I Thought Dolphins Were Smart? Why would they do this?

Bio Major*
1) Certain "Red Tides" or other injuries to the brain can eliminate or disrupt the dolphins sense of direction, so instead of staying away from shallow waters... they go towards it. That's why when marine animals become beached and are rescued, they go right back to the beach. It's sad, but it happens quite a lot 

2) Dolphins have developed a strategy where a large group surrounds and traps prey, and bolts forward to catch the prey in shallow water. Sometimes the Dolphins can go to far, and since they all follow one another, they all become beached.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

I'm almost certain that they were fishing.
It works by driving the fish prey/food toward the shore, which is OD shallow. There, the fish are trapped because they obviously cant swim on land, and neither can they turn back because the pod is behind them. At this point, the dolphins swim in and scoop up the trapped fishies, while still being bathed in a good amount of water so they can swim back to the sea and repeat the hunting technique.

It's a pretty ingenious fishing/hunting technique. I suspect that that was what was being attempted in the vid, but it failed because that was probably a young pod that had little experience executing an advanced level hunting technique, so they got stranded.


Came in to post this. I don't think it was a lack of experience tho. Everybody who has spent time in the ocean knows there are inconsistent drop-offs of sand. I think maybe the sand level/lack of current caught them off guard. The getting chased theory sounds crazy tho...
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