They should really stop playing with peoples fantasy's and emotions. Like really b. I'm heated right now. 

I wish it was real. I dunno why they waste time making videos like this.
Im sure we wont get to experience hoverboards in our lifetimes. Same goes for flying cars.
Might look fake, but does that mean it actually is

What if we actually are getting a real hoverboard by the end of 2014 
I'm not sure why so many of y'all are completing dismissing the possibility of this. It'd be hella expensive, but the technology certainly exists.

Its entirely possible someone figured out how harness the magnetic power of two large permanent magnets to create a levitation/"hover" board.

Those two big discs at the bottom look an awful lot like magnets. :nerd:
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Oh word? Cats iz makin hover boards n s***, but dont got no ideaz to get rid of this cotdamn snow from out deez street b
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I'm not sure why so many of y'all are completing dismissing the possibility of this. It'd be hella expensive, but the technology certainly exists.

Its entirely possible someone figured out how harness the magnetic power of two large permanent magnets to create a levitation/"hover" board.

Those two big discs at the bottom look an awful lot like magnets.
chill. i have business with the people in the 2nd video. please keep quiet bout em. *srs*
I'm not sure why so many of y'all are completing dismissing the possibility of this. It'd be hella expensive, but the technology certainly exists.

Its entirely possible someone figured out how harness the magnetic power of two large permanent magnets to create a levitation/"hover" board.

Those two big discs at the bottom look an awful lot like magnets. :nerd:

It just can't happen how hoverboards are presented in BTTF.

Magnetism and gravity are the only known properties of our universe that exert force at a distance. Clearly magnets wont work on sidewalk/asphalt, as anything with mass is attracted to the ground by gravity. Unless the hoverboards have the most powerful and miniaturized anti-mass generators and containers known to man, they cant exert a repelling force at a distance on the ground. Going down that line of thinking, antimatter is extremely unstable and enough needed to lift a person up would probably cause a massive explosion if it interacted with matter.
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Am I allowed to be hopeful and to look past the things that probably make this fake?
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Due to overwhelming feedback, we'd like to address a few more popular questions:

1. This may be the BIGGEST question we've been getting since our last FAQ! The HUVr doesn't work on water... yet! We're excited with some early tests we did that allow The HUVr to work on small bodies of water like a swimming pool. The HUVr 1 won't work on water though, sorry. We currently are working on plans for a "Pitbull" design!

2. Yes, we do have a professional actor named Nelson Cheng as our spokesman. Nelson is good friend and an even better spokesman!

3. This is not a promotional device for anything besides The HUVr!

-The HUVr Team
This (if real) with the Skirmos open source laser tag?
 weekends in the future are gonna be 
 with a hover board and these badboys


No Thread Jack
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how do people even fall for this? we won't see this type of technology in consumers hands in the next 10 to 20 years let alone 2014.
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