If Summer '11 in N.Y. isn't AMAZING, I don't know what I'll do...

Originally Posted by bkmac

Summer In Cali 2011 provides

-every good looking female in sundresses/shorts w/ flip-flops, tanned skin, etc.
-cool summer nights to just sit back and relax on a beer or two,
-A successful Yankees summer,
-great music and movies,
-BBQs every given chance,
& - how could I forget, a great 20th birthday for me...

The winter before the last, there was a lot of snow during the winter time..It was followed by a summer that had rain once every 2-3 days..So I wouldn't get my hopes up...
You guys have seriously exhausted the cali > nyc / nyc < cali thing to death
Why do you care?
Furthermore, if you're from NY and you like Cali better, move, PLEASE, cuz you're just taking up space. Trust me no one will even notice you're gone.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

You guys have seriously exhausted the cali > nyc / nyc < cali thing to death
Why do you care?
Furthermore, if you're from NY and you like Cali better, move, PLEASE, cuz you're just taking up space. Trust me no one will even notice you're gone.

word...Method Man needs to put a ban on it like he did with the kitchen jokes...*%!! ain't even funny
Originally Posted by kilojules64

You guys have seriously exhausted the cali > nyc / nyc < cali thing to death
Why do you care?
Furthermore, if you're from NY and you like Cali better, move, PLEASE, cuz you're just taking up space. Trust me no one will even notice you're gone.

Youre obviously new around here.
We finna give you a pass this time but dont let this happen again.

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by kilojules64

You guys have seriously exhausted the cali > nyc / nyc < cali thing to death
Why do you care?
Furthermore, if you're from NY and you like Cali better, move, PLEASE, cuz you're just taking up space. Trust me no one will even notice you're gone.

word...Method Man needs to put a ban on it like he did with the kitchen jokes...*%!! ain't even funny


As for your intentions...

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Ya'll need to man up and stop crying.

im sayen its 75 in SoCal and im not crying about us not having a winter

I 4get that its winter season sometimes   

SoCal > NYC

Well, later guys. Time to go hit up the beach      

Originally Posted by SoleFood24

Ahhhh Westwood California 73 degrees sunny 
Word, here on campus it is beautiful. Hard to even believe people are struggling somewhere in the world with cold.

Son for real did you just move here? I think some of yall NYCers have been spoiled from the lack of a lot of snow over the past 5 years. I'm mad at the amount of snow and frequency but the summer don't owe you anything. It's what you make of it.
It happens on every forum I belong to. It's a tired debate, Cali will always win on paper, people who love NY will go on loving it. C'est fini.
More snow expect Tuesday and Wednesday of next week 

For the record, I've never used as many smilies on NT as I have solely in this thread.
Being woken up earlier than you have to for school FTL . My mother wakes me up half an hour ago to tell me to clean off my car because it snowed.

With freezing rain due the next two days, I think I have all the right to complain about this winter.
at this point i'm ready to murder anything associated with winter . i'm throwing rocks at penguins, polar bears and seals in the bronx zoo.

i'm sticking m-80's in snowmen.

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