Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

The boys and I had a marathon on Friday night. Three TVs and 360s, six guys, 12 straight hours of BTB and Dominon (only playlists that would allow teams of 6 in). It was crazy fun. Halo games are always :pimp: in my book. I'm hoping for a few more playlists that have bigger teams. Looking forward to the new maps over the next three months.

I roll with the DMR and SAW as often as I can. The SAW does work at close range.
What is the best halo forum? Trying to get rid of some of my halo DLC
go to Bungie.net more specifically the flood section, selling things isn't allowed though so Idk how that will work. Waypoint forums are horrible. People at the mlg forums might want them too.

SWAT is live now.
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only thing i hate bout this game is im constantly having to play by myself with a bum *** random team and it aint fun at all when noones talking. So when i get home today im sending them FR out cause im already so bored. Noone i kno that are my real friends play halo  
only thing i hate bout this game is im constantly having to play by myself with a bum *** random team and it aint fun at all when noones talking. So when i get home today im sending them FR out cause im already so bored. Noone i kno that are my real friends play halo  

I feel like I've had the game long enough and played enough of it to give a well informed opinion of it. As it stands now from a competitive standpoint this game is a Ferrari with bumper stickers all over it. There are a lot of redeeming qualities about the game, but sadly theyre being masked by all the BS as it stands right now.


Things I do like

-Utility Guns. Theyre all good guns, AR, BR, DMR, Light Rifle, Carbine. None of them are severely underpowered so if someone prefers one over the rest, they can use it and not feel too handicapped, though its obvious that the DMR is the best out of the bunch.

-Power weapons. They actually do things again. Some of them like the Binary Rifle and Incineration Cannon are too powerful but its not that big of a deal.

-Movement and jump height. This had to be fixed to be like the days of old because it was one of the huge issues with Reach that made it bad.

-Diminised role of Armor Abilities. They were too dominant in Reach, and even though theyre still here to begin with, its nice to see that they are running the maps.

-No Bloom. Enough said.

-Base gameplay overall. It feels great


Things I dont like.

-The gametypes. Infinity Slayer is pure trash. It has turned Slayer into a sideshow. Ordinance drops was really a terrible idea, and it shows. Power weapons are supposed to be a reward for playing well and establishing map control, not gifted to people for just getting kills or assists period. When the guy whos going 4-10 can get a 5th kill and get the Binary Rifle, then there is a problem. Its not limited to the weapons either, the power up drops also suck. They did the same thing in Reach, since when did fighting for control of the power ups become a bad thing? Damage Boost in particular shouldnt just be given to people. It doesnt help either that theres instant spawns which does not belong in any gametype period. For some reason they thought that there was no reason to put guns on the maps either, there should always be rifles on the maps ALWAYS. Where the hell is Assault...... Its been around for 12 years and yet its gone but dumb *** Griffball stays. I bet it was harder to remove Assault than it was to leave it in.


As it stands right now CTF is ruined. Why is there a waypoint above the flag carrier? Do you really need to tel people that they should try and kill this guy? It also removes the option of stealthy flag runs completely. Same goes for Regicide which is basically Juggernaught. This shouldnt be a playlist by itself. Just a gametype.


The Playlists- Doubles, a true obj playlist (why have 3 seperate OBJ playlists instead of rolling them all into one playlists) Snipes, SWAT, I could keep going. Stuff that should have been there at launch that isnt.


The Maps-This is a consequence of having instant spawning. When you have instant spawning there is no buffer between the player that died, and the player who killed him to recover their shields, get ammo, etc, so where does the buffer have to come from? The maps. In turn we get nothing but these huge *** maps that are suited for 5v5 and above only. Theres not a single map in here thats properly suited for 4v4 I cant imagine what doubles would look like. Theyre entirely too big and lead to sprint being put on for everyone. The closest thing to an arena style map in this game is Haven and even thats too big. One full burst of sprint doenst even get you halfway down the long hallway. All the maps are too damn big. Some of them are just flat out bad regardless of size.


The Spawns. Why are there Dynamic Spawns(You can spawn anywhere) on every map? Even the symmetrical ones have it. All this does is make map control worthless. Theyve known this for years now and yet theyre still doing it.


