How do you effectively follow market trends and financial news? Vol...Finance enthusiasts

May 17, 2011
I'm a finance major and am currently in the active process of securing an internship within the financial services field. I am in love finance and enjoy keeping up with the financial world and economy. I read the New York Times and Wall Street Journal every now and then, and subscribe to The Economist and read Bloomberg when available. However balancing all that I do, I don't think there is enough time in the day to keep up with all this reading. This obviously is important when one is in track of a financial oriented career. The question I pose to you is how do stay informed and what are several techniques you use or have learned from fellow people involved in the financial world in maximizing information in little time? Please chime in you finance, economics, business, etc heads. 
Depending on what you want to do as far as a career there are different publications that are geared towards articles relating to the investor type. An analyst may want to read FT or WSJ or go on EDGAR and look at financial statements or go on company websites and look at earnings announcements and listen to conference calls. A technical trader may want to read IBD or various websites dedicated to that, for example. I find that Bloomberg TV helps keep you up to date on general goings on without the fluff of cnbc, plus it's 24 hours covering all markets.

The thing is there is a lot of bad info, speculation, arbitrary or relative analysis and outright lies which imo all really amounts to trying to look into a crystal ball and predict the future. You have to ask yourself, "do I want to follow news or do I ultimately want to make successful investment decisions?" Develop a strategy that works for you, not based on news, but based on the principles you will be getting familiar with in your classes. Then let that strategy dictate how you follow the markets and where you go for info.
RSS reader. Go find blogs you prefer (technorati is a good place to start curating) and subscribe. For instance, NYT, Economist, etc. all have blogs. With an RSS reader, the content comes to you (very important) and stays with you as long as you want in one convenient place. An Internet DVR, I suppose. Check it every few hours as a "break". I use Feeddler Pro (signed in with google account) with my iPad. Going off that, I would recommend a tablet for reading and staying informed. Unparalleled experience for media consumption.
I'll peep the twitter Watcher. And I see Frank, that's ultimately the goal. To develop a sound strategy. I'll look into these recommendations. I was also looking into purchasing a tablet (Ipad) just for the portable reason. I'll start looking into these blogs and apps. Good looks Moody.
Don't do this nearly as much as I used to do, but I had a steady rotation of WSJ, Forbes, Seeking Alpha, and select CNN Money/Investopedia/Drudge Report articles.
I appreciate all of your recommendations. Yeah Crip, I'm sure many of us can benefit from these resources. Many of these NT'ers are well connected and resourceful. Can't express how important it is nowadays to stay informed on markets especially as a student.
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