I never Knew so many people were against Affirmative Action...

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sotomayor....

PAPER: Sotomayor once described herself as 'product of affirmative action'...

...admitted to two Ivy League schools despite scoring lower on standardized tests than many classmates, which she attributed to 'cultural biases... built into testing'... Developing...

What is this proving? She had the potential to be an Ivy League student even without affermative action. She was just honored more than othersbecuase she was a minority. The problem I have with ideologies like TBone has, is that people like Sotomayor and Obama etc. had to WORK for what they acheived,they had to do well in school and it paid off. But when there are people like our last president who had a C average in high school, goes to Yale and becomesPRESIDENT just becuase of his family is a problem. I think in a way AA is a good idea but how it is today I think it has done minorites bad (I'm black), AAovershadows all of the injustices that minorites still go through. AA in my eyes still puts minorites down because people make it seem like it helps eveysingle minority out (idk just my 2 cents)
being white is, in of itself, an advantage that procures benefits unavailable to non-white minority groups. Regardless of how well-off/or not a white person is, their skin color is something they will always have over a non-white.
well put
but why shouldn't AA benefit minorities who are of a higher economic status? save the "it should only help the lower class" speech.

Racism didn't just let lower white people get ahead...it allowed those in a higher economic status to obtain even greater gains..not only monetarily...butin terms of political and financial power.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

but why shouldn't AA benefit minorities who are of a higher economic status? save the "it should only help the lower class" speech.

Racism didn't just let lower white people get ahead...it allowed those in a higher economic status to obtain even greater gains..not only monetarily...but in terms of political and financial power.

I agree, but I think what these people are trying to argue is that while, say a typical black upper-class person will be at a disadvantage vs. a typicalupper-class white male, they still hold a distinct advantage in various aspects over a typical middle-class, or at the very least, lower-class person of anyrace. So if, say a job or slot in a freshman class or what have you is up for grabs, and one must decide who gets it.....should the first applicant receive itover the second?
you're trying to compare classes to make AA "fair"... but when racism was outright and in people's face...there was no distinction about whobenefited from it.. whites at every level benefitted...and minorities at every level were discriminated against....NOTHING was fair to minorities
Originally Posted by Essential1

I got into a discussion about this in American Politics we broke up into 5 groups of 6-10 kids, My discussion with another kid stopped the whole class and it became a 1 on 1 debate. Me being on the pro Affirmative Action side.

I really don't think some white people understand how easy they have it compared to some minorities (I am white).... Not to say white people don't struggle but certain things they don't have to deal with that other groups do. Things that effect everyday life.

People also don't realize for every unqualified Affirmative Action reception there is a white guy who doesn't deserve the job (so what is the explanation of that).

Many times blacks, Hispanics, Asians, woman etc. are still looked over for jobs with affirmative action and they are more qualified.

And then if you are a minority and you earned your spot you are an automatic affirmative action hire. (Obama, Sotomayor, the list goes on)

The racism and bigotry in this country is not dead at all.

While I do believe an economic status Affirmative Action is better and will cover more people, we cannot just abolish Affirmative Action completely.

And to sum it up as a White Male I have never felt hindered, cheated whatever by Affirmative Action. My resume speaks for itself. I don't get a job I don't get a job. I don't blame anyone else for it.

hands down you're my favorite white NT member
....seriously man...
Originally Posted by Master Zik

First those people are ignorant. A.A. just gives them another topic to spew their racist opinions.

I should note that there are black ppl against A.A. as well for different reasons.

The lazy black side of me loves it but after that passes it's like I'm not getting this opportunity for my merits but the color of skin. The foundation of A.A. has suddle and subtle deep rooted reverse racism in it even if the framers weren't fully aware of it. It's like first it was lets not treat blacks like humans, now instead of equal lets treat them special especially when it comes to getting certain advantages. I understand for about a century young white men innately had advantages and opportunities over just about every other race and blacks were basically the opposite but I don't think playing catch up is the way to even the playing field. I don't have an answer for how to put blacks or any other race or nationality on equal footing with white ppl but as we as a society progress I can understand some genuinely disadvantaged white ppl who aren't racist feeling it isn't fair. Now yes, slavery was obviously not fair but I know one way to look at this "solution" is not every black person is subjected to the hatred and racism blacks faced 50 years ago. Racism has basically become universal and most of us have realized certain groups of ppl just don't like others and in general everyone isn't going to like each other.