Join In Progress. Terrible idea. Halo was not meant to have this feature, it does not work well. You get dropped into games with the most lopsided outcomes because those are the games that people typically quit out of.


DMR. It should not be a starting weapon at all. This is where having guns on the map would work. I wouldnt care if people could walk and get one, its a good gun, but can be outplayed and would have a role to fill. But starting with it? Bad idea. It restricts map movement too much and turns matches into a pop shooting contest. Free flowing movement is impossible with it. Look at Vahalla. In H3 this map was magic, the BR was the perfect gun for everyone to have on it. It had range but not too much range. DMR? Half the map becomes worthless. Going top mid is just asking for death and pushing is a waste of time you're better of just sitting on your half and team shooting espeically when you face full teams. The BR shoudl be the starter for every playlist.


The Menus. IDK how you screw this up but the menus are awful, tried to make it flashy and just ended up ruining it instead. I can't tell who is partied up? I can't see the score of players on my list while I'm in lobby to see how long it's gonna be before they join? I can't see all players in lobby at a glance cause the armor card is so huge?


Most of the stuff I have gripes with can really be fixed, so I'm not worried. I like the game a lot, but theres a good amount of room for improvement. Theres a lot of stuff here thats too focused on giving people instant gratification and individualism when Halo has always been a team shooting game.
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I think many of these problems could've been fixed if they had a damn beta. The DMR is way too effective in my opinion. It doesn't have a weakness which is why everyone uses it. Close range battles should be a detriment but since it has such a quick rate of fire with no recoil it's no problem for a DMR user. I can't believe 343 didn't see this one coming. It's a designated marksman rifle which means you shouldn't be able to easily drop a target at close range. I don't even play slayer pro because all that gametype turned into is let's see who can find a roof first and start peeling tops off. Since there aren't any maps that force players to try a different style I can't blame them. As it stands I like this multiplayer more than reach, but not by much. I don't know how long this will keep me playing.
After a solid week of playing this off and on, I've decided to hang it up and put it on Ebay. I didn't like reach and I don't like this one for many of the reasons other people have stated.
About to trade this in as well..... Gonna see how COD runs and make a decision from there. I agree with a lot of what Antidope posted. The create your own class really ruined things. Yes, in the past the BR was dominant but the thing is that you did not start out with it and you would have to find it on the map which meant you weren't facing an entire team using BRs and in turn balanced out the multiplayer much more.
2.Itz Me Pizzo 23 - xxpizzo
3. Sam Menace - Menacin Methods
4. LiteSkinned129 - CURBSIDEPROPHET
8. Never Had Much - Putting In Work
9. thethe daCANNON - VA757VA
11. nickthestick2st - Nickthestick91
12. DWILLS925 - DJ236
15.OMGitsFrankDizl - Mrkittles20
16.AEA18- AEA09
17.THE HO TRAIN25 - rck2sactown
18.S R II R B G - Macc E-Money
19..Realitycheck911- Realitycheck911
20. TheLastEmper0r (with a zero) - 23rdWonder
21. Faint Dj3 - Derryj3
22. Gator Boy 24 - Mamba MVP
23. xRaydiation - poorniko
24. xKeepitFrisco - jay2dajay
25. genocydal - Evolution Fight
26. Onslaught23 - Shoot3rmcfly
27.blueghost3500 (Zero)
28.Vintage Sole- Sole Vintage
29. mikejs210 - mikejs210
30. R GANGSTA J - WrightOne86
32. j killionaire - JOE BILLIONAIRE
33. Sixty9m3 - jay kickz till i die
34. DeeDaPunisha- DeeDaPunisha
36.Okaykk - Push That Tush
37.XxDiesel33xX- Myjaysgetrocked
38. stuntastic1414 - purplenurple1414

shout out to the NTer who caught my mistake and mssgd me about it :lol:

