hmm seriously why don't we call nike's 1800 # about da jumpman on retros?


Niketalk= Very minimal % of consumer base, therefore,
General Public=Extremely large % of consumer base,

Thus, since the general public just wants to appear "fly",
Nike Air is a less than futile bargaining chip.

I truly love Nike Air,
Yet I sincerely believe that the Moc-Bob Marley, Obama-esque
Threads urging Niketalk to "Make A Change",
Are infantile. I don't care who's "got love" or who's "been in the game", or
"been loyal to Jordan Brand"
If you really had love, you'd have the OGs, simple as that.
I'm speaking from experience.

Let's not kid ourselves,
if a certain shoe means that much to you,
you can't expect it to be handed to you.....
Especially On the proverbial silver GR platter.

Contrary to popular belief, there are OG's out there.
They're available.
They're prized for a reason.
Niketalkers aren't guaranteed rights to these shoes
Just because they sit around and talk about them.
There are 100,000 regular guys for every 1 niketalker who had/wanted Nike Air growing up.
Ovecourse they're going to be scarce nowadays!

Don't dump your dissatisfaction with yourselves onto JB....
That's just bad form.

That will be all,
Originally Posted by kingk777


Niketalk= Very minimal % of consumer base, therefore,
General Public=Extremely large % of consumer base,

Thus, since the general public just wants to appear "fly",
Nike Air is a less than futile bargaining chip.

I truly love Nike Air,
Yet I sincerely believe that the Moc-Bob Marley, Obama-esque
Threads urging Niketalk to "Make A Change",
Are infantile. I don't care who's "got love" or who's "been in the game", or
"been loyal to Jordan Brand"
If you really had love, you'd have the OGs, simple as that.
I'm speaking from experience.

Let's not kid ourselves,
if a certain shoe means that much to you,
you can't expect it to be handed to you.....
Especially On the proverbial silver GR platter.

Contrary to popular belief, there are OG's out there.
They're available.
They're prized for a reason.
Niketalkers aren't guaranteed rights to these shoes
Just because they sit around and talk about them.
There are 100,000 regular guys for every 1 niketalker who had/wanted Nike Air growing up.
Ovecourse they're going to be scarce nowadays!

Don't dump your dissatisfaction with yourselves onto JB....
That's just bad form.

That will be all,

methodman said it best...they don't reward our loyality...they TEST it with crap like this....

this is madness.........seriously..when is da breaking point?

OG's can't be worn anymore....99 retros are slowly becomin unwearable as well.....I DONT WANT A DAMN JUMPMAN ON MY SACRED BLACK AND REDIV's........and from that katrina auction it looks like when they retro em they'll use da modern molds....
Sorry little wanna-be champion but you fail AGAIN at asking for something you won't have.Nice try though.
I coulda swore Gentry said he respects OG collectors and won't put Nike Air back on J's. A side bar, what if they did and people who copped fakesactually thought they were fake cause they had Nike Air on them instead of the Jumpman?
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

I coulda swore Gentry said he respects OG collectors and won't put Nike Air back on J's. A side bar, what if they did and people who copped fakes actually thought they were fake cause they had Nike Air on them instead of the Jumpman?

irony at its finest....
Straight up I think people who claims that it's not gonna happen are just pessimistic...but that doesn't mean you gonna dog on this idea since you aretoo damn lazy to do something bout it!!
If everybody was like "o don't bother since nothing gonna change.." then we won't have great figures in the past like MLK, MalcomX....etc.
Like tinker said before they're keeping the jumpman on the new retros. To keep the nike air on the classics and for OG collectors!!!
Originally Posted by 3thaman

Good Idea but that number probably goes to some fat lady in Nebraska with 6 kids who gets paid minimum wage to talk to disgruntled customers.
Damn 3thaman y it gotta be Nebraska bro ? ? ?

