Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

The fact that you couldn't understand that analogy as it relates to societies attitude towards black people as a whole tells me you're just flat out stupid and want to twist anything to prove your trollish, ignorant argument.

I'm out.
the irony of that statement you do realize what you just said is absolutely idiotic and is nonsense... and can be proven from a pyschological an scientific standpoint.... but go head...
Dude its not just racism.  White supremacy means making the school systems, the food, the WATER, law enforcement, political awareness and living conditions inferior in certain demographics.  Do you not see that?  I mean just the inferior school systems alone answers most of your questions off jump.  In urban communities its been shown that most of schools are overcrowded with outdated material and no accountability from teachers, I don't see how you don't understand that.  This country has been around for 400 years, 250 of that we were slaves, and 350 of that we didn't even have equal rights.  40-50 years ago ALL of our black leaders were assassinated by white people or white conspirators paying black people.  Since then all of our influences, which are controlled by whites (TV, Internet, media, etc) not only portray blacks in a negative light, but also promote it.  All of these are FACTS.  But despite all of that it's OUR fault.

Im just tired of seeing ppl mess up good posts by not looking at the big picture. 
ok so lets just make sense and let me get it clear all of these issues problems etc.... of blacks today is because of white supremecy and racism and the adverse effects of racism right......

Ok so why is it that MY generation of black ppl graduated at TWICE the rate then this current generation of black ppl?

Are you saying that black ppl experience more racism.... more discrimination, more bigotry etc.... then I did growing up in the 70's?

So we owned and governed more businesses and cities/towns in my generation, then in yours because racism opportunities... etc... is more prevalent... more blatant, then mines of the 70's

So blacks commit more crimes esp on one another, because lack of jobs and opportunities for blacks due to racism and discrimination is moreso now then when i was coming up growing into my own in the late 70's early 80's aka the "crack era"

So blacks have more babies out of wedlock tenfold today because of limitations etc... that for some odd reason either A. we didnt face in my era.... or B. because it is much worse and conditions are harder today to have a black family then it was for my parents.

So black ppl are the most unfit out of shape and fattest they ever been in history... because lack of nutrition, education of nutrition etc... is moreso NOW... Then when i was a kid growing up.....

Yea i hear ya... me living in the south in the 70's growing up is nothing compared to the everyday racism, discrimination and bigotry a black person faces today in atlanta, ga... or memphis ten...

Yea walking past a white man who blatant in your face calls you a boy.... baby ****.... or iglet is nothing compared to some white/asian guy spewing racist words to a black kid today while playing cod on xbox live...

Yea black ppl got it so so hard today.... waaaay worse then we did. Damn racism and discrimination and lack of equal rights and opportunities i faced is nothing compared to what yall black ppl face today in 2014.

Hell we had klan, crooked cops patrolling and trolling our hoods on a reg... Had signs that str8 up said yo black axx is not welcomed or wanted... and if it didnt you was told str8 to your face. But nah thats nothing compared to today...

And seeing as its so so much rougher, black ppl  endure and are subjected to much more then we were... thats why black ppl have regressed this generation... 

OH OK i see it now gotcha... damn didnt know it was so so bad being a young black man in 2014... far worse then being one in the 70's 
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This dude has basically called black people financially irresponsible, lazy, Promiscuous, uneducated etc etc for the past two pages yet he's clearly not getting banned?

Where are the mighty NT admins who ban for stupidity all the time.
This dude has basically called black people financially irresponsible, lazy, Promiscuous, uneducated etc etc for the past two pages yet he's clearly not getting banned?

Where are the mighty NT admins who ban for stupidity all the time.

Lol I'm banned from dumb threads on here even got banned from the TAN Yet these same dudes run wild every thread
I reported his post on that last page and now my post where I called him a "racist POS" has been deleted. I'm also banned from TAN :lol:

Edit: Looks like the post I reported got deleted also but he basically said the same thing on this page.
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I wondered why this thread was moving...

same old suspects, same old result
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Yep, this keeps this thread on the front page and hopefully people reading get some good information. We all know the guy is a troll, but its fun.

This is a perfect example when someone gets an answer and just doesn't want to face the truth!!

:rofl: :rofl: .... You are quite entertaining
yeppers black ppl sure dont.... lol racism makes a black guy sleep

outside and spend all his money on jordans instead of investing in his future....

oh my bad its because his great great grandfather was a slave.... thats why....

yea tyrone drops out of the 9th grade because of kunte kinte.... because of harriet tubman lol....

60% of black women are facing obesity because of racism and slavery lol...... 

its damn damn 500 yrs of slavery that makes her opt for churches fried chicken instead of having it baked....

damn memories of lynches... (my bad you have to experience something to have a memory of it) well someone elses memories they dont even know of lynchings and being whipped is why the black kid listens and takes gucci manes words as gospel and looks at someone like dr umar johnson as talking crazy.

damn slavery makes a black women search the ends of the earth online to find out about the upcoming season of scandal instead of researching who dorthy dandridge was. lol

black folks got more excuses then a deadbeat dad for not paying child support.... oops let me guess he doesnt pay because of racism and slavery lol

Let's talk about racism for a second.

It's racism that led you to post that hateful, ignorant rant. It's racism that's responsible for our nation's schools being more segregated today than in 1954. It's racism that perpetuates enormous earnings and wealth disparities. (The median income for a Black household was just 59% of the median White household income in 2011 - up just FOUR percent since 1967.) It's racism that perpetuates bigoted stereotypes about fried chicken and hypersexuality. And it's your racism that got you banned from NikeTalk.
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Nice.  Little did he know the trick to being racist on NT is with slight subtle jabs, he just went full Klansman and got culturally enriched for it.  I'm grateful that this board has an Admin that's openly against racism because a lot of boards don't.
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Nice.  Little did he know the trick to being racist on NT is with slight subtle jabs, he just went full Klansman and got culturally enriched for it.  I'm grateful that this board has an Admin that's openly against racism because a lot of boards don't.

Word. I'm glad someone peeps game. He ain't the only one thinking that way :lol:
Wow, I come back and the hammer was laid down. But back on topic.... Do ya'll think people really will speak with their wallets when it comes to this film? It will obviously be mass marketed, but I hope people in general will not be swayed by it and take a stand.

Like I've said, no one in my family will be allowed to see this movie. I just hope there are more people out there with this thought process.

This video was quite interesting in that the white commentator simply doesn't care about "white washing, while the Asain guy does. I think the concept of white privilege plays a large part into why how the dominant society view these matters.

I actually thought his comparison about Bale playing an American superhero was a false equivalent. At the very core Bale is a white male playing the role of white male. I don't thin heritage is a strong factor. I also think the nature and tone of the material plays a role. For example, historicist movies and religious figures should be portrayed as accurately as possible. Especially if you're going to do a big budget film.

But I guess its also a question of motive. Is making money the only reason this film is being made? What message are the producers trying to convey with their casting choices?
It would take an organized effort to really hit the movie studio where it hurts.

What do you think we could do to get this message out. I'm all about solutions and the only thing I feel I can do is use whatever influence I have with my friends and family to urge them not to support this flick.
That usually helps, social media is more influential than we think.  We need to think up a hashtag or something
What do you think we could do to get this message out. I'm all about solutions and the only thing I feel I can do is use whatever influence I have with my friends and family to urge them not to support this flick.
Facebook posts leading up to the movies release should increase in frequency, not decrease. We could also put it in our signatures on NT.
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