Groom attacked new wife on wedding night because he couldn't get her dress off

Feb 22, 2007
A bride’s fairytale wedding day ended in a nightmare beating.

Amy Dawson said her groom attacked her on their wedding night because he couldn’t help her out of her white gown.

Groom Gavin Golightly eventually admitted to the August attack, The Mirror reported. The two have since divorced.

But even before the wedding, the British couple’s relationship was rocky. When 22-year-old Dawson became pregnant while they were dating, 29-year-old Golightly became abusive, she said.

"I fell pregnant after eight months, but almost straight away, Gavin became controlling and manipulative. It was like walking on eggshells,” she said.

Still, they wed in West Rainton, England, last year. That night, they retired to their room, where Golightly tried to help Dawson out of her dress.

When he couldn’t get the gown off his bride, he threw her on the ground and started punching her, she said.

I thought I was going to die. I was terrified. He looked like he was going to kill me,” the 22-year-old bride told The Mirror. “It was such a lovely day, and I was devastated it ended the way it did.”

The attack left Dawson with bruises on her face and chest and a cut on her brow. She was able to slip out of the room and worried hotel employees called police.

At first, Golightly claimed he didn’t remember the attack and suggested his drink at the reception was drugged.

He later pleaded guilty, and a British judge ordered him to 24 months of supervision. Dawson now has a restraining order against Golightly. She has also filed for divorce.

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Damn, didn't even wait a couple years to get abusive. My guy was trying to show her how her new life was gonna be off top.
Married a guy who was already being abusive. Genius move.

His fault for putting hands on her, partially her fault for ignoring the red flags.

She's lucky it happened now as opposed to 10 years in.
Nobody deserves to be beaten on, but at some point you've got to see the signs and get the hell out, not marry dude.
Maybe some one said "you better beat it up on your wedding night"

And he didn't understand
picture of dude has me ready to blame the victim. sucks though.
judging by that tv. even if she took half she aint getting much..
really too bad, as an AWG she could have had a legion of non-agressive black dudes caping for her
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maybe he was just punching the dress and she got in the way caping...

i dont condone domestic violence, but i found it hilarious he spazzed out because her dress was fitted.
He deserves to be locked in a cell and chained down like the caged animal he is
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