If you intend to represent NikeTalk - please represent the values and integrity we stand for. Perso


They know what the deal is.....

You're ruthless CD, hahahah!

Meth, understood.
We should flat out just stop making threads about that place. No more discussions period about that site.
Word. Ignore it and let it die on its own. Theyre reveling in the attention and ad revenue that we're giving them right now.
We should flat out just stop making threads about that place. No more discussions period about that site.


Only reason I kept going back was to recruit the old members that were lost, Now that my account is banned from Yuku I have no plan of going back.
It was irresponsible for people doing that research to think they could get away with just blind provocation though. You don't just do that without asking for something to happen to you. 
That's no excuse.  Sanjay is responsible for his behavior, but each of us is responsible for how WE choose to respond.  
a little too late. you shoulda let us know earlier.

but i guess late is better than never.
I have.  In several posts I've urged users not to post anything dishonorable to niketalk.yuku.com / "SneakerTalk."  I've asked everyone to wait until such time as we could prepare an appropriate, constructive, and measured response that would allow us to clarify all of the misinformation and confusion about NikeTalk's so-called "name change" and would allow you to respectfully express your desire to have content you intended to post on NikeTalk removed from "SneakerTalk."  

I'm disappointed that some people felt they couldn't wait and chose to take matters into their own hands in a manner that, frankly, is embarrassing to our community. 
Smh at Meth's new name. Damn shame 
This isn't really the time.
What they did in making "Sneakertalk" is disgraceful. Still doesn't mean we can act like 4chan. Lol.

I'd like to see what Meth/NT has up their sleeve for this "proper" way of channeling your voice.

Meth has spoken. Everyone comply.
I have.  In several posts I've urged users not to post anything dishonorable to niketalk.yuku.com / "SneakerTalk."  I've asked everyone to wait until such time as we could prepare an appropriate, constructive, and measured response that would allow us to clarify all of the misinformation and confusion about NikeTalk's so-called "name change" and would allow you to respectfully express your desire to have content you intended to post on NikeTalk removed from "SneakerTalk."  
I did this respectfully, and he erased my post and banned me.
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They know what the deal is.....
It was irresponsible for people doing that research to think they could get away with just blind provocation though. You don't just do that without asking for something to happen to you. 
That's no excuse.  Sanjay is responsible for his behavior, but each of us is responsible for how WE choose to respond.  
Thats not what I was saying. I'm agreeing with you.

I think that (while providing some laughs) we went overboard thinking that posting family information like that was acceptable. 
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"Those who know don't speak....those who speak don't know"

Move forward. ST will die on it's own and implode. I've been sharing that sentiment for the last 24 hrs and will continue to do so. Don't let your emotions lead to poor lapses in judgement and reactions.

Keep it positive and moving forward.
Thats not what I was saying. I'm agreeing with you. I think that (while providing some laughs) we went overboard thinking that posting family information like that was acceptable.
Understood.  I thought perhaps you were trying to explain why users felt justified, as though it was foolish to assume that brazenly unethical conduct wouldn't carry consequences.  Above all else, I wanted to make clear that we don't agree with "an eye for an eye" vigilante "justice," which is a notion that, unfortunately, too many on the Internet subscribe to.  

There is strength in numbers, yes, but there is even greater strength in virtue.  

That's the sort of response I envisioned and anything less than that, I think, should be considered beneath us.  

At the end of the day, these are still fellow human beings and they deserve to be treated with civility.  We all value our privacy online and, for that reason, we should be the first to defend their right to privacy - not violate it.  
Keep it positive and moving forward.
Excellent advice for all of us.  

I would like nothing more than the opportunity to resolve this situation amicably - and it's partly for this reason that we've held off on asking our members to take any action whatsoever other than simply helping those lost find their way to our true address via Twitter, etc.  

I've tried to reach out to people at CrowdGather, including Sanjay, via email over the past two days and they have thus far ignored my attempts.

The best possible outcome in all of this would be for us to resolve our differences as friends.  Unlikely?  Perhaps, but that should remain our aspiration all the same.  I hope to hear back from Sanjay soon and put this ugly matter behind us.
I did this respectfully, and he erased my post and banned me.
Sadly, that's perfectly in line with what we've come to expect.  I'm pleased that you chose to be respectful.  

I can't promise that they'll see reason and respect our desire to point the domain name we own to whatever location we see fit and manage our yuku community in accordance with our wishes.  I can only promise that we're going to do our best to reach a mutually agreeable resolution, and one that honors YOUR wishes regarding the location of YOUR content.  

There are many forums on Yuku that have chosen to relocate to superior platforms.  Take http://instyleshoes.yuku.com/  for example.  In their header, they have a link to an EXTERNAL website, instylesshoes.com. The horror.  If you look, there's even a message from the community owner recruiting users to the board he created on a different forum platform and hosted through his domain address:  http://instyleshoes.yuku.com/topic/738#.UAm0krRn6Vo

And yet, for reasons that should be obvious to all, our Yuku forums have been seized and rebranded.  

It's easy to see where the truth in all of this lies.   

Really, what the a small minority of our members involved in these threats have done is akin to being a fan of the 1992 Dream Team and trying to frighten, intimidate, or harass members of the opposing squad.  

If you truly support us, have faith in us.  Have faith that, together, we can make this right in WAY that's right.  
lost my account.. ill post on sole collector since they won't delete my account on me
Understood Meth.

They deleted me once I made the post to let people know that we moved.

Once it got like 40 views, I got the email from Yuku. Did not name call or act like a jerk. Thanks for everything again Meth.
The sad part is that Meth had to create this thread to remind everyone of what not to do. :smh:

NTers should know better. Once you started attacking the other site, you were no greater than the person who hijacked NT in the first place. Especially going as far as posting personal info about the guy and his family. That is a privacy death sentence for anyone on the internet.

Like the internet always say, "It's serious business."

NTers need to stay calm and realize the there will the right time and place to voice your displeasure. But right now, just be patient.
lost my account.. ill post on sole collector since they won't delete my account on me

Check the other threads floating around, I believe a few admins/mods are taking username and email address requests in hopes of restoring those or they are researching the issue. It has only been 48 hrs+....I think after a week or two things might settle down some and things will fall back in to place. I wouldn't give up so easily....have some faith.

Encourage fellow members to stay informed and direct them to where they need to go to get the correct information. A lot of people are misguided and out of the loop about what has/is going down. There are a few good threads with a lot of information. Knowledge is power.

Have a good weekend you guys. Peace.
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