How long should a quickie be?


Normal sessions last 30+.

Quickies involve little foreplay and a lot of times some clothes stay on.

If I'm really turned on and I'm going raw I might last less than 10 minutes
15-20 mins but no longer than 25. And this answer is straight from numerous women. Idk what the hell y'all are doing in 6-7 mins

You must be makin love or something man because 20 min is not a "quickie" :lol:

I don't think I've ever change positions during a session. She is hot, you are too but y'all got something to do. Bend her over the coach/table/counter/against the wall and go to town.
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as long as it normally takes for you to naturally spunk out if you weren't holding back trying to be an alpha.

2 min I'm in and i'm out. like clockwork son.
yeah u caught me, im jealous
I can hook you up with my nutrition plan it'll have you like me in 6 days...yes that's right you too can have breast like mine
condom on or off?............................................if i'm wearing a condom aint no way it's gonna be a quickie. but a quickie shouldn't be more than 10mins. Depending on the situation, if you at the crib, or in a public place trying to be adventurous. you don't have time to waste, and that rush can heighten the feeling.
If she considers 45 minutes a quickie then she aint hitting on nothing.

If it's gushy like its supposed to be.. you aint lasting 45 min during a normal round.
She said 45 mins? lmao. Must be sleepin with dudes she ain't feelin at all.

Quickie for me is 5-10 mins. 
45 mins. 

I would say about 7-11 minutes.

If I am only worrying about my nut id say 5 or less. 

I approve team raw as well. I know all my chicks history though, random raw smashing will leave you hurting. 
Only thing u can do quick in 45 mins is catch a flight.

Chick must got that elusive O
If no rubber is involved and I'm going to pound town, and no slow stroking. 7-10 mins tops.

If I start off from the back and them buns get to shaking 3-5 mins. If she's on top I can last longer then 10mins.
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You must be makin love or something man because 20 min is not a "quickie" :lol:

I don't think I've ever change positions during a session. She is hot, you are too but y'all got something to do. Bend her over the coach/table/counter/against the wall and go to town.

:lol: This may very well be the case. Any "quickie" I've had has been around 15-20 mins, then again I have an addictive personality and once I'm in I'm trying to stay in :evil:
45 minutes? I swear if some of these women only knew how guys REALLY felt, they'd stop saying crazy stuff.

Who is trying to make love to you ALL the time? Ain't nobody got time fo dat!

That's why I love the fact these newer cars don't take long to heat up. Get in and go.

To answer the of question, 5-15 minutes seems reasonable. Its a quickie. Now making love depends on how long the two parties want to go.
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There's no concrete definition of time a quickie should be. It's as quick as it take for you to get off. And unless that girl climaxes quick, ain't no use use tryna break a girl off in a quickie.
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