Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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i thought i was done with this thread but things have gotten horrible again thanks to these antivaxx idiots. hawaii hit a record 655 positive tests the other day. tourists overcrowding the islands. people packed into malls, restaurants, family gatherings etc. pisses me off to think that we sacrificed so much just to be here. ffs my baby girl didn’t even know what a playground swing was until she was two years old. i even have to order more ****ing masks because we’re running low.

had to stay home a few days to watch my daughter because she got sick at daycare. i ended up getting sick too and it felt horrible. no fever but 1 week later and my throat is on fire and i’m super tired. took a home test from my job and i’m negative for covid though.
Damn, sorry to hear it. Did you take the test pretty close to symptom onset? That’s when they say the rapid antigen tests are most accurate.
Damn, sorry to hear it. Did you take the test pretty close to symptom onset? That’s when they say the rapid antigen tests are most accurate.
about 2 days after onset of symptoms. persisting fatigue, chest congestion, and sore throat.

are the kf94s the ones i should re-up on?
Its not exclusive to the US. My family back in Poland was anti vax because of all the misinformation that’s being spread including a lot by the catholic priests. I had a full blown argument with my godmother/aunt about it. Everyone but my oldest cousin got vaccinated. She had covid late June and was close to being hospitalized as a 27 year old before she started feeling better she said. So believe me, these idiots who think they are smarter than scientists exist everywhere. And she’s a smart girl too, she has a masters in engineering.

Adding to this (my parents are Antiguan and we have family with roots all over the Caribbean):

Some Antiguans recently picketed in front of the parliament, yelling "fire to the vaccine!" in response to Antigua's vaccination policy for frontline government workers/public servants. There were suggestions that the issue could be solved by injecting the minister of health with all of the remaining vaccines, killing him in the process. I love my people, but this ain't it lol

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Yes definitely kf94. Do you have a favorite brand? LG Airwasher are GOAT but I also like BOTN, Bluna, and Blue
the white airwasher has been my go-to and the adjustable straps are great. might have to stick with that. my wife uses the black one but the material seems more rigid and i didn’t like that.
i thought i was done with this thread but things have gotten horrible again thanks to these antivaxx idiots. hawaii hit a record 655 positive tests the other day. tourists overcrowding the islands. people packed into malls, restaurants, family gatherings etc. pisses me off to think that we sacrificed so much just to be here. ffs my baby girl didn’t even know what a playground swing was until she was two years old. i even have to order more ****ing masks because we’re running low.

had to stay home a few days to watch my daughter because she got sick at daycare. i ended up getting sick too and it felt horrible. no fever but 1 week later and my throat is on fire and i’m super tired. took a home test from my job and i’m negative for covid though.

If you’re symptomatic you really want a PCR test to be sure - the rapid tests aren’t sensitive enough.

Hopefully it’s just a regular bug though.

These are the headlines that really seem to strike people. The case counts are wild (again), but the death toll is way down, no? With more and more cases coming from folks who have been vaccinated, the symptoms and duration are much less and tolerable than previous numbers from what I'm seeing and hearing. What good does this information do to the general public, if not continue to fuel the discussion on both sides of "mask up", "lockdown", etc.

It's becoming more blurry than it ever has with this whole thing, and that's saying a lot. The anti vax crowd is being extremely loud right now, and it's making it hard on the folks who are in the middle it seems.
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These are the headlines that really seem to strike people. The case counts are wild (again), but the death toll is way down, no? With more and more cases coming from folks who have been vaccinated, the symptoms and duration are much less and tolerable than previous numbers from what I'm seeing and hearing. What good does this information do to the general public, if not continue to fuel the discussion on both sides of "mask up", "lockdown", etc.

It's becoming more blurry than it ever has with this whole thing, and that's saying a lot. The anti tax crowd is being extremely loud right now, and it's making it hard on the folks who are in the middle it seems.

exactly this. Just worry about the hospital space. Isn’t that what the lockdown was for in the first place? On one hand they keep saying it’s extremely rare you can get infected if you are vaccinated (which is bs). Then they tell you if you are vaccinated you will get a mild case (which is true for most so far). Then they tell you the case counts and how wild it is again (comparing to the unvaccinated surges). They need to tell people the truth and only the truth and let it play out.
These are the headlines that really seem to strike people. The case counts are wild (again), but the death toll is way down, no? With more and more cases coming from folks who have been vaccinated, the symptoms and duration are much less and tolerable than previous numbers from what I'm seeing and hearing. What good does this information do to the general public, if not continue to fuel the discussion on both sides of "mask up", "lockdown", etc.

It's becoming more blurry than it ever has with this whole thing, and that's saying a lot. The anti tax crowd is being extremely loud right now, and it's making it hard on the folks who are in the middle it seems.
The more useful number is hospitalizations, and we're now near last summer's peak (50k last summer, 40k right now). That is bad but... It's actually somewhat good too -- We have lifted almost all restrictions. Cases are up from last summer and deaths are still way down.

I'm worried about the fall but with delta ripping through the population almost every American will have either been infected or vaccinated by then. I can't imagine another fall like we had last year.
If the narrative about vaccine from the get go was "this will eliminate the worst part of COVID", I truly believe we would be in a much different place as a society right now. But it turned into "get the vaccine, you can party with your friends again" for so many people and that was never the point of it. Now there's people who are questioning why they even got the vaccine in the first place, because they weren't educated on the reason they should have. It's all really frustrating, because people on both sides are standing so firm and armed with their points versus the other.

The worst part are the folks in the middle, who are having a hard time finding out legit information to make the best decision for themselves. All the while businesses are in the middle taking the hardest part of it all, being forced to make decisions about the well being of their employees and THEIR personal believes. When I see headlines about businesses requiring vaccines for their employees or they could face termination, it makes me sick. When I hear people arguing with businesses about not wanting to wear a mask, and would rather shop somewhere else, it makes me sick.

I honestly can't believe people are still so frustrated about wearing a mask for 20 minutes this far into this thing (customers).
The more useful number is hospitalizations, and we're now near last summer's peak (50k last summer, 40k right now). That is bad but... It's actually somewhat good too -- We have lifted almost all restrictions. Cases are up from last summer and deaths are still way down.

I'm worried about the fall but with delta ripping through the population almost every American will have either been infected or vaccinated by then. I can't imagine another fall like we had last year.

I agree with this, and that the case counts are just bogus click bait that makes people not take the time to be informed, and take that as an answer to the question they didn't have in their head yet.

With hospital capacity being where it is while the restrictions basically gone, it does seem like it is a positive outlook on an otherwise bad situation. The problem with it all will be if people continue to live and act the way they do without the restrictions and the hospital numbers go up and beyond, going back into a relatively reduced capacity, operating procedures for businesses etc, it will make the general population more frustrated and continue to fuel those fires. That's the major concern I have right now, it's the general population and everyone being an expert, and thinking about themselves, instead of zooming out and thinking bigger picture.
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