I was told you only get one shot at this thing called life, so it might as well be a swish.

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Enough moping around, whining about chicks, beasting over chicks, playing videogames etc. Get off your collective !%#%% youth of America and go sculp your reality how you see fit. Life is much too short and amazingly precious to waste it worrying about what the reactions are going to be to you being great or whether or not you are worthy of being great. Now I know that for most this thread will mean absolutely nothing and you will immediately go back to watching ESPN, playing COD, or cupcaking with some chick but for my champions, for my future movers and shakers this is a P.S.A from one of your very own. There is so much out here to eat it's disgusting. Men of flesh and blood are flying around your world in private jets and driving million dollar cars in house slippers. Ferrari is building a new hyper car that is to be purchased. Companies are preparing to offer space travel. Hotels are being built underwater for vacationing. Ferragamo is designing fly suits that have yet to be worn. Gotdamnit the black rhino just went extinct for christ sakes!!! The mothafunkin world aint ending next year so the excuse to sit on your %$! is null. We are the next in line for the stewardship of this planet! Let's be better than the generation before us and allow the next to be better than us. Where are the new Steve Jobs's, Richard Branson's,Howard Hughes's, Jerry Bruckheimer's. Steven Spielberg's, Bob Marley's and Michael Jordan's???!!!! GET UP AND TAKE WHAT YOU WANT KINGS AND QUEENS OF EARTH!!! LETS EAT!!! *GROWLS AND POUNDS THE ##*# OUT OF CHEST *
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is a good speech for people who need to get motivated but I kinda wish I had time for COD and women

dude you have time for 18K+ posts on NT, I'm sure you're able to make time for women?!
Just like how my mama told me a long time ago. If you really want to make moves, you don't need someone on a message board to tell you. Just do it.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Damn, this thread makes me want to quit my new job and get better one where I can be really happy and not just a clock puncher.

I actually did this a month ago

Spoiler [+]
Think REAL hard before you act.  I'm still looking for work

But this post did motivate me to dust off this drum machine I have sitting on my desk.  Bought it years ago but never got it hooked up


Sometimes thinking is not enough, you also gotta feel whats right. With that being said, I feel like I'm just another clock puncher but don't get me wrong I do my job to the fullest and I do it gradually well. I'm pretty well rounded in my field of work as a Machinist, and at this current job they got me stagnant in one particular job. I'm not complaining about my job. I just feel like I can really excel elsewhere and use my full potential; thus make me truly happy.  
I'm getting @#%% done but honestly idc about a lot of things on this Earth, material objects are nice to have and all but that isn't everything. I'm just in school trying to make sure I can smoke good and eat good.
It isn't about spending your life grinding to get the next aestetically pleasing thing out as long as I have the two things I mentioned and can provide for my seed when I am ready for that then I am living to my fullest potential imo.
yea that was nice and all but some of us have motivations to do other things than being "successful" by your teams and having posessions/material things...

ive found my partner i beleive and myself, at this point whatever i do to occupy my time on this Earth is whatever, it is nice to have nice things tho so i still grind, jus not as hard/more smartly than some others.
Like I said the message isn't for EVERYONE! Also I never said material objects are the end all for happiness but conquering your domain and following your passion unabashedly is one way to have fulfillment. A few people have stated that they don't know what they want yet and they are asking how to find out.......... that is a question only you can answer. Follow your heart and listen to that little voice inside of you. It never steers you wrong even if it leads you down an alley to heartbreak. The thing about life is you are born into a situation and with that situation comes a series of events and experiences. Your reaction to these events and experiences is a testament to your heart and character. You can look at the world as a helpless lamb that is powerless and just be another hapless number. Or you can be a Lion that roams his territory and dominates all that enter his domain. Understand when I say dominate I do not mean run over people, get over on people etc. You can dominate with confidence and humility all while being good at what you do. True regality stems from glorious graciousness and actions of gracefulness. Be graceful and sure-footed in your movements no matter how big or small. Your veins flow with the ancestry of Kings and Queens embodied with the spirit of the Gods. This planet is your domain and was born out of stardust for that very reason. This isn't an overnight process but a complete realignment of the very essence of thought. Think smart and act majestically. Again I state THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!!
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