I can see the argument on both sides, just wish there was a better way to skip this drawn out process but we can't control how ppl think when it comes to why a person is hired for a job or given a certain opportunity..... yet. In many ways it'd be better if ppl were literally without hate but
that aint happening.

Saw a movie recently with this being one of the topics with Sarah Jessica Parker. I know at least one other person saw it. It was pretty good, caught me off guard when it was the black kid doing it
although it was typical given the limited options.
you are no longer allowed to comment on this topic.....

edit: so who is getting the short short short end of the stick here.....super lower class minorities or super lower class whites???? Success is basicallygauged on drive and access, so would the class of people with no access and with AA going against them have it the worst???? just a question....
AA has never given my family or me any type of advantage over anyone. I've never gotten a job because I'm black.. Great example, one time I appliedfor a job with foxsports( yeah I know fox) and everything was going great, they seemed interested, but then they sent me that race questioner( the onethat's always at the end of a appication) after I completed it and sent it back; I haven't heard from them since, and that was 2 years ago. like damncan I atleast get that interview yall just told me about.(
) For thosewho oppose it so strongly, no we don't get a monthly check, or hundreds of random jobs or schools calling us to meet their quota. People always talkingabout the unqualified minority who got the job and never the unqualified white person who got the job.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

but why shouldn't AA benefit minorities who are of a higher economic status? save the "it should only help the lower class" speech.

Racism didn't just let lower white people get ahead...it allowed those in a higher economic status to obtain even greater gains..not only monetarily...but in terms of political and financial power.

Because AA is/was always has been politicized. Quotas are wrong, plain and simple. When did the "pursuit of happiness" become a guarantee ofhappiness? I had a Black teacher in high school that told me once that he thinks because of politicians that Blacks have not been able to assimilate themselvesto the cultural of America like other minorities, they've been held back because politicians think that Black needs help for everything.

For the people that believe in AA are you trying to say that because of historical "shackles" that one cant compete even with those shackles removed?Are you really saying that limiting that group is a good thing? What is a level playing field? I don't care what color you are, every Race has the sameopportunities to pursue, so like I said what is "leveling the playing field", because if you are saying that Blacks should be given a preference justbecause they are Black is wrong.

In the real world there isn't a "playing field", there never was. Individuals do not have equal intelligence, equal athletic ability, and so on,Why? Because everyone is different. So how can there be an equal "playing field" ever?

Point blank, the Federal Gov't should not be able to dictate policies of admissions or hiring practices whether it be at a college, corporation, oranywhere else. If you own a business you should be able to hire who YOU want and who meets YOUR needs, not to satisfy a beurocrat. University's should beadmitting students based on who is ready for college work instead of admitting people to be more "diverse".

Is there still Racism and prejudice in this country? Of course there is, but does AA fix the problem? No. People need to get off that "Cumbaya, everyoneone has to like everyone, we all need to love everyone". It's unrealistic, that utopia doesn't exist and it will never will.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you're trying to compare classes to make AA "fair"... but when racism was outright and in people's face...there was no distinction about who benefited from it.. whites at every level benefitted...and minorities at every level were discriminated against....NOTHING was fair to minorities

That's not even my viewpoint, I'm just clarifying what I think others were trying to say.

But I don't really agree with the point you're making. You're right- whites at every level benefitted, and black at every level were discriminatedagainst. The point of AA is toensure that everyone, regardless of skin color, is given EQUAL opportunity.

To give a privileged black applicant an advantage over an unprivileged white applicant, in most cases, does not accomplish this goal. Take college admissionsfor instance. Colleges want, first and foremost, an applicant with good grades, especially if these grades were earned at a school with reputable academics.They also want high standardized test scores, involvement in extracurricular activities, etc. It would be hard to imagine a circumstance where the formerapplicant would somehow have to venture a more challenging path to meet these criteria.

When income and other factors come into play, there is a lot of gray area in the world of affirmative action, and it would be foolish to act as though it isworking effectively and fairly in all cases.
Originally Posted by Essential1

I got into a discussion about this in American Politics we broke up into 5 groups of 6-10 kids, My discussion with another kid stopped the whole class and it became a 1 on 1 debate. Me being on the pro Affirmative Action side.

I really don't think some white people understand how easy they have it compared to some minorities (I am white).... Not to say white people don't struggle but certain things they don't have to deal with that other groups do. Things that effect everyday life.

People also don't realize for every unqualified Affirmative Action reception there is a white guy who doesn't deserve the job (so what is the explanation of that).

