Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

if you were a competent player, let alone a high level player, you wouldn't even need to use the pistol. Anyone can charge up the pistol, shoot, and shoot you once with the br. almost no skill involved. its called the noob combo for a reason.. :smh:

it was all about the BXRing and BXBing and double shotting with the battle rifle lol... I never got to master the double shot in halo 2.

dambit can't wait for my halo 4 on thursday!
cause if you were a competent player on a competitive level it was the staple of halo 2. just as the pistol was of halo 1. :rolleyes
if you were a competent player, let alone a high level player, you wouldn't even need to use the pistol. Anyone can charge up the pistol, shoot, and shoot you once with the br. almost no skill involved. its called the noob combo for a reason.. :smh:


You the type of dude to send "I'll beat yo *** in real life" after a loss huh?? Everything you said is wrong. It's called a noob combo because it kills noobs. Lol, a win is a win is a win, point blank.

you're the type of dude that goes in threads assuming they know everything. Its called a noob combo because noobs used it. Every person I knew that was legit frowned upon using it, because like I said, it requires no skill.
and with your reasoning, you're the type of cat that would probably glitch just to win then, since 'a win is a win' :smh:
you're the type of dude that goes in threads assuming they know everything. Its called a noob combo because noobs used it. Every person I knew that was legit frowned upon using it, because like I said, it requires no skill.
and with your reasoning, you're the type of cat that would probably glitch just to win then, since 'a win is a win' :smh:

Lol, again NO to everything you just posted. Just accept you're wrong. Everything you post is proof you were just not good at halo 2, all good bro bro.
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I've gotten 5 minutes into campaign and that was only because the servers were down.. I"m extremely interested to see what happens and I follow the story, but I've always had my heart in multiplayer.

My thoughts on certain things in the game for those who haven't played it yet-

Gameplay is definitely Halo. Not like Reach at all IMO, except for the DMR. The BR is great if you know how to play with it correctly (I.E. not trying to shoot someone cross map with it) and can outshoot most of the guns in the game if it's in the hands of a skilled player. Same can be said for the DMR, which is damn near equal to the BR; they did a great job balancing the two.

Promethian Vision is amazing. So useful and yet very balanced.

Slayer Pro is basically as close to MLG as you can get right now, and Infinity Slayer is just as fun to be honest.

I can't think of much bad to say about this game, and I'm an avid Halo player, as stated multiple times- I've been playing this game since H1. I grew up playing these, and I'll be the first to admit that Halo: ODST and Reach are not Halo games at all.. :smh: Trust that 343 did a great job drawing back the OG players.

The only small gripes that I hope to have is a numbered ranking system like H3 or H2 (which is already in the works) and adding a couple of playlists from older games. Swat, an official MLG playlist, Team Doubles, etc. and a slight grenade buff.

I just can't figure out how to keep my deaths down.. I've been getting 15+ kills most games, but either even or slightly negative/positive KDs every time. It's not a constant thing that I go 28-9 like I'd like to.

Anybody wanna run any games, hit me up with a message and I'll FR you.

GT- xTHHx Bazooka

PS my bad for that extremely horrible game earlier Memph 0] :lol:
my copy comes tomorrow from newegg. i would have played campaign first but that new xbox rewards program got me gonna try to play 150 hours of multiplayer in the month of november :lol:
so what halo is this one closest 2
1,2,3, reach?

The best way I can think of describing it would be to say it's like a "more dense version of Halo 3, with bits of Halo 1 and 2 tossed in".

Feels a lot like H3, but holds classics from H1 (AR and Pistol with scope) and for some reason it reminds me of H2. Either the movement and fluidity of it, or the overall addictiveness. I say it's "more dense" is because there's so many little details and so much to explore / unlock that it makes the game seem way more dense and heavy than H3 ever was. There are 17 visor colors apparently, and TONS of helmets / armor types. So many more main guns that can be used for major carnage.. it's insane.

To compare it to any recent Halo games isn't right though, Halo 4 is its own beast if we're bein real..
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I've gotten 5 minutes into campaign and that was only because the servers were down.. I"m extremely interested to see what happens and I follow the story, but I've always had my heart in multiplayer.

My thoughts on certain things in the game for those who haven't played it yet-

Gameplay is definitely Halo. Not like Reach at all IMO, except for the DMR. The BR is great if you know how to play with it correctly (I.E. not trying to shoot someone cross map with it) and can outshoot most of the guns in the game if it's in the hands of a skilled player. Same can be said for the DMR, which is damn near equal to the BR; they did a great job balancing the two.

Promethian Vision is amazing. So useful and yet very balanced.

Slayer Pro is basically as close to MLG as you can get right now, and Infinity Slayer is just as fun to be honest.

