How prevalent is sexual abuse by family members, in your opinion?

Jan 14, 2006
Always thought its few and far between.  i've seen some news reports and some posts here on NT that say otherwise

Not just the females, but also the males.  its not something you'd ask a friend about.

How prevalent is it.  It seems to happen most in broken families, theres quite a few of those in today's time
I think it's more prevalent than most would think.
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

 It seems to happen most in broken families, theres quite a few of those in today's time
I don't think this is true either.
Well, I feel like a family HAS to be broken if sexual abuse is going on among members.  If it wasn't before, it sure as hell is now. 

My mother was physically, mentally and sexually abused by her step father. Surprisingly, she turned out to be an amazing woman and mother.

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.
Highly prevalent. I know a lot of women that were abused by uncles, step dads, older cousins, etc. It's really awful and pretty much destroys these people's lives. Most of the the girls are drug addicts or alcoholics or both.

Watch Intervention and like all of the girls on that show have been abused, usually by a relative.
From reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao I've gotten the impression that happens quite a lot in DR (that and older men banging out 13 year olds).
Originally Posted by gORJESS

Well, I feel like a family HAS to be broken if sexual abuse is going on among members.  If it wasn't before, it sure as hell is now.
A broken family just means the parents are separated but if we're using that term interchangeably with +%%!#+ up family then I agree.
Originally Posted by gORJESS

Well, I feel like a family HAS to be broken if sexual abuse is going on among members.  If it wasn't before, it sure as hell is now. 

My mother was physically, mentally and sexually abused by her step father. Surprisingly, she turned out to be an amazing woman and mother.

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.

Man I'm sorry to hear that. I commend ur mom for being able to stand strong after that. Give her a big hug for me fam(no disrespect) I know it can mess people up emotionally. I can't understand how any sick #%%@% can do that to youngsters.
Originally Posted by gORJESS

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.
This. Never understood how people could just stand by and do nothing knowing their kids are being hurt.
Originally Posted by SolexSup

Originally Posted by gORJESS

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.
This. Never understood how people could just stand by and do nothing knowing their kids are being hurt.
They could have been abused themselves as a youth, they could be being abused concurrently with the child, they could just be grime. I feel what gORJESS is saying but it's uglier and deeper than that.
Originally Posted by Spookz312

imo what i see hispanic family mostly i kid not imo
You wrote this, proof read it and it actually makes sense to you?

In 10th grade I was talking to this chick that told me she was abused by an uncle. 2 years later I was talking to this other chick that also got abused. Turns out they were cousins.

Not sure if it was the same uncle but damn.

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by SolexSup

Originally Posted by gORJESS

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.
This. Never understood how people could just stand by and do nothing knowing their kids are being hurt.
They could have been abused themselves as a youth, they could be being abused concurrently with the child, they could just be grime. I feel what gORJESS is saying but it's uglier and deeper than that.

I mean in a sense yes it can be uglier and deeper, but knowing my grandmothers background and situation- it was none of that. 

She did end up leaving the man, because of MONEY. 

I just cant believe my mother was strong enough to forgive this woman and looked passed it and actually have a relationship with her when the closest thing this old broad has come to an apology was "I have made some mistakes in my life"   

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by SolexSup

This. Never understood how people could just stand by and do nothing knowing their kids are being hurt.
They could have been abused themselves as a youth, they could be being abused concurrently with the child, they could just be grime. I feel what gORJESS is saying but it's uglier and deeper than that.

I mean in a sense yes it can be uglier and deeper, but knowing my grandmothers background and situation- it was none of that. 

She did end up leaving the man, because of MONEY. 

I just cant believe my mother was strong enough to forgive this woman and looked passed it and actually have a relationship with her when the closest thing this old broad has come to an apology was "I have made some mistakes in my life"   

i have no idea how your mom could forgive her, i hold a grudge over the smallest thing so something like that would NEVER be forgiven. 
it is a lot prevalent then one thinks...i do know a few girls that were abused by older family members...turned out to be drug abuses, very promiscuous, etc just sad stories around :/
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

36 OUNCES wrote:
I'm just gonna leave this in here...

��first thing I thought about. you know it has to happen more often

I watched that video and DAMN that's some weird !%* #@*#. I swear the human mind can be crazy with all the sick and twisted #@*# that crosses a persons mind
i work in the mental health field. the scariest statistic is that of how many sexual abuse incidents go unreported.

I am currently working on research regarding family related sexual abuse runs rampant in hispanic families and what relational symptoms come with such abuse.
Originally Posted by SolexSup

Originally Posted by gORJESS

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.
This. Never understood how people could just stand by and do nothing knowing their kids are being hurt.

It's disgusting but some women want a man around so bad they don't care about he treats her kids. Then some women believe it's their daughters fault he man had sex with them. Like the child seduced him trying to compete with her mother. Some women are jealous of and in competition with their daughters when it comes to affection from men. If Mo'Nique the comedian was sexually abused by her brother do its not always broken families with step parents. It can be aunts uncles sisters and brothers. It happens more often than people would like to believe to boys and girls. I think most sexually abuse is actually committed by someone the hips is close to and not strangers.
Some women are also being abused and are scared of the husband..

What I will say is, a relative of mine is a psychologist and tells me its crazy how many teenage and young women they speak to were sexual abused
a male co worker of mines was "abused" as a kid by his older cousin (a male)

he said it opened the door to homosexuality for him and he did that up until college

he's a hard core christian

i think he liked it and willingly participated after getting use to it

he says he wants to marry a female but i think given the chance @ male booty, he'd take it

either way sex with a kid is horrible
Originally Posted by SolexSup

Originally Posted by gORJESS

It takes a grimy +%# woman to stand by and do nothing while your husband (not even his children) does ANYTHING to harm your children. A reason I will NEVER have respect for my grandmother.
This. Never understood how people could just stand by and do nothing knowing their kids are being hurt.
They could fear for their lives maybe? Which is usually the main reason why someone doesn't "snitch." If I am a mother and I see my daughter getting it from my husband, it is easier for me to resent my daughter than it would be for me to confront my husband about it. IE... Precious. 
Originally Posted by Meallen125

a male co worker of mines was "abused" as a kid by his older cousin (a male)

he said it opened the door to homosexuality for him and he did that up until college

he's a hard core christian

i think he liked it and willingly participated after getting use to it

That "I think he liked it" is why it goes unreported many times. Here he was taken advantage of and people are saying he may have enjoyed after a certain amount of time. It's not blaming the victim but pretty damn close. he says he wants to marry a female but i think given the chance @ male booty, he'd take it

either way sex with a kid is horrible
what do u think then being that he willingly had sex with other males up until HS where he felt he should stop

yes it was wrong regardless being that he was a kid but at a certain age kids know what their doing and know how to say no

in no way am i blaming him for being exposed to it at an early age but i think he had a chance to stop it and do what is right
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