Happy Birthday to that man Jay-Z...

Jay-Z is appreciated. But y'all gotta chill with defending his honor and trying to make him out to be the GOAT. It's music... people have different tastes.

Type of dudes that walk around with no headphones phone on speaker full volume singing the lyrics in public like you're blessing everyone with some gift. You look/sound like idiots.

Camel jokes

Typical NT topics when it comes to a Jay Z thread.
Lulz at bigL being GOAT, with barely any material out in comparison to Hov.
That's like saying Nas is goat because of 1 album (lmao).

Dude has been #1 for nearly 20 years. Sit your *** down.
Lyrically, financially, commercially, reputably, innovatively #1

Not surprised you saying this. You on jay **** more than Beyonce is. Man please. Gon with that
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Less feels, more praising of the true GOAT. (Based on a whole lot of facts)

Not some imaginary GOAT in your own mind.

Quick, jayz and and mayweather ask you to go to their sleep over but its on the same night. Clothing optional, which one would you go to?
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Why you guys talking goat and not even mention kanye

It's like this and I've said it many times on this board!

Kanye>>>>>>> beyonces throphy husband
  Senior citizen rapper 
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