Girls with trust issues vol. It'll never work

May 11, 2008
I'm talking about going through the cellphone (and finding nothing), accusing you of "talking to multiple girls at once" with no evidencewhatsoever. Throwing the word "player" around during conversations. etc. etc. These are all red flags btw, and if a girl does more than one of these,abort mission fellas. But I've never understood these types of girls. What is it guilty until proven.... guilty?
A lot of times guys do things that we girls consider as cheating & guys don't. If that's the case then you have to sit down and talk aboutwhat's going to be acceptable in the relationship. And the other times those girls are just looking to fight, immature and will never be happy.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

And most of the time those girls are just looking to fight, immature and will never be happy.
Then guys will sit there and $***$ and complain about it but they can't leave her cause "it's complicated"
Originally Posted by Rawk On

Originally Posted by cocolicious

And most of the time those girls are just looking to fight, immature and will never be happy.
Then guys will sit there and $***$ and complain about it but they can't leave her cause "it's complicated"

Exactly. And no matter how much they swear to the contrary, guys have a tendency to want to stick with drama seeking broads.
Women who actually have the @#$^ together aren't "needy" enough.
Originally Posted by Rawk On

Originally Posted by cocolicious

And most of the time those girls are just looking to fight, immature and will never be happy.
Then guys will sit there and $***$ and complain about it but they can't leave her cause "it's complicated"

Exactly, except I'm not the type of dude to stick around. Trust is an essential part to relationships.

1. Trust
2. Communication
3. Respect
4. Chemistry

Those are all things I consider essential for ANY relationship to work. If a girl doesn't trust you from the get, with you giving her no reason not to,9/10 it's not going to work.
Stop letting them go through your phone.

If you give them reason to have trust issues, they will.

Be tactful about your decisions and stop being so damn hot and maybe the females wouldn't cry so damn much

Not directed at you OP.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Stop letting them go through your phone.

Wrong. By not letting them go through your phone (when they ask) it seems like you have something to hide. It's a lose, lose for the most part.
that one could haunt me, don't quote me on

ay but yea...who rule the world? I do!
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by cocolicious

A lot of times guys do things that we girls consider as cheating & guys don't.

Can you elaborate?

Some things are not really cheating but more like inappropriate for someone in a relationship. Like flirting, calling other girls names like sweetheart, honey,unnessary physical contact etc.
if a girl cant trust u and take ur word, its not gonna work. period. stop trying cuz u cant change anyone unless they want to.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Stop letting them go through your phone.

Wrong. By not letting them go through your phone (when they ask) it seems like you have something to hide. It's a lose, lose for the most part.

You can tell yourself that. Stop letting them go through your phone. Grow some balls

See, it doesn't even have to do with me "growing balls." I feel like if I have nothing to hide, why not? Me being secretive will only peek herinterest. But regardless, if a girl is pressed to look through your phone, you lost.
I don't consider not allowing someone to SEARCH through your phone as being secretive.

If a girl is pressed to look through a phone SHE is lost.

Anything I have to say on the subject can be found in the link.

It has EVERYTHING with you standing up for yourself and not allowing her to use the "trust" issue as a means of invading YOUR privacy.
Doesn't work. Been going through this. I don't go through phones, or question the way she does.
If someone you're in a relationship doesn't want you to see their phone then they are hiding something.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

If someone you're in a relationship doesn't want you to see their phone then they are hiding something.

See what I'm saying DC. This is how most females think. What if I don't want you going through my phone because it's....mine?
cocolicious wrote:
If someone you're in a relationship doesn't want you to see their phone then they are hiding something.

doesn't want you to see it like they hide it whenever a call comes in...or doesn't want you searching through it? 2 different things. if they guardtheir phone with their be a little suspicious. if they just don't want you spying on them...they aren't necessarily hiding anything.
Thats how most foolish females think.

A real woman respects her man's privacy and doesn't ask him to LOOK THROUGH his phone to find dirt.

If a female were to ask me to go through my phone I would seriously look at her as if she has 3 ******* or something. It is outright disrespectful on her part.

Whether I do or don't have anything to hide, she has no business looking through my phone.

You can use the whole, "something to hide" logic if you want (which is bull IMO), but I don't ask to look through phones and my phone is only formy eyes.
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