good indie flick?

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
Lars and the Real Girl
Dummy w/ Adrien Brody

...that's all I can think of at the moment.
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
Lars and the Real Girl
Dummy w/ Adrien Brody

...that's all I can think of at the moment.

If you like crime movies you'll love this. Just make sure to keep up with it and not ignore any of the small details.

If you like crime movies you'll love this. Just make sure to keep up with it and not ignore any of the small details.
Wes Anderson films

-Royal Tenenbaums

-Darjeeling Limited

-Science of Sleep

-Rocket Science

-The Squid and The Whale

-Me and You and Everyone We Know
Wes Anderson films

-Royal Tenenbaums

-Darjeeling Limited

-Science of Sleep

-Rocket Science

-The Squid and The Whale

-Me and You and Everyone We Know
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