Hold up so the ******** signed Joey Galloway and Bobby wade instead of T.O.

Jul 26, 2008
I'm convinced T.O. is being blackballed

So 55 catches 829 yds 5 td's from Ryan Fitzpatrick aint good enough

Didnt Galloway get cut, is bobby wade that dude from the chiefs

I mean dude didnt even get in any trouble last yr, he cant get a job thats crazy
Terrible if you ask me. Galloway is old as dirt and is over the hill, Bobby Wade??? I'll take TO on the Lions, we could use the help. Think of it, Calvin, Burelson, and TO would be a dangerous receiving group.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

His fault

I could understand if he did something wrong last yr, dude was on his best behavior last yr and put up good numbers catching passes from Ryan fitzpatrick.
if he's being blackballed it's on him for acting like an ahole all those years. yea he was good last season but i would be skeptical after how he acted with the niners, eagles, and dallas.
Why not Jacksonville?

They're in a similar situation like the Bills last year where they need to sell tickets, and an offense of MJD, Owens and Sims-Walker would do wonders for Garrard. Unless TO murders him before anything positive can get done, that is.
What's the rush? Like people are rushing to sign him or something 
The season doesn't start tommorow...Galloway and Wade are just being brought in to be camp fodders nothing more....the ******** also signed Roydell Williams, Jerry Porter and Marques Hagan......obviously not everyone is making it (If any)...
Originally Posted by TheGift23

What's the rush? Like people are rushing to sign him or something 
The season doesn't start tommorow...Galloway and Wade are just being brought in to be camp fodders nothing more....the ******** also signed Roydell Williams, Jerry Porter and Marques Hagan......obviously not everyone is making it (If any)...


I don't expect any of those guys Gift mentioned to make the team. 
I'd like to see TO in Houston next year...Andre needs a number 2 receiver to take some pressure off him think he could still do that well.
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