HBO's "GIRLS" Vol. "That Was Way Harsh, Tai"...

We get it, she's not attractive. I don't get the fascination with pointing that out all the time.
What exactly is this show about? Is it a comedy? I tried watching but realized it was an in the middle of a season and didn't want to get lost.

Also what's with the cinematography/tone of this show? The look made me hard to tell it apart from Treme (another show I have no clue about).
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What exactly is this show about? Is it a comedy? I tried watching but realized it was an in the middle of a season and didn't want to get lost.

Also what's with the cinematography/tone of this show? The look made me hard to tell it apart from Treme (another show I have no clue about).

Yea comedy/drama about the lives and "perils" of hipster white girls and their relationships in the city. Jaded views and white privilege is abundant but the show brings the lulz specifically from Lena.
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What exactly is this show about? Is it a comedy? I tried watching but realized it was an in the middle of a season and didn't want to get lost.

Also what's with the cinematography/tone of this show? The look made me hard to tell it apart from Treme (another show I have no clue about).

Yea comedy/drama about the lives and "perils" of hipster white girls and their relationships in the city. Jaded views and white privilege is abundant but the show brings the lulz specifically from Lena.
The best episode of the season. Everyone got some character moments and development. 

Shoshanna not realizing what a butt plug is and Marnie to Hannah "Do you want to take this one?"

Shoshanna's realization that Ray was living with her 

"I mean like, you were there on Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday...and um...and then Thursday, and the week before, um...week before...that. OH MY GOD, DO YOU LIVE WITH ME??" 

 "Oh, she's too self-involved to commit suicide." Was a perfect line about Marnie

Solid episode.
Definitely the best episode. The closing scene in the bathtub is one of the best closing scenes for a TV episode that I think of.
Solid episode..

Surprise boob from Jessa :smokin

Regarding Lena, her body isnt attrocious but some girls really do look better with clothes on :lol:

This is the first episode in a while where i actually felt the "drama" with the whole Jenna split/breakdown
She violated when she broke homies award tho :lol:
Finally watched this season. I'm really liking it and ended up taking notes.

"Do you miss your hymen?"
"Hannah ... ... ... are you ******g kidding?"
"I'm sorry, George."
"Hannah, I'm always so impressed with what you do...with what you have." :wow: :rofl:

I just realized this show was missing Jessa.

Donald Glover is so randomly in the show.

My heart. :rofl:

911? :wow: I can't. :lol:

"All the junkies in my building totally hang out by the mailboxes."
"You ruined my relationship with cocaine, which could've been my favorite drug."

Laird, the dirty *** ex-junkie. :lol:

"She's too self-involved to commit suicide."
"Excuse me I AM grown up, that's why I COOKED ALL THIS FOOD!". ...yo. :rofl:
"Oh my god, do you live with me?"

That Jessa and Bridesmaids dude fight got too real.
Snotrocket in the tub. :x :lol:
I don't really like Oasis, but good times. :smokin
this season has really fallen off for me, i dont think ill be finishing the season

I'm with you. I really liked season 1, but 2 has been terrible. Episodes 1 and 2 were pretty bad, 3 and 4 were good and going in the right direction, and then 5 tonight was absolute garbage. It's a damn shame.
yeah, this episode was pointless...didn't move the story along, and wasn't anything revealing about Hannah like a episode like this should have...
This episode was great. It reminded me so much of Louie. How did it not reveal anything about Hannah? She opened up about wanting to be happy and her misguided desire to take on everyone's experiences. 

The episode as a whole could also be seen as a meta commentary on the criticism aimed towards Girls. What are some of the biggest issues people have? Too self-indulgent... nothing important happens... too much Hannah nudity... focuses on the issues of privileged white women. Dunham clearly sees all that and this episode hits all of those criticisms. 

It's not dealing with inner city drug and crime issues, but that doesn't mean "nothing happens". It's a show about young women navigating their lives and unwillingly growing into adulthood. Things are happening within  that world, but this show gets oddly criticized for being too narrow-minded. Why ask the show to be something it isn't? Or have the creator try to cover issues she is ignorant about? 

The nudity issue is the most tiring. I don't even notice it as much.. maybe that's part of Dunham's plan. Women have been perceived through the male gaze for decades in movies and TV, we can't see a woman naked unless she has a great body, anything other than that is offensive and unnecessary. Yeah, maybe Dunham does like being naked just to give the critics a middle finger, or maybe she figures a show about a 24 year old having a lot of sex might include nudity. Either way, that criticism doesn't seem to care when unattractive men might be naked or when women we perceive to be beautiful are naked.. it's only an issue when an "ugly" woman is naked. "Ugly" women have sex too.. and I won't stand on a soapbox and say Dunham is some brave soul for putting herself out there... but I give her credit for not giving a damn what people say and she even said so with "that's not always the feedback I've been given" META

This episode was really interesting, not only because it seemed to be everything people complain about, but because it was just a well made and acted 27 minutes of television. Say what you will about Dunham, but there's an enormous confidence in Girls and that's when it's at its best. It's a small, self-contained little episode that focuses on Dunham and Joshua as two lonely people sharing a moment, and I liked it.

TL;DR: Episode was great to me. I can understand why people might dislike it because it's everything people tend to complain about, but I liked it anyway.

And for the record, that took 4-5 minutes to type up, so I'm not spending hours thinking about the show every Sunday.

And since we didn't get to see her tonight, here's some Allison Williams from the Grammys

Those eyes 
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