Health concern for people who drink protein shakes (i.e. Muscle Milk)

Just had a protein shake last night, yay.


 3 shakes into my 3lbs tub it would be a waste if didn't drink it 


 3 shakes into my 3lbs tub it would be a waste if didn't drink it 

Cadmium raises special concern because it accumulates in and can damage the kidneys, the same organs that can be damaged by excessive protein consumption. And it can take 20 years for the body to eliminate even half the cadmium absorbed today.

"This is a highly toxic metal, and while there are some cases where decisions have to be weighed against relative risks, accepting that you have to be exposed to any cadmium at all in your protein drink after your workout is definitely not one of them," says Michael Harbut, M.D., director of the Environmental Cancer Initiative at the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Royal Oak, Mich.

"When these toxic heavy metals are combined in a product that is marketed for daily use, that raises serious public health concerns, especially for pregnant women, children, and young adults," says Burns, who has been a toxicology consultant to state and federal government agencies.
Cadmium raises special concern because it accumulates in and can damage the kidneys, the same organs that can be damaged by excessive protein consumption. And it can take 20 years for the body to eliminate even half the cadmium absorbed today.

"This is a highly toxic metal, and while there are some cases where decisions have to be weighed against relative risks, accepting that you have to be exposed to any cadmium at all in your protein drink after your workout is definitely not one of them," says Michael Harbut, M.D., director of the Environmental Cancer Initiative at the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Royal Oak, Mich.

"When these toxic heavy metals are combined in a product that is marketed for daily use, that raises serious public health concerns, especially for pregnant women, children, and young adults," says Burns, who has been a toxicology consultant to state and federal government agencies.
people need to be careful about overconsumption of protein because it can lead to kidneystones too. being a gym rat myself i do quite a bit of research on stuff like this as well. i have friends who literally down like 4 shakes a day to try and bulk up. i always warn em but they never listen.
people need to be careful about overconsumption of protein because it can lead to kidneystones too. being a gym rat myself i do quite a bit of research on stuff like this as well. i have friends who literally down like 4 shakes a day to try and bulk up. i always warn em but they never listen.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I have 3 shakes a day.

I'm going to die.

me too.  pre & post workout, and then a random one in the afternoon.  and then cassein before bed.  rip me
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