Hypothetical question about pitchers hitting in the MLB

Sep 21, 2005
Hitting a baseball at the major league level is one of the hardest if not the hardest skill in all of sports. No one who has never played baseball can step in the box and hit a 90+ MPH sphere that's only a few inches in diameter with a wooden bat that's equally as wide. It's a skill that has to be honed starting at a young age and continued with years of experience.

However, what if someone didn't hone that skill, and only pitched? What if they were the most amazing pitcher on EARTH, let's say, with an ERA below 1.00 against major league batters. BUT, they couldn't hit a baseball for their life. On some tee ball status. Would they make it in the big leagues?

Just wondering.
What? Yea he would still make it to the league. What kind of question is this? 

I mean I guess hypothetically he could get turned off from baseball due to a lack of confidence as a child when being able to do it all is more important but if you can pitch, you can pitch and you're going to be valued at any level.
I was cracking my neck and knuckles prepared to go in depth after reading the title.

This question is easy though. The answer is yes.
With a 1.0 ERA they could just stand there and hope to get hit by pitch every time.
Originally Posted by So Slickening

Hitting a baseball at the major league level is one of the hardest if not the hardest skill in all of sports. No one who has never played baseball can step in the box and hit a 90+ MPH sphere that's only a few inches in diameter with a wooden bat that's equally as wide. It's a skill that has to be honed starting at a young age and continued with years of experience.

However, what if someone didn't hone that skill, and only pitched? What if they were the most amazing pitcher on EARTH, let's say, with an ERA below 1.00 against major league batters. BUT, they couldn't hit a baseball for their life. On some tee ball status. Would they make it in the big leagues?

Just wondering.
are you kidding?
If they had a sub 1 ERA and the greatest pitcher on earth (which is what you said) AL or NL who cares you sacrifice the 1 out (if in the NL) for the stellar pitching, not even a question.
of course they would.

fwiw...most star pitchers were monster baseball players growing up. usually play a position in the field when not pitching and have no probs hitting. it's when they get older and begin to focus just on pitching that the bat skills stop developing.
I see. I just figured that every pitcher in the MLB can at least make contact with a fastball.

I was saying like his bat skills are equal to that of a toddler when the bat is in his hands. I get what all y'all are saying, though.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

carlos zambrano just homered

I absolutely love seeing him hit.  You may either get a HR or broken bat via his leg. 
If a starting pitcher can have an era of 1, they can be hitting into double plays every at-bat and any team would still want them.
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