How long do you think LUST can last??

Aug 9, 2002
After reading through a different post I started thinking about this. How long do you think lust can last? I've undoubtedly had a couple week and even acouple months fling go that was out of pure lust and nothing else, it was extremely exciting and then it just wore off and there was no more appeal. I'vealso seen some people who have been together for over a year who have absolutely nothing in common and don't even see each other for any other time duringa day than to sleep over and have sex....they don't go out on dates or spend time with each other doing things except for sex. I'm not an expert but Iwould consider that still lust, because I don't think it would be possible to say you really love someone but yet the only thing you have in common is sex.So it makes me wonder how long do you think people can actually remain together off of lust alone?
hmmmm i been in a relationship where my girl neva met my parents...i mean we went out for dinner and movies...exchanged birthday gifts,but sex was a majorissue...when we ended,i realized i think i was in a relationship of lust...oh yea the relationship was 3 years
try not to have dive in and have sex right away.
make each other wait. that way infatuation and the lust will last longer.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

7-12 pumps

It can last for life...

2 people can break up, go their separate ways, get married to other people and still have that strong feeling of lust for each other until their dying days.
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