Glasses to Contacts Converts: Pros and Cons?

I have both, but unlike most people here, I wear my glasses more. I only wear contacts for sports and clubbing. The main thing is my eyes dry up to fast. Most of the time, by the end of the day, my eyes are dry and the contacts dry up and they basically stick to my eyes. :x

Since your current glasses broke, I would not suggest going solely with contacts, if your vision is bad, you will need glasses.
I used contacts for about 2 years or so. I went back to glasses.

Contacts never seemed to work for me. They were always itchy, would dry out and were just irritating. I'm also not one that wants to be involved with a lot of upkeep. I'd fall asleep in mine all the time and wake up with that crust of eye boogies over my eye.

Glasses are just more practical and easier for me to maintain.

I need to get myself a pair of script sunglasses though. I have the transition lenses but they don't seem to work in my car. I need my sunglasses the most when I'm driving.
I am into the surgery though. When it gets down to less than a G i'm really gonna consider getting it. I only have astigmatism in one eye. My other eye is better than 20/20 so I'd only have to get surgery on one of them.
Took me forever to get used to wearing contacts.
Now I don't even remember their in, which is bad because I sleep in them sometimes.

It's always a hassle to put them in though, never go in right the first time. So I usually just end up saying forget it and wear glasses for the day.
if you have day and night contacts, its not that bad. I sleep in mine most of the time. I try and remove them once a week atleast.
Are those the same as those 30 day contacts? I find it weird that people would wear contacts for 30 days straight without removal. Doesn't sound that sanitary for your eyes :x.
I love my glasses.

I can pass out whenever I want.

No one wants to fight me because of the Rules of The Playground concerning glasses.

When I eat a chick out and she farts on my eyes, the glasses become pink eye shield.
I hate wearing glasses. Contacts are much better and you can play sports and all that without having to worry. The first couple weeks are tough, but they are very little hassle once you get used to them.
A couple tips:
1) be meticulous about cleaning them. Always wash your hands before handling them, and rinse generously with saline solution.
2) coming home tired or drunk, the first thing you should focus on when you get home is to take out your contacts. Granted, you'll be o.k. if you sleep with them on, but it'll just be annoying when you wake up.
Last thing -- every once in a while, you'll have a day where your eyes are dry or irritable for whatever reason and you won't wanna wear contacts. So it's always good to have glasses lying around.
It's difficult as hell taking out contacts drunk....but its well worth it to me when I don't have to worry about treating a hangover AND my eyes.

But yo, as long as you're not careless with them contacts>glasses. Its just 100 times more convenient for all the reasons mentioned in this thread. No need to sound like a broken record
Ever notice how ALL eye doctors wear glasses? Not a single one wears contacts. hmmmm

2/3 three of my eye doctors had no need for glasses or contacts. Only the most recent doctor had glasses.
I have both and each serve their purposes. I love having contacts for the purposes of working out, playing sports, but there are also some underrated reasons like being able to wear sunglasses and being able to see when swimming (though easy to lose contacts). It's a pain getting used to putting on your contacts and taking them off late at night. All in all, have both if possible.
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