I now know why people get addicted to pain killers/ Wisdom teeth advice...

I can take 1 perc and watch a movie and it's literally a good night. Can only do it once in a while though because tolerance to those things gets high quick.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

after taking percs for a year because i was actually prescribed them for pain i hate them.  i'd take 4 and barely feel it.  oh yeah, it's nice being able to drop a +!*! again. 
srs, when I was messing with pills, I'd go like a week without pooping
Yes, TMI, but that was all bad.

Anyways, I gotta get my wisdom teeth pulled soon
I have a huge dilemma, cuz I don't want to be prescribed any PKs, but I also hear the pain is excruciating without them. Plus, I think my opioid receptors are fried, so I don't even know if they'd be effective anyways.

wisdom teeth surgery was funny as hell.

first the oral surgeon tells me, "You won't remember a thing in about 15 seconds" then I wake up and I'm under this thick %%* blanket next to my former wrestling teammate from school. I was like,
You got yours out too??? Man it was funny. I didn't expect to see him there. I think I said hi to some other chick in the next bed too.

I got percocets too, so I had no pain whatsoever.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

after taking percs for a year because i was actually prescribed them for pain i hate them.  i'd take 4 and barely feel it.  oh yeah, it's nice being able to drop a +!*! again. 
srs, when I was messing with pills, I'd go like a week without pooping
Yes, TMI, but that was all bad.

Anyways, I gotta get my wisdom teeth pulled soon
I have a huge dilemma, cuz I don't want to be prescribed any PKs, but I also hear the pain is excruciating without them. Plus, I think my opioid receptors are fried, so I don't even know if they'd be effective anyways.

i never had my wisdom teeth pulled but i just had a surgery a while back.  basically my abs were split right down the middle just chilling and they had to stitch them back up.  my whole stomach was a hernia.

i was on morphine for a week in the hospital and that %*** hurt like hell.  to this day almost 8 months later it still feels like i did 4344 crunches the day before.  idk i just dealt with the pain. got my 300 percs and flipped them.
  i can see how they'd be fun to someone who rarely takes them. but once you're on them a long time you feel like garbage.
I know your thoughts OP. dont do it.

I have Access to hydrocodone (vic/perc) and its reall easy to fall into poppin one JUST CAUSE.

dont do it. YOU KNOW what will result if you become addicted so while in a still clear (non dependent) state of mind tell yourself not to do it.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

wisdom teeth surgery was funny as hell.

first the oral surgeon tells me, "You won't remember a thing in about 15 seconds" then I wake up and I'm under this thick %%* blanket next to my former wrestling teammate from school. I was like,
You got yours out too??? Man it was funny. I didn't expect to see him there. I think I said hi to some other chick in the next bed too.

I got percocets too, so I had no pain whatsoever.
Ya they told me to count down from 10 to 0, I was done after about 7
Yeh man I knew this girl that had surgery, and the doctor prescribed her a bunch of percs. She didn't like taking them, but I tried it....next thing u know I was crushing them and putting them in my jay....perc and loud Oh My God I was geeking for like 2 weeks.

Now this girl was not attractive at all, we worked together and she lived near me, so we wud smoke and chill every once in awhile, but after I got hooked on that perc, I would come over like everyday looking like the StoveTop commercials: "Hey whats up just stopping to say hi----hey u got any more percs?"

Long story short I had to get off it real quick after one nite I was on the couch in her house, I put it in a j and hit it a cpl times...the next thing I know its morning and Im laying in her bed....with her....NAKED.

So the moral of the story folks is don't do that stuff around no ugly chicks because they will take advantage of you.
Vicodin and Morphine Sulfate are the keys to a great evening(of pain relief). 
real life....

i broke my collar bone and had to get a metal plate put in... they gave me vicoden...

2 weeks later was my 21 1st bday... i popped one and drank a crap load... felt like i was walking on jello and could not feel my face or collar bone ( which was still in pain

1 of my boys popped 2 and his legs gave out... had to get carried out
(he drank a crap load too)

another one of my boys popped 2 and was so smacked (also drank alot...)

one of my other boys just sat there the whole night because he was so twisted and couldnt get off the couch...

another one of my boys fell asleep because of this alcohol vicoden mixture....
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21



No! Vicodin, yes. Tramadol though..That $+*% is baaaaddd. If you're still messing with tramadol, take 'er easy. Serious.
Last year when i got mine pulled I was on the laughing  and it felt like the procedure took 5 minutes. I asked my mom later on how long it took and she said a little over an hour 
. Seriously I still remember to this day the doctor telling me ok the first ones out, the second ones out, and the third and fourth. All 4 were boom boom boom boom right after the other within seconds, so i thought.
I had a dry socket so I was all over the percocet cause I was in so much pain. I know exactly what you mean OP with how people get addicted. I ran out too soon and begged my mom to get more but she wouldnt budge. Was probably for the better, havent taken any kind of pain killer since. 
just popped 3 percs myself, bout to watch indiana jones

i got tons of tramadol, scared to try it, is it like percs ?
the high you get from PKs is unmatchable by any other substance. i had a minor addiction a while ago when i was going through rough times. makes you feel completely numb to the world, and calms your nerves like no amount of green or alcohol can. to this day, they're still the first thing i reach for when my nerves just can't handle @%#$. i try not to keep alot of it near me for that reason.
Tramadol is similar to vicodin/percocet but it isn't an opiod. It essentialy gives you a similar feeling, but it's duller and a more inhibiting type high.

Very dangerous though. In relation to vicodin, which you can pop like skittles, if you do the same for tramadol...You dead. Probably from a seizure.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Tramadol is similar to vicodin/percocet but it isn't an opiod. It essentialy gives you a similar feeling, but it's duller and a more inhibiting type high.

Very dangerous though. In relation to vicodin, which you can pop like skittles, if you do the same for tramadol...You dead. Probably from a seizure.

dam, thx for the info , i'll stick to my percs ...
I stay away from those pills man Ive had too many friends get caught up in that +$*+
drank and weed is all u need
How in the hell did this thread start out as a "I now know why people get addicted..." vent and turned into a Pain Pill Appreciation thread
all you need is 30mg+ of any form of oxycodone daily for about 4 days to get hooked. roxys and percs
but its very hard to stop...i used xanax to get me through the withdrawals for the first week then just stopped altogether...its out of control with these pills out in Philly though my mans is from out there and he was telling me a few weeks ago after a visit down there that everyone and their mother is on something. if its not roxys or percs people are taking suboxone.
How in the hell did this thread start out as a "I now know why people get addicted..." vent and turned into a Pain Pill Appreciation thread

I don't care for your post...but I did stare at your avy for a good 2 minutes.
Name and source vid...

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Can you smoke after getting your wisdoms pulled?

The reason you must wait is that smoking can slow down the healing process in your mouth, and even cause serious complications. The smoke has chemical toxins that not only harm your lungs but also your surgery site. ... So just wait a while bro...i'm sure your body wont be mad 
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