accidentally put my NT name first..its been edited now
2.Itz Me Pizzo 23 - xxpizzo
3. Sam Menace - Menacin Methods
4. LiteSkinned129 - CURBSIDEPROPHET
8. Never Had Much - Putting In Work
9. thethe daCANNON - VA757VA
11. nickthestick2st - Nickthestick91
12. DWILLS925 - DJ236
15.OMGitsFrankDizl - Mrkittles20
16.AEA18- AEA09
17.THE HO TRAIN25 - rck2sactown
18.S R II R B G - Macc E-Money
19..Realitycheck911- Realitycheck911
20. TheLastEmper0r (with a zero) - 23rdWonder
21. Faint Dj3 - Derryj3
22. Gator Boy 24 - Mamba MVP
23. xRaydiation - poorniko
24. xKeepitFrisco - jay2dajay
25. genocydal - Evolution Fight
26. Onslaught23 - Shoot3rmcfly
27.blueghost3500 (Zero)
28.Vintage Sole- Sole Vintage
29. mikejs210 - mikejs210
30. R GANGSTA J - WrightOne86
32. j killionaire - JOE BILLIONAIRE
33. Sixty9m3 - jay kickz till i die
34. DeeDaPunisha- DeeDaPunisha
36.Okaykk - Push That Tush
37.XxDiesel33xX- Myjaysgetrocked
38. stuntastic1414 - purplenurple1414
39. Nerdable-Nerdable


In other news Halo 4 had the biggest entertainment launch to date, beating both "The Avengers" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by making $220 million dollars during its first 24 hours. (http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/12/halo-4-makes-220-million-in-24-hours)

Congrats to 343
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u guys are complaining about starting with BRs?
Nope, DMRs is what I'm talking about. It shouldnt be the starter in any circumstance, it should be a pick up only. The game would play much better if this was the case, no question.

I've been picking BR over it for the hell of it all day today and its way more fun to use. It just feels right whereas the DMR doesnt. Using the BR gives me the incentive to actually move around the map more than I would if I was using the DMR.

All the stuff I griped about earlier can be fixed come January when they roll out that Title Update and the ranks. Hopefully there isnt a reset of stats and they just hand me my rank that I've earned up until that point, if not then I dont see this game lasting much past that. They have some slack though, since theyre already starting on Halo 5 for launch in 2 years and thats going to be the flagship title for the new Xbox. This game was just to see if they would royally screw it up and they didnt IMO.
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I agree DMR should be taken out of loadout that and Light Rifle.Honestly I see how Ordinance Drops can effect the tide of battle in a negative way folks aren't hunting for the best weapons on the map anymore dudes will duke it out and go toe to toe before running out and getting their shoulders clapped by a DMR to go find a Rocket Launcer. Maybe because I'm expierenced I don't fear being outgunned by heavy weapons.

Everything is balanced and plays well I just wish we had more vechicle variety human vehicles are dope but they dont have to much variety .
The DMR gets taken out of loadouts and then people will complain about the BR.

I've seen more people spamming the BR anyway.
The DMR gets taken out of loadouts and then people will complain about the BR.

I've seen more people spamming the BR anyway.
There wouldnt be much reason to actually complain about the BR though, the gripes against the DMR are actually legitimate. The BR fills the need for the mid range weapon without being too powerful at long range, I've heard the same thing about the Light Rifle but the Rate of Fire is too slow for it to really matter. I see a lot of people use BR too, but its really only truly useful on like 3 maps and even then it really isnt better than the DMR, its basically equal.
Instead of changing a thousand different things with the loadouts and the spawns and all of that they should just increase the base health by 15-20 percent. Problems solved.
I only use the BR and I am doing pretty good. I tend to avoid long range battles against DMR dudes though. DMR is no match against a BR in mid to close range.
I only use the BR and I am doing pretty good. I tend to avoid long range battles against DMR dudes though. DMR is no match against a BR in mid to close range.

exactly, depends on the map mostly but mid to close range you don't have to be nearly as accurate as someone w/ a dmr to get the kill quick. that said, i mainly stick to the dmr for BTB and the BR for team slayer pro/SWAT.

if anyone wants to run right now send me a message on live. hate running w/o a group in this game.
I love playing online with my friends. All we do is mess around.

One gripe I do have with the game is the lack of maps. I know they're going to try to make money off of us, and keep us playing by having new maps become DLC, but cmon, they couldn't give a couple more?

i agree...

but after playing this game for awhile now i noticed there are alot of bugs in this game... i cant wait until this first update comes out....

there be times where i get kicked to the main menu every time i try to start the campaign and when im in matchmaking right before the match starts.... anybody else experiencing this?

also there are times where there are missing letters in words thru out the game.. just some bugs i noticed so far...
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