Hardest you have ever laughed in the theaters

Scary Movie when he came so hard it blew her away

Tropic Thunder when Jack Black was tied to the tree

OMG All teh gayness in Team America

Me and my dude were dumb drunk and went to see Hot Rod... man we were crying at the stupidest %%+
Originally Posted by trunks206

As others have said Borat was the hardest I've every laughed in a movie. I saw it the second day it wasn't out and I wasn't expecting much...such a shockingly funny movie. The scene where they were fighting naked was *!+%+*% funny.

Honorable mention was the scene from Talladega Nights with the knife.

Borat had tears streaming down my face, out of breath. Same for when I saw Life.
Mine are kinda random:
Taken - when Liam shot the guy's wife randonly, I cried.
Cloverfield - the whole movie, but it was bc my boys and I were trolling.
Too many to mention, but the first that comes to mind is the scene onthe first !!%*%+%....the diamond thiefs skit, when dudes drop from the ceiling into an office and te only big black guy with dreads is GHOST then they had a camera outside and homie didn't just run out the office, son never stopped running....that had to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen on film
*%!%$$% 2. scene where dude shoots a deuce in his pants cuz he didnt go for days + when he goes to hardware store in the toilets section and shoots one there...i lost my all motor functions in my body. way too funny.
The opening scene in the simpsons movie when itchy and scratchy was fighting...i laughed for like a minute after everybody was done laughing
In 'I Love You, Man' when Tevin backs his chair up and says, "watch it big girl."
tropic thunder
wedding crashers
knocked up
i love you, man

too many to name in these films.

was it just me or did anyone else NOT find get him to the greek funny??
Friday After Next

When damon pulled money mike in for a "thug hug" and it was such a hard and fast pull
And money mike said "damn... that was like 'The Matrix'. Damn near dislocated my arm"
I had to leave the theater.
I missed the whole end of that movie.

Hence the sn
South Park: The Movie. To hear them go all out with the profanity was shockingly funny.
Original Kings of Comedy: They were all great but Bernie Mac closed that movie out like Mariano closes out a game 7. That was the first time I touched the floor in a movie theater because I was choking laughing.
*!%#%@! 2 & 3: Similar jokes but overall still hilarious. Especially the dirtier jokes.
Superbad: Jonah Hill profanity laced tirades plus Fogel's nerdy coolness was just epic.
Man, I wish I saw Superbad and get him to the greek in theaters.  Saw the trailers and they just looked so corny that I passed.  Then I see it on dvd and realize its !@%+$! hilarious 
Dont be a menace to south central

when the crack head walks up to ashtray and asks for change "man I got these cheeseburgers! I'll suck yo d_!" "Naw man! Get outta here!"
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Thought about this tonight...  Mine is hands down the 'd!ck drawing scene' from Superbad... I was in tears the entire scene... by far the most I have ever laughed in a movie theater

what's yours? (specific movie and scene por favor)


my date was looking at me like i was crazy during THIS scene. i was dying when he tried to eat the paper
Either Wedding Crashers or 40 Year Old Virgin, saw them a month apart in theaters, can't remember two movies that had me laughing longer or harder.
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