Edit- Champion/Ninja I feel where u at I aint hatin like some of these others, but let's face it cuz. It's gonna be what it is. We've all heardrumors and speculation that the NikeAir will return for the Countdown. The bottom line is you have to stop beating a dead horse. We all want NikeAir. BrandJordan and Nike know that. It most likely will not happen and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. And, in my express personal opinion, the blk/red IVare very plain and mediocre, nothing special. Certainly not sacred either. I'd rather have blk/cool grey IV or white/cement IV over the blk/red IV ANY DAYOF THE YEAR!!!
With all of the responses in this thread its already like alot of NTers have given up on it without even trying. The Jumpman sign may stay however if an effortis made it may be possible to change it. Personally i like the jumpman and it is not really a problem to me only thing is the fakes have been looking like thatfor years lol. Its funny because so many people on here are quick to try and put a person on blast for wearing fakes and dont even know their situation yet arequick to tell a person that his/her suggestion wont work at all. Im willing to try however like i said before i like them with or without the nike air on theback because the colorway is just so ill til this very day!

Also, alot of us complain and still purchase JBs products that come out whether we like them or not. I am so glad that i go with the way that i feel about arelease instead of jumping up every morning because of the hype. This is not an extremely serious issue however if you put forth some effort things may change.We have a forum that promotes and lets everyone know what is going on, we actually have some power here we have alot of members to try and change something tothe way that we wanted to be done. I think it would be worth a try, if it works then nice however if is does not work then at least we tried and we know thatwe made a solid effort.

Once everyone starts to realize this then even the world could make a change for the better.
Do a petition and call them as well, its up to you.
Also, when i saw those air jordan 5 fusions or whatever the name of the shoes are posted above in that particular colorway on air-randys site this morning iput my head down man. Honestly, their are good releases dropping this year i just think that JB is catering to more of the younger elementary, jr high and highschool kids and its smart because kids tend to have whatever amount of spending dollars, parents buy them for the kids or whatever while majority of adults paybills and start to have more important things to think about. I understand that this is a business, I just do not think that i would put out a colorway likethat lol. They could have just did a Laney HS colorway for those fusions!
i called em 3 times, dude's are very aproachable....probably call another 4 times thruout da week.
Id rather have og quality it makes it more worth it to buy retros for the prices they are now.
Thats an issue I'm more concerned with and would warrant me to spend time to make that call.

As much as I would prefer "NIKE AIR", the jumpman doesnt bother that much.
Ayo Ninja, I just called. Not 2 steal your words but I stole you "short changed".
Ima call tmrw again.
whats that number?
Originally Posted by Da Future Nike Rep

Also, when i saw those air jordan 5 fusions or whatever the name of the shoes are posted above in that particular colorway on air-randys site this morning i put my head down man. Honestly, their are good releases dropping this year i just think that JB is catering to more of the younger elementary, jr high and high school kids and its smart because kids tend to have whatever amount of spending dollars, parents buy them for the kids or whatever while majority of adults pay bills and start to have more important things to think about. I understand that this is a business, I just do not think that i would put out a colorway like that lol. They could have just did a Laney HS colorway for those fusions!

By the looks of it there tending to soulja boy also.
are you buying the shoe or are you just DYING TO HAVE the nike air symbol??????

Life is life and it aint gonna change
Thats my word you guys are straight bunzzzzzz.
The same dudes to go buy a lollipop, eat it then complain to your mommy that it wasn't the one you wanted!!!

Why is the nothing but pessimistic NTers?
You guys lost you imagination? along with your voice deepening?
With the energy 2 make a post... MAKE THE DAMN CALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Ijapino needs 2 ban me soon, cuz I'm sick of the ignorance...
i called they said something like they chose what logos go on the back by how the consumers choose what they like/dont like

i said i like nike air

she said most others dont care? this totally contradicts what she said earlier.

i still hope for NIKE AIR ON CARMINES!!!
i mean..i understand why you guys would want nike air and stuff on your jays but if you look at the manufaturing date on the inside of your jordans and thencompare them to the release date..i'm sure their making them while we're on here discussing it
I def feel what Hood is sayin. I dont mind the Jumpman, it the banana shape that kills me.
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