Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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And if so, that's fine. He continues to damage his campaign for re-election. Biden just needs to continue to do his thing while Trump tweets away in bed with COVID.
The point was it's just another lie to come out of his face. At this point the campaign is a reality show. No one is deciding who they're voting for in the next few weeks it's a done deal.
Coworker just popped his head into my office and said, "Did you watch the debate last night? Can you believe they're trying to blame COVAD (how he pronounces COVID, LOL) on Trump?!" I took the next 5 minutes to explain every single way the administration has failed the American people and afterward he said, "I don't know..." and walked out. It's interactions like this that make me lose faith in humanity.
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I have one question, is the US supposed to make the vaccine for the world or is other countries trying to develop as well?

It still baffles me that the rest of the world still haven't found a solution to beat Covid.

Does the rest of the world depend on a country like us?
Don’t worry no one is depending on us for a solution to Covid or pretty much anything at this point.
And no one has found a solution yet. Maybe New Zealand and S. Korea have taken the best measures but there is no solution to this yet other than wearing a mask and washing hands.

Coworker just popped his head into my office and said, "Did you watch the debate last night? Can you believe they're trying to blame COVAD (how he pronounces COVID, LOL) on Trump?!" I took the next 5 minutes to explain every single way the administration has failed the American people and afterward he said, "I don't know..." and walked out. It's interactions like this that make me lose faith in humanity.
People would rather not think than accept the truth sadly
Keep those hands clean! Japanese researchers have found that SARS-CoV-2 can last 9 hours on human skin, compared to 2 hours for influenza. Both are inactivated within 15 seconds after using hand sanitizer.
^Japan is one of the cleanest countries I have ever been to. People are still wondering why even though they reacted so late, that they didn't have the outbreak we had.

I was reading a bit on some stats on our medical system. It still baffles me, after decades of knowing other countries implementation of universal healthcare, why us, as US citizens still rather pay hand over fist for inferior health care. :smh::sick:
^Japan is one of the cleanest countries I have ever been to. People are still wondering why even though they reacted so late, that they didn't have the outbreak we had.

I was reading a bit on some stats on our medical system. It still baffles me, after decades of knowing other countries implementation of universal healthcare, why us, as US citizens still rather pay hand over fist for inferior health care. :smh::sick:

Individualism vs. Collectivism
Coworker just popped his head into my office and said, "Did you watch the debate last night? Can you believe they're trying to blame COVAD (how he pronounces COVID, LOL) on Trump?!" I took the next 5 minutes to explain every single way the administration has failed the American people and afterward he said, "I don't know..." and walked out. It's interactions like this that make me lose faith in humanity.

Ive had someone, during the VP debate, complain that “they” keep trying to blame Trump for the pandemic, arguing that he didn’t create it or have anything to do with it. It’s not his fault it happened.


OBVIOUSLY 🤦‍♂️ The issue is his response and handling of it. Why is that so hard to grasp? I mean honestly, Not a single person is claiming that he created it. We know he didn’t. Every attack on him is due to his response and handling of it. How do people extrapolate from all this that people are blaming him for the creation of it. Truly mind blowing.

And the only actionable item people can point to, and the only one that Trump and pence brought up during the debate, is they shut down travel from China while others criticized him for it. That was what, January? What has he done since? How do you answer for knowing on January 28th and saying nothing but calling it a hoax? How do you explain the Woodward tapes? They can’t which is why when Kamala presses pence he has no answer.

Went off on a tangent, my bad. It’s just frustrating as hell. People see what they want to see.
^Japan is one of the cleanest countries I have ever been to. People are still wondering why even though they reacted so late, that they didn't have the outbreak we had.

I was reading a bit on some stats on our medical system. It still baffles me, after decades of knowing other countries implementation of universal healthcare, why us, as US citizens still rather pay hand over fist for inferior health care. :smh::sick:

