How many girls do you get on a day?

Sep 27, 2010
For me, a day is not complete if I don't get AT LEAST 1 girl's number...I don't necessarily even have to call or text all of em...Just to keep my G sharp and to have options. In my phonebook I put where I know the girl from (like Candace from Olive Garden)so I can hit her up whenever...

Originally Posted by KidJoke

what if you don't leave the house that day?

Idk what to tell u nephew, go for a walk or something. I don't really have the luxury to stay at the crib all day
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Your name is Cuffy though, you aint bout that life

I got that name cuz my G is tighter than Police handcuffs
Originally Posted by rocman23

how old are you dude? this sounds juvenile

It's juvenile for a single guy to talk to get on @%*!??? Yall _s got the game %$%%@+ up
Come on, I know all of yall _s can't be this lame. Yall would rather be on here all day lusting over a bad +%*%# yall will NEVER get on instead of talking to a @!!%@@% in the real world...
Originally Posted by Cuffy

Come on, I know all of yall _s can't be this lame. Yall would rather be on here all day lusting over a bad +%*%# yall will NEVER get on instead of talking to a @!!%@@% in the real world...

def not every day, don't see girls I would smash every day. Pretty picky and it's not like game gets rusty after a few days.
Originally Posted by youngdoc

def not every day, don't see girls I would smash every day. Pretty picky and it's not like game gets rusty after a few days.

That's real...
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