He-Man? Was he gay?

Aug 29, 2008
At the 2:35 mark.....a lot of you youngsters won't know this cartoon.....but for those whowatched the cartoon back then....I'm watchin it now and damn, this dude was +#$!% as folk

anyhow....can someone make a gif from 2:34 to 2:39
He-man: Secret of the sword

Nuff said.
that green tiger looks like a lame version of Snarf from Thundercats, Or maybe He-Man came first?
Definitely gay, when he turned into he-man he takes off his pants and rocks the dominatrix chest piece
mannnnn.. used to watch this back in the mid 80s. good memories. most of you guys probably werent even born when it used to be on tv. he was definitely notgay!
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