Many times blacks, Hispanics, Asians, woman etc. are still looked over for jobs with affirmative action and they are more qualified.

And then if you are a minority and you earned your spot you are an automatic affirmative action hire. (Obama, Sotomayor, the list goes on)

The racism and bigotry in this country is not dead at all.

While I do believe an economic status Affirmative Action is better and will cover more people, we cannot just abolish Affirmative Action completely.

And to sum it up as a White Male I have never felt hindered, cheated whatever by Affirmative Action. My resume speaks for itself. I don't get a job I don't get a job. I don't blame anyone else for it.

you lack the grasp on what Affirmative Action is and does. So does everyone else in this thread that looks at it from an all-encompassing point of view. Justbecause you have never been affected by it one way or another does not mean that it's irrelevant or even that it works, it just means you've never hada "tie" or been very close. There are plenty of white people who have been unquestionably cheated and plenty of white people who have been promotedover more qualified minorities before AA. But AA comes down to the person making the decision and the candidates for the position (be it school admissions,hiring or promotion...the most common instances). It is an extremely subjective and case-by-case issue with countless scenarios that can not and should not begoverned by a single or series of legislation.

For college admissions it might be easy to determine who is the better student by test scores and GPA but for a job who is to say? There are too many differenttypes of jobs with too many different intangible qualities that can be judged upon for anyone to definitively point out a case of racism or whatnot. What if ablack man with a better sales record etc etc, had a decent interview but the 'underqualified' white man nailed his interview? Is the hiring managerracist? The scenarios are literally endless.

Going by economic status is flawed for the same reason. The person's family has money so you automatically count them out?

If UTexas is only taking top 10% of high school classes they are doing themselves a disservice. I was outside the top 20% of my class but I had a 4.5 GPA. Ihappened to attend one of the country's best high schools and if I lived a few blocks over I would've gone to a different school where I could'vepossibly been top 1%.

Looking at history is flawed as well. A person's ancestor has very little to do with whether or not they are qualified for a job or school. Whether theywere slaves or slave owners 150 years ago does not make a difference in their performance. It's sad that it took until the 1960's to integrate schoolsand end racist legislation but if you feel that the country "owes you one" find another way, reparations or something.

I tend to look at it from an economic/capitalistic point of view (not economic status). The most qualified person should take the job because he or she willhave the best impact on the organization and it will lead to economic success. Racism does still exist, subtle or not, subconscious or not, but AA is basicallyan example of two wrongs don't make a right.

Also note that there is a very large contingency of black people who despise AA because of the resentment it causes.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sotomayor....

PAPER: Sotomayor once described herself as 'product of affirmative action'...

...admitted to two Ivy League schools despite scoring lower on standardized tests than many classmates, which she attributed to 'cultural biases... built into testing'... Developing...
What is this proving? She had the potential to be an Ivy League student even without affermative action. She was just honored more than others becuase she was a minority. The problem I have with ideologies like TBone has, is that people like Sotomayor and Obama etc. had to WORK for what they acheived, they had to do well in school and it paid off.

Oh please... what she said SAYS she did NOT have as good of grades as OTHER people genius.
And to say "work".... like the people with a 3.8 who are white didn't work harder then the minorities with a 3.3 who also got into a GOOD school

As far as Sotomayor and other appointed politicians, it's more of a political case than social. There might have been more 'qualified' individualsthat meet Obama's idea of the perfect SC Justice or maybe not, either way I don't think Obama was under any pressure to pick a minority, all I see isthe Hispanic voters looking at Obama as being friendly to Hispanics...count a few more votes for him.
Let me guess the majority of people in your class who disagree with AA weren't minorities.

Anyways I find it funny how so many people can disagree with it and argue until they get bent all out of shape about it but you never hear them or hardlyanyone get into detailed documented proof of how AA has effected them or their daily lives ,personally or indirectly.

Alot of the people who disagree with it aren't argueing because it effects them in some way but rather the whole idea of it is what angers alot ofthem,rightly so but like I said before to find someone who wasn't hired because of AA is slim,so even arguing the point of it all is a WASTE OF TIME.

White women have benefited from AA way more than any other group andwhy does AA even exist to begin with?you see no one who disagree's with AA never want to argue about these sides of spectrum,they always flock to theblack,Hispanic,poor and under qualified side to make a point of how unfair it is.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

People are quick to assume the people who do get in cuz of AA are unqualified.
Generally, those with AA are less qualified than the average person without AA.

