Gorillas may be a source of AIDS, researchers find.

Apr 3, 2009
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A woman from Cameroon has been found to be infected with an AIDS-like virus that came from gorillas, French researchers reported on Sunday.

The woman, who has no symptoms of HIV infection, is well and was likely infected by another person, not an animal, the researchers said.

Their findings suggest this newly discovered gorilla virus is circulating among people, they reported in the journal Nature Medicine.

"We have identified a new human immunodeficiency virus in a Cameroonian woman. It is closely related to gorilla simian immunodeficiency virus and shows no evidence of recombination with other HIV-1 lineages or with chimpanzee SIV," Jean-Christophe Plantier of the Universite de Rouen in France and colleagues wrote.

The 62-year-old woman was diagnosed in 2004, soon after she moved to Paris from Cameroon. Routine genetic sequencing of the virus showed it looked like no other sample of AIDS virus and it was eventually compared to a gorilla simian immunodeficiency virus, itself only discovered in 2006.

AIDS, which has infected an estimated 33 million people globally and has killed another 25 million, has been traced to chimpanzees. Scientists say it likely jumped to people who hunted and butchered the chimps, which are the closest living genetic relatives of humans.

"Our findings indicate that gorillas, in addition to chimpanzees, are likely sources of HIV-1," Plantier's team wrote.

"The discovery of this novel HIV-1 lineage highlights the continuing need to watch closely for the emergence of new HIV variants, particularly in western central Africa, the origin of all existing HIV-1 groups."

The woman, a widow, herself had no contact with gorillas but said she had several sex partners after her husband died. She remembered having been sick once.

When people become newly infected with HIV, they often have a fever and minor illness at the time but rarely know what it is. They are usually diagnosed later, after the virus has begun damaging the immune system.

There is no cure for HIV but drugs can control it for years.

via reuters.


still not sufficient evidence that hiv came directly from chimpanzees, but crazy nonetheless. the fact that new strains are continuing to be discovered onlyreaffirms the fact that a cure is a very very long way away.

wrap it up folks.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

I heard a gorillas penis is 2-inches on average


finally the gif is used right
Originally Posted by THE FAME

You just hearing the monkey theory?

not in the least. however, this is the first time i've ever read anything about a human being infected with a strain so similar to SIV.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by THE FAME
i don't get it. there was no animosity or sarcasm in my response. i do hope you get the lulz you so desperately seek one of these daysthough.

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I thought we they already knew Used this as a cover up...
both sides of that argument lack real evidence. the fact that this case only gives evidence that itmay have come from a chimpanzee or gorilla makes that obvious. and the lack of clear cut evidence it was produced in alab works in the same way.

like i stated before though. the fact that they are still finding new strains of hiv proves how far we are from a cure.
There are people still alive in Africa right now who were helping scientist cage and handle Chimpanzees as well as being human lab rats and recall them usingthem to find a Polio vaccine and how they were recklessly testing concoctions on people over there which lead to the creation of HIV.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

There are people still alive in Africa right now who were helping scientist cage and handle Chimpanzees as well as being human lab rats and recall them using them to find a Polio vaccine and how they were recklessly testing concoctions on people over there which lead to the creation of HIV.
Originally Posted by jm2000

Don't believe it.

The government created HIV/AIDS.
what government? last i checked it was a global issue. were all governments involved? if so, what was their strategy for releasing it to insureit would carry out their desired objective?
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