How does it feel?

Oct 13, 2009
latelty going into hs i feel like i might end up smoking or tring weed. so i was wondering how does it feel, do you actually get smarter pros and cons and your personal experiences with it.
check out the other thread too. i wanna be prepared.
latelty going into hs i feel like i might end up smoking or tring weed. so i was wondering how does it feel, do you actually get smarter pros and cons and your personal experiences with it.
check out the other thread too. i wanna be prepared.
Weed is awesome.. but I don't think you should get into, like i said in your last thread.
Weed is awesome.. but I don't think you should get into, like i said in your last thread.
I have never smoked, but people say it makes you relax, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to do so. You'll waste a lot of money and the worst thing that can happen: Getting caught.

You'll be shunned from your family.
I have never smoked, but people say it makes you relax, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to do so. You'll waste a lot of money and the worst thing that can happen: Getting caught.

You'll be shunned from your family.
For me it made me lazy, sleepy, hungry, made a lot of boring things interesting, hungry, made me laugh a lot, came up with some weird/cool ideas, and hungry.
For me it made me lazy, sleepy, hungry, made a lot of boring things interesting, hungry, made me laugh a lot, came up with some weird/cool ideas, and hungry.
Weed is good for you, but the smoke is what !+%%# your lungs up. I don't care tho.

It helps me relax and get over a lot of stress, but I only smoke good. I can't do 50 anymore haha, it's all around bad for me. It burns your lungs when you inhale, and my high always puts me to sleep, which isn't cool. What I smoke now gives me a.......I'm not goin' into detail with this. Try it.
Weed is good for you, but the smoke is what !+%%# your lungs up. I don't care tho.

It helps me relax and get over a lot of stress, but I only smoke good. I can't do 50 anymore haha, it's all around bad for me. It burns your lungs when you inhale, and my high always puts me to sleep, which isn't cool. What I smoke now gives me a.......I'm not goin' into detail with this. Try it.
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