How serious is Benzo Addiction? Advice on my situation

Like others have said, benzo withdrawal is potentially lethal. Luckily, I have no first hand knowledge with that addiction but I know enough people who have had seizures due to their attemps to quit benzos cold turkey and benzo withdrawal can kill a person.

Tapering is the best strategy and the safest. Luckily, benzos are not as euphoric as cocaine or opiates (vicodin, oxy, heroin ect.) so Tapering is a much easier to implement strategy.
based off the info you gave, i would say shes not addicted yet just really likes to do them. what you gotta do is get it through her head before she goes off to school that she shouldnt be using them. tell her its gonna put a whole in her pocket, be detrimental to her health and grades, possibly lead to legal troubles.....
help her before its to late, especially considering she's going away and going to have a millionX more freedom
Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

as far as I know she may not be a daily user yet, but she was talking about purchasing more than one bar at a time.

the thing about this is that I didn't find out that she was using from her, I found out indirectly so I don't want her to think I am out to get her if I tell my parents, because lord knows I haven't always been the best role model. But I never messed with pills or hard drugs. I am truely worried for her, especially going off to college, I've seen so many kids go off and fail out after 1 semester.

and yes, I do think her attitude has changed and that she shows little interest in things. But I have brushed it off as the senioritis that all high school seniors endure when they are close to graduating.

I've decided I am going to tell my mother tommorow and hope for the best. Its going to be tough to watch this unfold with my college graduation and her hs graduation happening in the next few weeks.

You sound naive.

She is probably barred out in front of you and you can't even tell. Barred out in public, etc.

Hell you probably have had conversations with her that she has 0 recollection of.

She'll be fine if she tapers off. I used bars recreationally nothing to her level But there were a few times I popped like 4 at once.....yes those were nights u do not remember.
Originally Posted by Prada G

it is basically not ignore this. it is only going to get worse

No, it's not. Not at all, actually.
Benzos isn't an opiate.

Get your sister some help before it ruins her life. Her tolerance will only get higher and she could kill herself if she drinks while taking them.

For all of you kids that mess around with Benzos or Opiates - DO NOT DRINK WHILE ON THEM.

From everything you have said OP, it does sound like she is addicted to them. It doesn't take much to get dependent on meds like Benzos or pain killers. 

She needs to clean herself up before she goes off to college and what I mean by that is rehab. It's the ONLY way.
Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

So I found out yesterday my younger sister has been taking Xanax bars and Klonipins, and said that she thinks shes addicted but not really because she can't get them all the time. 

Not sure what to do now, I mean I know tons of people who functionally use these drugs, but its different when its your family. She is about to graduate high school and has already enrolled in a college for the fall. I just feel like she should deal with this before she goes off to school where she will have no supervision. My parents will bug out when they find out and that may not be the best thing because she will likely backlash and just become more isolated. I have felt sick since I found out and just don't know how to deal with this. 

What would you do in this situation?  
Functionally using drugs ?  That's a problem right there.

Exactly what is the diagnosis of your sister?  Benzo withdrawals are bad, but that is why you must take them ONLY AS NEEDED and to never abuse it.  Once you get on any daily regiment for an extended period of time, you'll get withdrawals.  It really ruins the nerves, and screws everything up.  

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