has anybody actually popped a molly?

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i was sweating earlier, did someone slip me a molly?

and i didn't eem no it...
Mollys are bomb as F. I don't condone drug use, but a molly and a female equals good times.
I didn't sweat any more than I would have usually at a party.

Everything was just much better. (Music, colors, touch, etc)
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Never taken Molly,but taken plenty of MDMA. All of those drugs raise your core temperature, it's absolutely critical to drink water/Gatorade to stay hydrated. Dehydration is the most common reason people end up in the hospital from stuff like that because it leads to your core temp increasing astronomically and your body starts to shut down. It's been we'll over a decade since I've touched the stuff, but man it was fun. Many great nights rolling back in the day.
once.  not something i would repeat; i hate not having total control over myself.  that said, was an okay time when with friends.
Molly is a good bonding drug, you'll be bonding with random people all night. Its cool, but if you don't stay hydrated or even if you drink too much water then you're gonna have a bad time. 
Never taken Molly,but taken plenty of MDMA. All of those drugs raise your core temperature, it's absolutely critical to drink water/Gatorade to stay hydrated. Dehydration is the most common reason people end up in the hospital from stuff like that because it leads to your core temp increasing astronomically and your body starts to shut down. It's been we'll over a decade since I've touched the stuff, but man it was fun. Many great nights rolling back in the day.

people have been misinterpreting this as well and ending up in the hospital over water poison

Just pay attention to yourself. but you really shouldn't need any more than 2-4 bottles of water. usually closer to 2

once. not something i would repeat; i hate not having total control over myself. that said, was an okay time when with friends.

explain not having control of yourself?? Remember there is a lot of stuff been labelled as something it's not.
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Never taken it either. I only know one molly user and she does it before she goes to bars. Not really sure why. Does it heighten drinking? Or can you literally be drunk and high?
Manee.... I have nothing but good things to say about it except when the damn police came knockin.. **** snitches and all that bad propaganda going around by the media. Just like any other drug, know your limits. Don't take too much and you'll be straight. otherwise you'll end up like this kid.. lmfao.. also go to a club or rave. Don't do it by yourself in your house

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