If you could write a letter to your 15 year-old self...

Dear 15 year old me,

learn to love school, you're going to miss it when you graduate
continue to pursue music, make sure you look for colleges as well
Dear 15 year old me,

learn to love school, you're going to miss it when you graduate
continue to pursue music, make sure you look for colleges as well
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Dear 15 year old self,

It gets better.
thats so sad... 

Old Navy is producing 'it gets better' t-shirts to support the "it gets better" project for gays

edit: you may not have meant it in a bad/sad way & i wasn't trying to say you were gay either

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Dear 15 year old self,

It gets better.
thats so sad... 

Old Navy is producing 'it gets better' t-shirts to support the "it gets better" project for gays

edit: you may not have meant it in a bad/sad way & i wasn't trying to say you were gay either

"Dear 15 year old Noskey,

Lets get this out of the way right now: Kill yourself.

Lulz jk dont do that. Not that you were going to anyways. But for real, keep playing soccer. The pain's worth it and you're gonna miss the hell out of this game when you graduate. Get your balls up and dont miss this chance, ask out ______, she'll say yes. I promise. Focus on grades when you get to college, you dont want to be 21 and at a CC. Trust me. Dont worry about a job, here's the lotto numbers for the month after you turn 18 (insert #s). With that, buy a lot of gold and get ready to buy a lot of real estate. Trust me. Keep the money secret or you'll suddenly have a lot of leechers in friend masks. Also, dont turn your back on your actual friends for any reason. When you're 21 they'll be all you have outside of family. Speaking of, talk to grandpa more and learn about his life, it's a lot more interesting than you'd imagine, and he wont be here much longer.

21 year old Noskey

PS. Please make sure you find R___ M___ before she has a bf, and smash that. Smash the %#%% out of that ;hat"
"Dear 15 year old Noskey,

Lets get this out of the way right now: Kill yourself.

Lulz jk dont do that. Not that you were going to anyways. But for real, keep playing soccer. The pain's worth it and you're gonna miss the hell out of this game when you graduate. Get your balls up and dont miss this chance, ask out ______, she'll say yes. I promise. Focus on grades when you get to college, you dont want to be 21 and at a CC. Trust me. Dont worry about a job, here's the lotto numbers for the month after you turn 18 (insert #s). With that, buy a lot of gold and get ready to buy a lot of real estate. Trust me. Keep the money secret or you'll suddenly have a lot of leechers in friend masks. Also, dont turn your back on your actual friends for any reason. When you're 21 they'll be all you have outside of family. Speaking of, talk to grandpa more and learn about his life, it's a lot more interesting than you'd imagine, and he wont be here much longer.

21 year old Noskey

PS. Please make sure you find R___ M___ before she has a bf, and smash that. Smash the %#%% out of that ;hat"
-Go find a Boxing gym so you don't start as late as I did.
-Learn to love school and math.
-Go find a Boxing gym so you don't start as late as I did.
-Learn to love school and math.
Dear 15 year old self,

Do not attend such an expensive college.
Put your life savings into Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) you won't be sorry.

thank is all

your 23 year old counter-part
Dear 15 year old self,

Do not attend such an expensive college.
Put your life savings into Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) you won't be sorry.

thank is all

your 23 year old counter-part
-stay in the gym and dont become lazy after high school just cuz coach t and yellin at you anymore
-keep running track, and go away to school (CC sucks)
-yeah so forget krista and dhayanna they're not worth it in the long run
-cherish your time in high school, cuz you really never get that same feeling back homie
-dont be so caught up in the latest trends tryin to be fresh, just be you...but stop wearing those tall t's lol
-stay in the gym and dont become lazy after high school just cuz coach t and yellin at you anymore
-keep running track, and go away to school (CC sucks)
-yeah so forget krista and dhayanna they're not worth it in the long run
-cherish your time in high school, cuz you really never get that same feeling back homie
-dont be so caught up in the latest trends tryin to be fresh, just be you...but stop wearing those tall t's lol
I'd like to tell myself when I was 15 what my actual major I wanted was, so I didn't have to take classes that won't count towards my major
17 23 10 33 42 and 17 use those numbers for the power ball on the specific date I enclosed.
17 23 10 33 42 and 17 use those numbers for the power ball on the specific date I enclosed.
I'd like to tell myself when I was 15 what my actual major I wanted was, so I didn't have to take classes that won't count towards my major
stay in shape
be a computer engineer major
never sign up for facebook or myspace
start saving money
stop buying shoes
keep playing basketball
read more
put ore effort in school
dont date that boy
be more social
go to an inexpensive college or a jc first
spend more time with family
stay in shape
be a computer engineer major
never sign up for facebook or myspace
start saving money
stop buying shoes
keep playing basketball
read more
put ore effort in school
dont date that boy
be more social
go to an inexpensive college or a jc first
spend more time with family
Tell IMH how u really feel
When the professor asks u to join the research team DO IT IN 2007 not 2009
when she calls and tells u that her boyfriend beat her up.....go back to sleep

Be more agressive
the entry exam for that company is NOT MATH BASED

your little brother will get sicker and sicker be prepared

many family members will die soon......if I act now u might can save one

When walkin to the store go right not left
15 year old C Money, they'll come at you trying to distract you but here's what you do:
-Say no to shoes, you don't need to get every pair and it won't do anything for you later on
-Those females you wanted but didn't say anything to because you were too quiet and shy...damn that. Who gives a %%%@ later on? You shouldn't
-Work harder at tennis, you could be very good but PRACTICE dumb %%*
-Work out more, get in better shape. No reason for you to eat sloppily without working out the way you did when you had a cast, that adds up
-Waves>fro or braids. You won't think it at the time but trust, it's paid dividends
-Take advantage of knowing your college plan, don't get lazy with that and coast
-Learn to tell people how you feel, express yourself more. This goes deeper than the females, just do it in life period.
-You'll meet various females in college that you want and they'll be around. Your first thoughts...GO WITH THEM, don't come up with this elusive plan B that you'll wanna do.
-In fact, stop over-thinking %%%@ period lil %*%#+, you're too smart for your own good. Realize that dumb %%*, that first thought is probably a good one don't you think? You're smart for a reason
-While we're talking about females in college, you'll meet a girl named Heather your first day on campus...smash and think NOTHING ELSE...there's nothing that'll develop...don't think it...even if she seems perfect and you think it's a lie TRUST

Overall you do pretty well, make those changes though and you'll be money for life.
Tell IMH how u really feel
When the professor asks u to join the research team DO IT IN 2007 not 2009
when she calls and tells u that her boyfriend beat her up.....go back to sleep

Be more agressive
the entry exam for that company is NOT MATH BASED

your little brother will get sicker and sicker be prepared

many family members will die soon......if I act now u might can save one

When walkin to the store go right not left
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