That's just a fact. Which is why AA is in place.
talked about this in philosophy basically discussed,

why would one think they didn't get into a school because they just weren't good enough but instead because of affirmative action. They just have someidea of superiority, racism, built up inside with no proof. College applications take a variety of things into consideration including activities, and otherthings that aren't just numbers.

that said I'm not sure where I stand right now I know originally i was opposed to AA completely. Simply put I don't think someone should be rewardedwith less qualification just because of their ethnicity but I also understand it's benefits.

... I'm black if that matters
(miss those sigs)
...When did the "pursuit of happiness" become a guarantee of happiness...
First, A.Action does not GUARANTEE happiness. Affirmative Action is merely an opportunity--what one does with that opportunity is what willdetermine one's level of happiness or not.

Second, I find the phrase "pursuit of happiness" somewhat comical simply because, while certain populations may "pursue" as hard as theycan, the harsh reality is that, in the end, they will never achieve the level of success and respect appropriated to other populations. Furthermore, certainindividuals from certain populations will never have to "pursue" anything, let alone happiness, because they ARE the standard of happiness--notbecause they worked hard for it, but because the foundations of society unfairly caters to them. The term "pursuit" connotes "a chase";well guess what, the only people that are chasing the great majority of the time are those that are disadvantaged at start of the race. Take a wild guess whothese people will tend to be...

For the people that believe in AA are you trying to say that because of historical "shackles" that one cant compete even with those shackles removed? Are you really saying that limiting that group is a good thing? What is a level playing field? I don't care what color you are, every Race has the same opportunities to pursue, so like I said what is "leveling the playing field", because if you are saying that Blacks should be given a preference just because they are Black is wrong.

You're making the assumption that the "shackles" no longer exist--this was your first mistake. There is such as thing as "institutionalracism", besides cultural racism, which is but one manifestation of the continued shackles of slavery.

A.Action is not limiting any one-- especially when there are greater, institutionalized, hindrances already in place...

Yes, every race has the same opportunities to "pursue", but certain races will attain these "opportunities" faster than others not becausethey are innately more diligent, but because they look and share similar qualities with the "gate-keeper" to happiness. And because we live inWHITE-AMERICA, take a guess as to the race of the gate-keeper...

You are so quick to point out that blacks are being given preference but do you honestly realize that WHITES have been receiving preference for a very veryvery long time. To be honest, you cannot even prove, with certainty, that A.Action gives blacks preference. You cannot. I on the other hand, can cite you manymany examples of whites being given preference. Can you say segregated school systems, restaurants, drinking fountains, bathrooms, seats in buses---trust mebrah, you really don't want to bring white privilege into the discussion.

In the real world there isn't a "playing field", there never was. Individuals do not have equal intelligence, equal athletic ability, and so on, Why? Because everyone is different. So how can there be an equal "playing field" ever?

You're right, in America--there was never a "equal playing field" to begin with. Whites came and took the land from the Natives, brought inslaves from Africa to pillage and toil the land, and eventually marginalized Asians and those of Asian descent after the construction of railroads. So yes,you're right--there was never an equal playing field to begin with in America. Even if there was, it consisted of minority groups working on said field,while whites lounged in their sun-protected balconies leisurely.

But I definitely agree with you that there will never be an equal "playing field" in America. Because for that to happen, the group that isadvantaged and privileged would need to consent and willingly give up some of their privilege to make things equal. This, you and I both know, will neverhappen. Whites will never give up their privilege for the betterment of minority groups. It just won't happen. With that said, should "WE" are apeople give up hope and just let things be as they are.

Point blank, the Federal Gov't should not be able to dictate policies of admissions or hiring practices whether it be at a college, corporation, or anywhere else. If you own a business you should be able to hire who YOU want and who meets YOUR needs, not to satisfy a beurocrat. University's should be admitting students based on who is ready for college work instead of admitting people to be more "diverse".

Do you understand that people, as biological entities, will often associate with those that look just like them. This condition is merely an extension of the"flight or fight" dynamic. It's good in the wild, for survival, but it's very detrimental to the concept of "societal living"because it creates a divided society which is = biased and prejudiced society. Now imagine what would happen if the majority group in WHITE AMERICA, the verysame group that controls every seat of power and influence in the US, were allowed to "hire" only those people they wanted. The hiring process wouldessentially be the process of selecting only those people that look just like you as a natural response to the "flight or fight" dynamic. This is whythere needs to be an intervention from outside sources and factors--to disparage a situation like this.

