on and i could stay out longer....not realizing she would just call me in when it got dark no matter what. I was like "Well if they never come one....i never have to go home....WIN"
Kids nowadays dyin' to stay inside the house.

I remember I was dyin' to be able to stay OUTside when I was younger.

That's some crazy stuff..I can imagine them mixing the **** to strong and killing there parents. All just to get online. Such madness.
So nobody is going to ask how the parents knew exactly what was up?
So nobody is going to ask how the parents knew exactly what was up?
No one asked because it says how on the first page

I'm saying, how would one even conclude that they were drugged by their own 15 year old daughter? Almost as if this type of behavior was expected. How do they know someone at where ever they got the milkshakes from trying to drug the girls?

Maybe I would be a naive parent, but I would've assumed that before I assumed my child drugged me to get on the internet.
If the drugs are right, you best believe I'm going to tell my kids they can't use the internet after 4 p.m., the weekends, or when daddy's dealer is out of town.
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