How many chicks does a huge celebrity who is into chasing tail smash in a good week / month / year?

Jan 12, 2004
What kind of numbers does an A lister rack up when he has chicks throwing themselves at him every day.
Personally, about 20-35 on a slow day, on a good day I would have to say 50-60.

But for real, I think a more mind boggling question is, can an average male smash 1 chick per day?
Originally Posted by SkunkInDunks

If my title is confusing you are not smart my friend.

too many nouns
Do you just want to know how many other people he smashed that day?

Otherwise, I see no reason for this thread.
For rock stars I'd say they could pull 10 a night (on tour) if they wanted to.. back in the 70's-80's that is..

I don't think too many dudes can do it these days at least not in the US..

I'm sure Euro soccer players do MAJOR numbers.

Risking catching the monster would deter most men I hope.
i hear after every game manchester united wins cristiano ronaldo smashes like 30 call girls in his pool
Wilt is said to have pushed 20k that'll be like 10 a night for oh 6-7 years which would be about the time most basketball players stay as an A listcelebrity
When one of my friend at work went on tour, his band mate was sleeping with 3 women a night. He told me that if I were to go with them I would of easily getsome. Maybe next time when he goes on tour I might have to go.
A month is 20. That is simply my opinion though since these guys may be busy keeping their fame alive.
This is an impossible question to answer...seeing as none of us are "huge celebrities" ...or are we?
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