But if you don't believe me, here's an example from a study conducted by ABC a few years ago. In this study, ABC rounded up a collection of individualswith the SAME qualifications. When I say the same, I mean IDENTICAL qualifications. The only difference between these individuals were their names. Thecollection was split into two groups, A and B. Group A individuals were given "white" names like Sally, Frank, Bob, Sam etc, and group B individualswere given "minority" names like Jose, Shaquanda, Tyshawn, Amerilis, Gomez (etc). The identical resumes of these individuals were then sent toprominent businesses that were hiring. The only information these businesses had on these individuals were their IDENTICAL qualifications and their diversenames. Take a wild guess as to which group, had individuals given the most interviews and subsequent offers for employment...Go ahead...take a guess...

Is there still Racism and prejudice in this country? Of course there is, but does AA fix the problem? No. People need to get off that "Cumbaya, everyone one has to like everyone, we all need to love everyone". It's unrealistic, that utopia doesn't exist and it will never will.

The great majority of A.Action supporters have stated that it's not perfect, but is that reason to abandon the system all together. I mean,name one system that is PERFECT in America...

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Otis Dont Play That wrote:

TBONE95860 wrote:

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sotomayor....

PAPER: Sotomayor once described herself as 'product of affirmative action'...

...admitted to two Ivy League schools despite scoring lower on standardized tests than many classmates, which she attributed to 'cultural biases...
built into testing'... Developing...
What is this proving? She had the potential to be an Ivy League student even without affermative action. She was just honored more than others
becuase she was a minority. The problem I have with ideologies like TBone has, is that people like Sotomayor and Obama etc. had to WORK for what they
acheived, they had to do well in school and it paid off.

Oh please... what she said SAYS she did NOT have as good of grades as OTHER people genius.

And to say "work".... like the people with a 3.8 who are white didn't work harder then the minorities with a 3.3 who also got into a GOOD school


But she did well at those schools. 2:30 to 3:45 watch and learn buddy

omg you take the L by posting a video by that guy. he's a complete idiot. all that video was, was one idiot calling another idiot an idiot.

but speaking of temperamental Latina's this one should've gotten the nod:

I've met her too she's a great person who can turn it on at the right moment
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

So if you are against AA you are a "racist"?

Affirmative Action basically says "You cant do it alone." and all it is quotas. There was a higher proportion of Blacks rising out of poverty between 1940-1960 (with no major federal civil rights legislation) than in the 1970's, when the first decade of AA came into play.

Thomas Sowell once said. (Who is a Black man)

Affirmative action is great for black millionaires but it has done little or nothing for most people in the ghetto.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sotomayor....

PAPER: Sotomayor once described herself as 'product of affirmative action'...

...admitted to two Ivy League schools despite scoring lower on standardized tests than many classmates, which she attributed to 'cultural biases... built into testing'... Developing...
What is this proving? She had the potential to be an Ivy League student even without affermative action. She was just honored more than others becuase she was a minority. The problem I have with ideologies like TBone has, is that people like Sotomayor and Obama etc. had to WORK for what they acheived, they had to do well in school and it paid off.
Oh please... what she said SAYS she did NOT have as good of grades as OTHER people genius.
And to say "work".... like the people with a 3.8 who are white didn't work harder then the minorities with a 3.3 who also got into a GOOD school


First, A.Action does not GUARANTEE happiness. Affirmative Action is merely an opportunity--what one does with that opportunity is what will determine one's level of happiness or not.

Second, I find the phrase "pursuit of happiness" somewhat comical simply because, while certain populations may "pursue" as hard as they can, the harsh reality is that, in the end, they will never achieve the level of success and respect appropriated to other populations. Furthermore, certain individuals from certain populations will never have to "pursue" anything, let alone happiness, because they ARE the standard of happiness--not because they worked hard for it, but because the foundations of society unfairly caters to them. The term "pursuit" connotes "a chase"; well guess what, the only people that are chasing the great majority of the time are those that are disadvantaged at start of the race. Take a wild guess who these people will tend to be...

They have opportunity without AA, they always did whether you see it or not.

