I found a 2002 Eastbay catalog while cleaning out the closet today. (Pictures in thread)

Damn i didnt recall them platinum Fubu and Pelle Pelle jackets being that expensive.

I remember seeing the prices on platinum fubu as a kid and thinking that these adults were BALLING. that **** was crazy expensive to me back then.

Anyone else have a pair of these back in the day to?

true story. Was on my second flight of life from KC to Denver to see my girlfriend. It was on Southwest so it was open seating. Boarding the flight an attractive girl sits down next to me when she could have sat any where else. She goes, ‘I really like your Timbs (the ones pictured). Everyone always does the wheats but yours are really cool with the white.’ So I joke with her this is my second flight and I get nervous so I might grab her hand when we take off. She just laughed and said that’s okay. We talked for awhile and she was heading to Vegas for the weekend. At that time I was a sophomore in college with zero game or clues on how to read women but I always think I should have got that girls number and those white wheat Timbs were my jam.
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