Going to my 10 year high school reunion on Saturday....


Jan 13, 2005
For those of my NT fam that attended their reunions, what was it like?  I know with social networking people pretty much have an idea of where their former classmates are in life.  I'm not excited to go, but I'm moreso intrigued.
Good food, reunite with friends, and being thankful that you didn't end up with Julie.
...because Julie is pushing 250lbs now.

Trust me, you'll be thankful that you went.
i never went to mine but from what i hear it wasnt all worth it. same faces talking about the same stuff. the only good thing was the food
Didn't go to mine...all the people I stay in contact w. I got their #'s/email....rest of them fools, I could care less about what they're up to
funny...my 10 years is this june coming up. (damn time flies!) But i'm not going to that one.  

I was actually more excited to go to my junior high school reunion last year
good times indeed
Damn In 2 years will be my 10 years since graduating highschool. Grabs Team Old head application.
Went to mine about 2 months back. Kinda weird and surreal to say the least. Everyone looks the same except more aged. I remember there was this one girl who I was beasting over and wouldnt give me the time of day. fast forward to now and she's HUGE. had a kid and blew up. Went from a 9 to a 3 at best. She was all on my jock but I hit her witht he heisman llike I was Mark Ingram. surprisingly chicks were feeling me because I ended up being semi successful, still looked young in the face, and lost a ton of weight. It's worth it just for the fact you can get drunk with people you haven't seen in 10 years. Back in 2000, I still havent had my 1st drink of alcohol. now.... smh
Originally Posted by flightman

With social media, are reunions necessary?

yes....not everyone gives a %@$! about FB/twitter... 
my reunion was last yr, i missed it tho

Spoiler [+]
was locked up
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by flightman

With social media, are reunions necessary?

yes....not everyone gives a %@$! about FB/twitter... 
my reunion was last yr, i missed it tho

Spoiler [+]
was locked up
True, but if I haven't talked, seen, or heard about you in 10 years, you dead to me anyway
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Didn't go to mine...all the people I stay in contact w. I got their #'s/email....rest of them fools, I could care less about what they're up to

QFT right here.

One friend lives in NY, and the wife and I went to go visit him and his wife there.

Another friend got stationed in Okinawa- we're making travel plans as we speak.

just goes to show you, it doesn't matter where you or your friends are, if ya'll are close, distance don't matter. And when we do see each other, we pick up right where we left off- it's lik we saw each other last week...
Originally Posted by diceloveme

Damn In 2 years will be my 10 years since graduating highschool. Grabs Team Old head application.

Don't think of it as old Bro; we in our prime

Thanks for the replies, the food sounds tempting.  I would be good to see all of the ladies and if they still hot or NOT!!
Originally Posted by flightman

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by flightman

With social media, are reunions necessary?

yes....not everyone gives a %@$! about FB/twitter... 
my reunion was last yr, i missed it tho

Spoiler [+]
was locked up
True, but if I haven't talked, seen, or heard about you in 10 years, you dead to me anyway

Originally Posted by Deuce King

 I'm not excited to go, but I'm moreso intrigued.

If you go you need to go in there like Martin did and have a checklist. 

Haha. I love that episode. "Pretty Ricky is what they called him!"

I didn't go to my ten year that past a couple of years ago but I hear the 20 year reunion is where its at if you want to see a difference between people. 10 years believe it or not doesn't really change a lot of people. 20 years....people will start to look really ugly.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

 I'm not excited to go, but I'm moreso intrigued.

If you go you need to go in there like Martin did and have a checklist. 
 at the Martin episode.  He told all of them to buzz off

Team DMV what's up!! The reunion is for Eastern Senior High in DC

any success stories of smashing or bagging the ones you missed out on?? thats part of the reason i wanna go.

also to see how some old faces are doing
I went to mine a few years back and it was a trip. All the girls who used to front on you looking at you like a piece of meat while you looking at them like %#% happened to you
A lot of dudes who thought they were the isht back then turn out to be even cornier then you knew they were back in the day. Good times. I kept in touch with all the people I was really cool with so it was really just a chance to see some of them all in the same place while stunting on the people you don't f with.

Quick funny story. There was this kid that went to my high school who was just really weird. Asian kid who smelled funny, hair was always crazy looking like he got static shocked, and he would always wear this same full length bubble trench coat looking joint. Four years of wearing the same coat. Hot or cold. Kept to himself except for a few words here and there. When he spoke, even weirder. Everyone kinda felt for him cause he seemed real harmless but just a social misfit. Fast forward to reunion day 10 years later. We're all at the spot chilling and dudes name comes up. No one expects him to show and we all share a laugh about how weird he was. Soon after a rumor starts that dude is in the building...wearing the same trench coat he wore 10 years ago
There were legitimately people scared that he would blow the place up. Lucky for us he's still the same harmless dude he always was. Isht definitely got a little nervous/sketchy for a second
The 10 yr is nothing. People have just got out of college and maybe just started their career. Like the poster above said the 20 yr is where people have moved on and really changed. Also I think with FB and Twitter and just overall technology and being able to stay in touch with those you want to stay in touch with Reunions will fade out.
mine was in '06... slightly before facebook really took off. yeah, we had myspace but it wasn't as ubiquitous.

i'm glad i went. got to see some old friends, spend some time in my hometown which i rarely do, etc.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

any success stories of smashing or bagging the ones you missed out on?? thats part of the reason i wanna go.
like said before, more like "damn what happened to you, you use to be hot, now you're
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