Grizzly Bear- Shields- Out September 18th

Nov 5, 2007
New Grizzly bear album :pimp:
Stream it here: :pimp:


Possible AOTY???

I love this album, have it on my ipod and been on repeat since last night, but beach house still has the album of the year to me
I love the album, but it's not as good as Yellow House or Veckatimest.

Yet Again is probably my favorite song
My most anticipated album this year.
Heard the stream Monday on NPR. Absolutely amazing.
Told myself that I was going to wait until the 18th and hear it for the first time when my cd came in the mail, but I couldn't resist.
I thought Sleeping Ute was good and then I heard Yet Again. That song is going to be on Two Weeks level as far as times played number. May even approach While You Wait For The Others.
I can not wait for October 10th. Greek Theater. Gonna be awesome..


Nobody else has anything to say?
That's disappointing...
Great album.

To be fair, a lot of people brought the album up in the Indie thread.

Grizzly Bear has really changed my perception of music and what I listen to now. If I want to chill/relax, I can't even listen to rap now lol.

Their whole discography is :smokin

Yet Again
The Hunt
Half Gate
Sun In Your Eyes

:smokin Favorite songs off the album. I love all of it though.

I was/am heated that I couldn't get tickets to their show in NYC. :smh::smh::smh:
the more i listen to this the more i fall in love with it..

it's going to be real hard to make a top 10 list for 2012, so much great music.

the hunt..
LOL. Wasn't one of the members whining about their sales on itunes? How the XX and Band of Horses were selling more than them? Baby whiner-generic independent rock ftl :smh:
Saw them last night at The Greek here in L.A.
I could've sat there all night and listen to them play. So good..

Sun In Your Eyes is an amazing song...

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