I'm no expert on the matter, but my understanding of the general argument against universal health care is more complex than it seems on the surface. First, any major change to any industry is a hard sell. Individuals with good medical insurance who are happy with the medical care they currently receive resist the idea that they may no longer have access to the care they currently enjoy. Doctors who own their own successful practices resist the idea that they will be overwhelmed with patients and be forced to work for the low rates that the government will agree to pay for care. I know several doctors who, even as a result of the low rates that Obamacare plans will pay for common visits, treatments, etc, have either turned their practices into private pay subscription services where a limited number of individuals pay a monthly/annual fee for unlimited access, refused to accept Obamacare plans, retired early, or closed their practices entirely and went to work at hospitals/clinics where they no longer have to deal with the headaches of running a private practice. I personally do not trust our government to successfully run socialized healthcare because they screw up everything they touch. I'm sure in theory there's a way to transition from our current system to one that's more equitable, but actually getting there will be incredibly difficult and I don't think anyone (even those with the best intentions) has the right answers, unfortunately.
I'm no expert on the matter, but my understanding of the general argument against universal health care is more complex than it seems on the surface. First, any major change to any industry is a hard sell. Individuals with good medical insurance who are happy with the medical care they currently receive resist the idea that they may no longer have access to the care they currently enjoy. Doctors who own their own successful practices resist the idea that they will be overwhelmed with patients and be forced to work for the low rates that the government will agree to pay for care. I know several doctors who, even as a result of the low rates that Obamacare plans will pay for common visits, treatments, etc, have either turned their practices into private pay subscription services where a limited number of individuals pay a monthly/annual fee for unlimited access, refused to accept Obamacare plans, retired early, or closed their practices entirely and went to work at hospitals/clinics where they no longer have to deal with the headaches of running a private practice. I personally do not trust our government to successfully run socialized healthcare because they screw up everything they touch. I'm sure in theory there's a way to transition from our current system to one that's more equitable, but actually getting there will be incredibly difficult and I don't think anyone (even those with the best intentions) has the right answers, unfortunately.
Most definitely. I get the difficulty in transitioning into such system. But if we Hype America up as much as we do, what is to stop us from taking that challenge into transitioning, even if it is over time? Is the government, hospitals, citizens, etc. too lazy to formulate a proper plan? Or is it because it is just TOO profitable to have any incentive to switch? Hospitals and insurance companies essentially negotiate on made up numbers on what something in the health industry here should cost. I take it, they dont want to lose the ability to charge US whatever the hell they want.

And what are these current plans they currently "enjoy"? For what I've witnessed being on multiple different plans from supposedly great (my cousin in-law is in insurance, her words) to average plans, and they all sucked. Difficult to navigate to fully discourage you to go get care. Or even weeks out for appointments with failed appointment systems, etc.

And as for the doctors, look, are they in it for the dollar to the profession? I get it becoming a doctor costs a lot, but they payout is just as equal in any sense.

Like you said no right answers, but without taking steps on making plans and trying to execute, how are we to know? I have no idea how, but dam we vote all these people in and pay all these dam taxes and insurance with nothing to show. The list is HUGE on countries that have done it. They need to see what they did to get it right. This isn't some new concept. There's just too much money in it, and unfortunately thats all the 1%'s of America care about. /rant
Most definitely. I get the difficulty in transitioning into such system. But if we Hype America up as much as we do, what is to stop us from taking that challenge into transitioning, even if it is over time? Is the government, hospitals, citizens, etc. too lazy to formulate a proper plan? Or is it because it is just TOO profitable to have any incentive to switch? Hospitals and insurance companies essentially negotiate on made up numbers on what something in the health industry here should cost. I take it, they dont want to lose the ability to charge US whatever the hell they want.

And what are these current plans they currently "enjoy"? For what I've witnessed being on multiple different plans from supposedly great (my cousin in-law is in insurance, her words) to average plans, and they all sucked. Difficult to navigate to fully discourage you to go get care. Or even weeks out for appointments with failed appointment systems, etc.

And as for the doctors, look, are they in it for the dollar to the profession? I get it becoming a doctor costs a lot, but they payout is just as equal in any sense.

Like you said no right answers, but without taking steps on making plans and trying to execute, how are we to know? I have no idea how, but dam we vote all these people in and pay all these dam taxes and insurance with nothing to show. The list is HUGE on countries that have done it. They need to see what they did to get it right. This isn't some new concept. There's just too much money in it, and unfortunately thats all the 1%'s of America care about. /rant

Any major change to the status quo would require politicians to either negotiate and agree (HA!), or force through a one size fits all plan that likely nobody will be completely happy about. In this era of instant gratification, people simply aren't willing to endure short term pain for a long term fix, because no matter what it would take a long time to change our current system.
Recent study suggests that the spike protein mutations that have occurred are unlikely to affect vaccine efficacy

Coworker just popped his head into my office and said, "Did you watch the debate last night? Can you believe they're trying to blame COVAD (how he pronounces COVID, LOL) on Trump?!" I took the next 5 minutes to explain every single way the administration has failed the American people and afterward he said, "I don't know..." and walked out. It's interactions like this that make me lose faith in humanity.
it's good you took the time to explain

I don't even try to do it anymore, just takes a lot of energy out of me...and sometimes one of the two of us gets mad and the conversation ends up not feeling productive lol
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