Got india ink on my III's today....

Apr 12, 2008
Not the leather, I could bleech that or something *this is in general because its just something gneral about shoes not jordans or nikes in particular*

Anyway, I got it on the sole, right at the front this huge ugly splotch of black ink. If you work with india ink you can probably imagine why I can't wearthese anymore as they are.

Is there any product that will do a number on the white plastic sole? Ideally something to stain out the stain..

Any insight will be much appreciated, thank you NT.
Do you guys know anything that will get rid of ink on the plastic soles of jordans?


They look like this, I don't have a camera right now to take pics, I don't really see why thats important anyway, if you don't know how to dosomething like this seeing pics of the problem won't serve any purpose.

India ink is a special kind of ink. GOogle it if you want to find out more, if not, suffice to say

"there's ink on the front part of my sneakers, where the plastic from the bottom part (sole) comes up, is there anything i can do to this part of theshoe to make it nice and white again?"
Originally Posted by chueco dtb

use acid tone for removing nail polish, it worked to get sticky tape residue off my windshield.

This is india ink, a far cry from nail polish. The way it stained it got deep down there. I'd need something to paint over it that would last, orcompletely remove the stain - at least the surface of it, and turn the material back white.
Originally Posted by chueco dtb

use acid tone for removing nail polish, it worked to get sticky tape residue off my windshield.
the word is acetone...not "acid tone"
Originally Posted by MK25toLife

Man, I thought you meant some real III's like the black/cement or true blue's, SMH
You think the fact that i need a pair of clean white shoes is

you should try "goof off" yes the name sounds silly but it works. you can find it at most home depot's and lowes.
Originally Posted by BIGBEN1986

you should try "goof off" yes the name sounds silly but it works. you can find it at most home depot's and lowes.
damn i haven't seen you post in a minute...
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