How is it comical? You have the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You are guaranteed those 3 things granted by the Constitution. How do youknow they will never reach that level? How can you talk about other peoples "happiness", people are individuals, everyone has different potentials,not everyone can be a lawyer, doctor, or even go to college. I don't want to hear about people who are at a disadvantage, if anything Asians have had justas bad experience assimilating to America as Blacks. These people were gathered up and thrown in Concentration Camps because FDR thought every Asian lookingperson was a spy for Japan, over 60% of them were even American citizens, did they complain about it? No, they still sent there kids to fight for this country.With all the stereo-types after the war, you never hear these people claiming a "social injustice". Their culture is different, many of these Asianswere just as poor and oppressed coming from China or Japan and they did it.

Like I said before most Blacks got THEMSELVES out of poverty in the decades preceeding the Civil Rightys revolution, there has been too much politicalmisrepresentation by leaders and "friends" of Blacks. Why does the ending of AA have be a threat or portrayed as ending of their social or economicprogress when these policies have done close to nothing, on net balance to help Blacks in general or poor Blacks in particular? Black students in colleges anduniversities, those admitted under lower standards face a higher failure rate and those admitted under the same standards as other students graduate with theircredentials under a cloud of suspicion because of double standards for minority students in general.

You're making the assumption that the "shackles" no longer exist--this was your first mistake. There is such as thing as "institutional racism", besides cultural racism, which is but one manifestation of the continued shackles of slavery.

A.Action is not limiting any one-- especially when there are greater, institutionalized, hindrances already in place...

Yes, every race has the same opportunities to "pursue", but certain races will attain these "opportunities" faster than others not because they are innately more diligent, but because they look and share similar qualities with the "gate-keeper" to happiness. And because we live in WHITE-AMERICA, take a guess as to the race of the gate-keeper...

You are so quick to point out that blacks are being given preference but do you honestly realize that WHITES have been receiving preference for a very very very long time. To be honest, you cannot even prove, with certainty, that A.Action gives blacks preference. You cannot. I on the other hand, can cite you many many examples of whites being given preference. Can you say segregated school systems, restaurants, drinking fountains, bathrooms, seats in buses---trust me brah, you really don't want to bring white privilege into the discussion.

I don't care who it gave preference to, whether they were white, black, purple, or blue. If anyone was given preference, it was wrong. We live in a"White-America", really? I'm white, I live in Miami, and I'm the minority. 62% of my school is Hispanic and close to 20% is black. I'mnot rich, I've been working since I'm 14 and I never had a white boss, ever. The "White-America" is a tired argument.

Do you understand that people, as biological entities, will often associate with those that look just like them. This condition is merely an extension of the "flight or fight" dynamic. It's good in the wild, for survival, but it's very detrimental to the concept of "societal living" because it creates a divided society which is = biased and prejudiced society. Now imagine what would happen if the majority group in WHITE AMERICA, the very same group that controls every seat of power and influence in the US, were allowed to "hire" only those people they wanted. The hiring process would essentially be the process of selecting only those people that look just like you as a natural response to the "flight or fight" dynamic. This is why there needs to be an intervention from outside sources and factors--to disparage a situation like this.

But if you don't believe me, here's an example from a study conducted by ABC a few years ago. In this study, ABC rounded up a collection of individuals with the SAME qualifications. When I say the same, I mean IDENTICAL qualifications. The only difference between these individuals were their names. The collection was split into two groups, A and B. Group A individuals were given "white" names like Sally, Frank, Bob, Sam etc, and group B individuals were given "minority" names like Jose, Shaquanda, Tyshawn, Amerilis, Gomez (etc). The identical resumes of these individuals were then sent to prominent businesses that were hiring. The only information these businesses had on these individuals were their IDENTICAL qualifications and their diverse names. Take a wild guess as to which group, had individuals given the most interviews and subsequent offers for employment...Go ahead...take a guess...

The Federal Gov't telling people who to hire in private businesses is wrong and constitutionally its illegal. It is sad that people have prejudices, butforcing people to hire those people doesnt help the situation.

The great majority of A.Action supporters have stated that it's not perfect, but is that reason to abandon the system all together. I mean, name one system that is PERFECT in America...

Affirmative Action has been tried in India and Sri Lanka for some time, way longer than the United States and very seldom helping the poor. It has a trackrecord of being very polarizing with mob riots in India and civil war in Sri Lanka
First. AA benefits Women more than anyone.
at people bringing up the constitution in regards to being against AA
Third. AA was "given" to blacks in order to pacify "radical' blacks of the 60's and early 70's. It worked.
Fourth. Do you honestly believe that AA is unfair?...
you guys had 400 years to get your wealth. We have 30 and ya'll have had enough
I lovewhite people
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