I can't think of much bad to say about this game, and I'm an avid Halo player, as stated multiple times- I've been playing this game since H1. I grew up playing these, and I'll be the first to admit that Halo: ODST and Reach are not Halo games at all.. :smh: Trust that 343 did a great job drawing back the OG players.

The only small gripes that I hope to have is a numbered ranking system like H3 or H2 (which is already in the works) and adding a couple of playlists from older games. Swat, an official MLG playlist, Team Doubles, etc. and a slight grenade buff.

I just can't figure out how to keep my deaths down.. I've been getting 15+ kills most games, but either even or slightly negative/positive KDs every time. It's not a constant thing that I go 28-9 like I'd like to.

Anybody wanna run any games, hit me up with a message and I'll FR you.

GT- xTHHx Bazooka

PS my bad for that extremely horrible game earlier Memph 0] :lol:


Lol, again NO to everything you just posted. Just accept you're wrong. Everything you post is proof you were just not good at halo 2, all good bro bro.

all these assumptions you keep making are just embarrasing.
a quick google search would keep you from making such foolish postings, but here you go fam:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=noob combo

noob combo = a combo used by noobs. do you not see the logical step in that?
LOL @ noob combo meaning that it was used AGAINST noobs :smh:

talk about being good yet using the oldest cheap trick in the book lmao no shame

and ftr, yeah dudes used to use it alot in halo 2, but thats because of how easy it was to use and how effective it was. which goes back to my point that anyone could use it.
i can almost guarantee that the reason that most dudes used it was because it was used against them and they had no choice.
and im talking about halo in general, not just halo 2 where it was particularly easier to use, where most good cats frowned upon using it since it requires no skill. but you wouldnt know much about that would you..
^^^ lol, try harder bro. Those people who post hate blogs about it used it or they got killed by it plain and simple. You and the other guy can keep rapping about this. The missile launcher is nubby too, yet nobody says anything about that. The infinite sword was nubby, nobody says anything about that. Grabbing the snipe and super jumping was nubby, yet nobody says anything about that. Gaining the lead and super jumping to the top of the level and having the rest of your team quit was nubby, again nobody says anything about that. BXR, BXB, double shot was all nubby, no complaints there. I can go on and on. If its in the game, and you use refuse to use it for the same reason you refuse to play MP before beating the game over and over, or "gammer honor" go ahead. Good people will do what it takes to win. Winning is the product of being good. You don't win, you're not good.
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Just ran through campaign, if any of you guys are still up I'm game for multiplayer.

lol @ this guy is delusional. keep trying to justify it however you want.
Its called the 'noob combo' for obvious reasons, people refer to it and recognize it as such. simple enough right?
if you had to noob combo to win then good for you lol, i could really care less. if that's what you feel you have to do to win then so be it.
are the rockets and sword nooby? sure... and plenty of people complain about it. I'm not complaining about it nor the noob combo. i'm just calling a spade a spade and you a lame for using it, cuz you obviously aren't that good if to have to resort to that.
grabbing the sniper and super jumping isn't noobish its cheating lol and of course people complain about that.
bxr and brb arent noobish since it actually took skill and practice to pull it off, and even then not everyone was good at it.
stop trying to lump all these things together as if its the same thing when it clearly isn't lol :smh:

"Good people will do what it takes to win. Winning is the product of being good. You don't win, you're not good." :rofl: what a clown..
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^^^ you taking all this to heart is what's funny. I'm not the only one on here telling you you're wrong. Can't take you seriously after the " right way to play a game" post you put up.... Talk about being a clown..... I thought you wouldn't speak to me because of my avy lol :tongue: first you try to teach us all how to correctly play video games and now you tell us that we are nubs for using plasma br combo.... Any other pearls of wisdom??

Done trying to educate nubs. Peace :smokin

Anyway, if anyone wants to get down on halo 4 we can start a niketalk team or something
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^ you clearly have me confused with someone else since i never said that :rofl: :rofl:
it was probably 1 out of like 3 other people that have proved you wrong throughout the thread

see what i'm saying though doggy, you just can't keep from embarrassing yourself anymore in here lol
good luck with that noob combo though. if i was you i'd just take this L and stay humbled.
"You don't win, you're not good" :lol:
stop entertaining him anyone that knows how to play can see he is is wrong. if he wants to be right, let him think he's right who the hell cares. he was right about the noob combo was actually called the noob combo because it was a fairly dumb tactic, and in the past the plasma pistol could be fully charged without ever running out of ammo. that didn't change the fact it was used at high level play.

at the end of the day people can battle it out on the new halo and whine about what tactics were used and how the opposing player sucks after they LOSE

I don't like connecting my NT account to too much stuff so anyone who posted their GT i'll send a friend request sometime tomorrow to run some games. any particular time you guys hopping on? thinking around 8pm est
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Pawn shop. You can get an xbox with a 120 gb hard drive for a real good price.

@ the Noob Combo debate. Just be glad that its dead for the most part.
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