How does NT feel about Common- Be?

Sep 23, 2004
Just got finished listening to this for the first time (yea I said it), zero skippable tracks. Nothing but heatrock.

I don't use the word often, but Classic?

MmmmmHmmmm... I used to wake up in the morning and watch the video for BE.

Would put me in a good vibe, which would often be broken down by the time my 2nd class started

The last min 1/2 of Faithful is some of thee most beautiful music ever made regardless of genre. Legend/Bilal going back to back harmonizing with that sample.Indescribable. I can't tell you how many times I've rewound just that min+

I'll give it that label.
It was the last Comm Sense album that I throughly enjoyed from start to finish.
I'm on the fence of about this being a classic....
its pretty damn close if its not...
Probably his best work IMO.

It's good front to back.

Ya'll also slept on UMC but I don't care cause NT doesn't like anything.
Great ++++*%# album. Top to bottom. You could say "classic" and I wouldn't argue. Intro is crazy.

"Go" is inspirational. Cake nailed it as well. The end of "Faithful" is some beautiful %@$!.

But "The Food" live on Chappelle's Show smokes the album version.
'Ye and Common is one of the best duos in hip-hop. Be is by far Common's best work in my opinion.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Great ++++*%# album. Top to bottom. You could say "classic" and I wouldn't argue. Intro is crazy.

"Go" is inspirational. Cake nailed it as well. The end of "Faithful" is some beautiful %@$!.

But "The Food" live on Chappelle's Show smokes the album version.

You never lied brutha

It's Your World?????

OMG I'm about to play the lp now...
Son I'm on my way to my 3rd class and just went through the cd on the ipod for like the 8th time

Only gripe from me, I wish it wasn't so short.

Kanye got foolish on here, with the verses and the beats

Any other Common worth giving a listen?

But "The Food" live on Chappelle's Show smokes the album version.
I'm gonna need to hear this version.
when it came out i said it was boring, and today, i say the same thing. it's a good album, but i don't feel it's incredible.

the fine wine approach has not worked for this record.

edit- the food that i have is from the chappelle show, did they change the version after the album came out?

if you're looking for more common, i suggest like water for chocolate, and resurection.
i'm not even a Common fan. the only albums i like from him are BE and Finding Forever.

but BE is amazing. Classic without a doubt. the vibe from that album is something else
Awww Man. I remember cats in 10th grade tried to play me cause I bumped Common, then after I let em hear it... dudes was

This CD was on the iPod during my whole trip to Jamaica. The whole CD holds significance.
I love this album. "Its your world" is my favorite cut. Ye and Com came correct with this effort.
Be is a classic album IMO.

I think I've played Be(Intro) over 135 times.
Originally Posted by illphillip

But "The Food" live on Chappelle's Show smokes the album version.
Did we get different versions of the album???
"The Food" on my CD IS the Chappelle Show performance.

I thought the full studio version was only released as a single/Internets...

Kanye's best production IMO and the pinnacle of Com's career. Very classic.
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