I need suggestion on a T-SHIRT "Brand" name..

You need to come up with a name based of the product, and your ideas/look of your brand.
..Aww sweet a new T-shirt brand thread :lol:


oh thats tough.. im using that one OP.

but srsly.. GIVIT^
I would like to create a t-shirt company that is sneaker influenced and really aim at sneaker heads.

Any suggestions on a name guys? Need something catchy, but not obvious, such as "sneaker head clothing"

LOL! Already destined to be a total failure. 
Pictures of said clothing designs would help. I'm guessing you put no effort into that too. 
main idea behind starting up a clothing line, specifically a t-shirt line is coming with a new idea, something fresh

youre already going the wrong route, i know so many clowns that wanna do all these "sneaker head" related t's

it aint 2006 anymore...
step 1) log into Twitter
step 2) post pic of your Foambs, Jordans, etc
step 3) use hashtag "Sneakerhead"
step 4) wait for new brands to follow you and enjoy the various "Bred" designs
step 5) steal brand by adding a "Z" to the name
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